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(1) n. 诅咒祈天惩罚,伤害或毁灭某物或人) be under a ~ 因被诅咒而受灾祸 Our tribe is under a curse. 我们的部族正遭天谴。

curse n. & v. (1) n. 诅咒祈天惩罚,伤害或毁灭某物或人) be under a ~ 因被诅咒而受灾祸 Our tribe is under a curse. 我们的部族正遭天谴。 lay a curse upon sb. 诅咒人 (2) v. 诅咒 , 咒骂. 他咒骂那个偷他皮夹的人。. He cursed the man who had stolen his wallet. Howard Carter is one of the most famous explorers …. explorer.

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(1) n. 诅咒祈天惩罚,伤害或毁灭某物或人) be under a ~ 因被诅咒而受灾祸 Our tribe is under a curse. 我们的部族正遭天谴。

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  1. curse n. & v. (1) n. 诅咒祈天惩罚,伤害或毁灭某物或人) be under a ~因被诅咒而受灾祸 Our tribe is under a curse. 我们的部族正遭天谴。 lay a curse upon sb. 诅咒人 (2) v. 诅咒,咒骂 他咒骂那个偷他皮夹的人。 He cursed the man who had stolen his wallet.

  2. Howard Carter is one of the most famous explorers… explorer n. 探索者; 勘探者; 探测器 an Arctic explorer北极探险家 explore exploration v. 勘探,考察; 探索, 探究 n. 勘探,考察 他们勘查了黄河以北的所有地区. They explored the land to the north of the Yellow River. 我们必须探讨解决这个问题的所有可能性。 We must explore all the possibilities for the solution of the problem.

  3. bravery adventure brave adventurous He was bright and curious about … P 5 bright curious

  4. bright 闪光的;明亮的;发光的 The sun was very bright. 鲜艳的 bright red 生气勃勃的;愉快的 She gave me a bright smile. 聪明的;伶俐的 A bright child learns quickly. 乐观的;前途光明的 You young kids have a bright future ahead of you!

  5. (1) 好奇的;有求知欲的 curious adj. be curious about sth. 对(某事物)感到好奇 be curious to (do) sth. 很想(做); 渴望(做) 对你周围的世界感到新奇是件好事。 It is good to be curious about the world around you. 我极想知道他说了些什么。 I’m curious to know what he said. (2)好管闲事的 爱管闲事的邻居 curious neighbors curiosity n. 好奇(心);珍品 He is full of curiosity. 他充满了好奇心。 curiously adv.

  6. In 1891, at the age of 17 , he_____________ Alexandria, Egypt. (travel to somewhere by boat) set sail for set sail for sp. 启程去某地 一大早, 轮船起航去非洲. Early in the morning, the ship set sail for Africa. Columbus________________________ in 1492. Zheng He ______________________________ _____________________. set sail _____Barcelona____ India for from set sail___ the west seven times _______ 1405 and 1433. for between

  7. By the 1920s, he had become an explorer, searching for… by后接过去时间状语要与过去完成时连用 by 到…时候 1.等到医生到的时候,这位妇女已经生下了孩子. 2.到现在为止,迈克在新学校里已经交了一些朋友了. 3.到本月底,我们肯定已找到了这个问题的解决办法. By the time the doctor arrived, the woman had given birth. Mike has made some friends in his new school by now. By the end of this month, we will surely have found a satisfactory solution to the problem.

  8. By the time Jane gets home, her aunt __ • for London to attend a meeting. • will leave B. leaves • C. will have left D. left (05天津) √ • He _____ the work by ten o'clock • this morning. • will finish B. finished • C. finished D. had finished √ By the time you get there, it will be dark. I have to go back by ten o’clock. Will you please finish the work by Friday?

  9. …and the preserved bodies of dead kings. These preserved bodies are known as mummies. preserve 保持,维持,保护,保存 Policemen preserve order in the streets. We must preserve our natural resources. preserve one’s eyesight a well-preserved old man

  10. 腌制,防止腐烂 Fish are preserved in ice and salt until they are sold. preserved fruit/eggs

  11. preserve n. 野生动物保护区 preservation n. 保存,储藏,保护 The old house was in a good state of preservation. The preservation of peace/one’s health preserve No hunting is allowed in the ________. 野生动物保护区

  12. The tomb contained more riches, gold and jewels than any of us had ever seen before, as well as the mummy of the king. (P42) 这个陵墓含有的财物,黄金和珠宝比我们任何人先前所见过的都要多,还有国王图坦卡蒙本人的木乃伊。 as well as和,也,不仅…而且… The children are adventurous as well as bright. The children are bright, and adventurous as well.

  13. 他除了给我忠告外,还给我钱。 He gave me money as well as advice. He gave me advice, and money as well. As well as advice, he also gave me money Besides /Plus /In addition to / Apart from advice, ……

  14. as well as 除…以外还…; 和…一样也… The teacher, as well as the students, wishes for a holiday. Not only…but also… Not only the teacher but also the students wish for a holiday. with, along with, together with, rather than, besides, but, except, like, including 看课课练 P 55 N. 4 (2)

  15. We emptied the tomb of everything it contained. 我们将陵墓中的东西给洗劫一空了。 1) vt. 弄空, 饮干, 搬[腾, 倒]空 empty a glass 干杯, 喝干 empty a house 搬空房屋 警察叫他把口袋里的东西都掏出来. The police made him empty his pockets of everything. empty……of……

  16. right away right off right now at once immediately shortly fall ill fall asleep

  17. Upon entering the tomb, Carter’s lucky pet bird,…. L 24 Upon=On (doing sth/sth); =when doing When he arrived at the platform, he found the train had just started. Upon/On arriving at the platform… Upon / On his arrival at the platform… She was full of joy when she saw her son take his first step.

