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Building Your K-12 Career Development Program Linked to Your Chapter 339 Plan. Presenters: Michael D.Thompson & Betty Holmboe Independent Counselor Consultants - PDE March 26th, 2013. Sponsored by Tech Link.
Building Your K-12 Career Development ProgramLinked to Your Chapter 339 Plan Presenters: Michael D.Thompson & Betty Holmboe Independent Counselor Consultants - PDE March 26th, 2013 Sponsored by Tech Link
Handouts and Resources for the 3/26/13 WebinarAccessed at the Techlink website at:www.techlinkpa.com Webinar Powerpoint Section 1: Career Development Theory, Holland Assessment and Holland Hexagon Section 2: How and Why to Connect to the Community; 8 Keys to Employability; Organizing Career Resources; Advisory Council Guidelines; Building the Structure,Approach,Passion;The Education and Community Connection; What Employers Want; Employability Certificate;8 Tips for Talking to Business Section 3: Career Education and Work Standards; I Statements; CEW 101Series; Gap Analysis Tools Section 4: Must Haves of Career Development Section 5: Career and Technical Education Resources Section 6: Data Explanation and Examples
How Did You Come to Be Involved With the PDE Counselor Trainings for Chapter 339?
Our Roles • Mike Thompson- Counselor background in K-12 program development in the career domain with a focus on the Career Pathway Model. “The K-12 Counseling Program and the development of the Chapter 339 Plan.” • Betty Holmboe- Executive Director experience with The Capital Region Partnership for Career Development. Linking business/community stakeholders to the K-12 counseling program to aid in the innovative integration of the CEW standards to enhance program sustainability.
Trainings • Working with teams of K-12 counselors in all regions of the state to assist them with the development of their comprehensive guidance program in three domains: Academic, Career and Personal/Social • Chapter 339 has become the impetus for school counselors to organize their delivery for students linked to the Pa.Companion Guide, statewide version of the American School Counseling Model for K-12 counseling programs. • The focus of Chapter 339 has centered in the career domain for developing a transition plan for “ALL” students.
State Standards and Mandates Chapter 339 mandates a comprehensive and integrated PreK-12 guidance plan “There shall be a written plan on file, approved by the local board of school directors, for the development and implementation of a comprehensive, sequential program of guidance services for kindergarten through 12th grade. The plan must include procedures to provide for guidance services to AVTS’s. Upon request, the plan shall be submitted to the Pennsylvania Secretary of Education.” Chapter 12 mandates a comprehensive program of student services “Each school entity shall prepare a written student services plan, including a school counseling component, based on the needs of its students and consistent with the district’s strategic plan requirements outlined in Chapter 4. The Academic Standards for Career Education and Work “Address the importance of career planning for all students related to labor market projections and workforce needs”. Four strands are addressed in these standards: Career Awareness and Planning- (Discovery Self Career Acquisition- (Getting a Job) Career Retention- (Keeping a Job) Entrepreneurship- (Creating a Job)
Session Agenda Presenter Background Information Questions will be answered after each section Section 1: What is Career Development? Why is it Important to have a K-12 Program? Section 2: Engaging All Stakeholders to Build and Sustain the K-12 Program Section 3: The “Must Haves” of K-12 Career Development Section 4: The Career Education and Work Standards and Integrating them into the Curriculum. Section 5: Understanding the Importance and Value of Career and Technical Education. Section 6: Understanding how to use data to show measurable impact on all students and to establish program goals for sustainability and growth.
Section 1:What is Career Development and Why is it Important to Build a Comprehensive K-12 System?
Career Development Definitionand Rationale • Career Development is a “continuous lifelong process of developmental experiences that focuses on seeking, obtaining and processing information about self, occupational and educational alternatives, life styles and role options” (Hansen, 1976). Put another way, career development is the process through which people come to understand themselves as they relate to the world of work and their role in it. • The Career Development process is where an individual fashions a work identity. In America, we are what we do, thus it becomes a person’s identity. It is imperative when educating our young people that our school systems assist and consider the significance of this responsibility for our youth and their future. The influences on and outcomes of career development are one aspect of socialization as part of a broader process of human development.
Pathways to Prosperity: Meeting the Challenge of Preparing Young Americans for the 21st Century February 2, 2011 Harvard Graduate School of Education Dr. William Symonds
The Workforce Issue The Forgotten Half in the United States • 30% of United States people between 18-25 do not have a high school diploma. • 20% of United States people between 18-25 “only” graduate from high school
3 Solutions to the Problem from the Pathways Report • Better Partnerships Between Business and Education-(Making Classroom Learning Relevant) • Comprehensive and Developmental K-16 Career Counseling (Everybody’s Business) • Government Contract With Youth to Make Postsecondary Education More Attainable
Unskilled jobs are disappearing; demand for high skills is rising
The Post-Secondary Issue Did you know most students who graduate from college are between $20,000 and $27,000 in debt? That is the equivalent of a car payment every month but without the car. Debt load for students in the US has increased by 300% since 2001.
PA ranks 5th in the nation for sending HS students to college. PA ranks 45th in the nation for graduating the same HS