  18. Lord Carnavon, who was also present present adj. 出席的,在场的 be present at / be absent from All the students present at the meeting are from class 5. the present government/ tense vt. /pri’zent/ 赠与,交给,呈递 present the village with a new library present a new library to the village

  19. at present 此刻,现在 . I’m afraid I can’t help you just at present---I’m too busy. This book was a present from my brother. When Mr. Brown left the firm, the director presented a gold watch to him. present one’s report

  20. fall ill with a fever and died in Egypt. (L 27) with 表示 “因为, 由于” turn red with anger jump with joy shake with cold 气得脸通红 高兴得跳起来 冷得发抖

  21. the lights went out in Cairo ... (L 28) go out 熄灭,停止运转 Put more wood on the fire, otherwise it will go out. One of the plane’s engines went out. 过时,不流行 Short skirts went out some time ago.

  22. , also died shortly after the discovery. L 34 shortly after /soon after …之后不久 The temple was rebuilt shortly after the war. The workers who had built the tomb were killed shortly after the king had died. P 105 shortly adv. 不久 He will be back shortly. I will let you know my decision shortly.

  23. Some people say the deaths were just coincidence. 有人说所有那些死亡只是巧合。 coincidencen. 巧合,碰巧, 巧合的事 What a coincidence! 多么巧合啊! It’s a coincidence that… ‥‥是巧合(偶然) by coincidence= by chance 碰巧, 由于巧合

  24. disturb v. 打扰,扰乱 disturb the early morning 打破清晨的宁静 disturb the minds of the people 扰乱人心 弄乱文件 disturb the papers 扰乱平静 disturb the peace 请勿打扰。 Do not disturb. 她打乱了他出国的全部计划。 She has disturbed his plans for going abroad. 微风拂动水面。 A light wind disturbed the surface of the water.

  25. If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death. =If the viruses are breathed in • You are dead if you are caught cheating in exams. If caughtcheatinginexams 2. If it is possible, will you evade school on Saturday. Ifpossible He will come if (he is )asked. The illness will result in total blindness if (it is) left untreated. If (it is) taken correctly, the medicine should work.

  26. result in: 引起,导致…;以…为结局 The driver’s carelessness resulted in the accident. =The driver’s carelessness led to ….. =The driver’s carelessness caused….. = The accident resulted from the driver’s carelessness. (=was due to) result from =be caused by 产生于…,由…引起 The quarrel resulted ______ his wife leaving the home. in His failure resulted _____not working hard enough. from

  27. 1 _____is certain, though, is that the mystery of Tutankhamun’s tomb has never been fully explained. A. As B. What C. It Who √ It 2 ____ is certain, though, that the mystery of Tutankhamun’s tomb has never been fully explained. 3 ____ is certain, though, the mystery of Tutankhamun’s tomb has never been fully explained. As

  28. All my years of training as an explorer have finally paid off. P 45 (1) 使人得益,有报偿 His patience and hard work finally paid off with a gold medal. 他的耐心和刻苦最终使他赢得了金牌。 (2) 还清 Soon after he left school, he paid off all his debt. 他毕业后不久便还清了所有的债务。

  29. 1.He has been searching for the tombs of Egyptian kings, and found several important _______. A. one B. ones C. those D. that 2.I prefer a flat in Beijing to ____in Nanjing, because I want to live near my mom. 3.I prefer the weather in BJ to____in NJ. A. one B. that C. it D. this A B

  30. A B • 1.Jackie Chen is known _____us for films. • 2. Nanjing is famous _____a capital city of • Jiangsu Province. • 3. Nanjing is well-known_____its salty • ducks. • A. to B. as C. by D. for D

  31. hearing breathed • 1. Upon_________ (hear)the news, she stood up and ran away. • 2. If __________(breathe) in they can result in illness. • 3. When _____(do) homework, you must be careful. • 4. When _______(ask) by the reporter, she felt very unhappy. • 5. On _____________(catch) by the police, the thief regretted having stolen the jewels in the shop. doing asked being caught

  32. 1.By the time Jane gets home tomorrow, her aunt _____for London. • A. will leave B. leaves • C. will have left D. left • 2.By the time we got to the bus station, the bus_______. • A. left B. had left C. will leave D. have left

  33. ----Will you go to Hainan during the Spring Festival? ---- I’m sorry, by then I ______task, and I ______ my wife in NJ. • will finish; will meet B. will have finished; will be meeting C. is to finish; will meet D. will finish; will be meeting.

  34. 考点6 result in, result from resulted from • 他的失败事由于他的粗心。 His failure _________his carelessness. His carelessness __________his failure. • This is a serious illness that can result _____total blindness ______left untreated. A. from; after B. in; if C. from; since D. in; unless resulted in

  35. 考点7 present • 1. All the people _____the meeting were surprised to hear the news. A. present at B. at present C. were present at D. presented

  36. 考点8 die of/die from/ die for • 1.The little girl is _______the lovely pet dog and want to get one. A. dying of B. dying from C. dying for D. dying away

  37. 考点9 • 1.Nowdays, the rich ____richer and richer, and the poor _____poorer and poorer. A. are , is B. are, are C. is, is D. is , are • 2. The professor, as well as his students often _____football on the playground. A. play B. plays C. is playing D. are playing

  38. 考点10 • -----It’s ______that all the people invited will come before nine. -----Don’t be so _____. A. certain; certainly. B. certain; sure C. sure; sure D. sure; certain.

  39. 考点11 • His patience and hard work finally _________with a gold medal. A. paid back B. paid off C. paid for D. paid to

  40. Generally speaking, ______according to the instructions, the drug has no side effect. • while taking • after taking • although taken • when taken

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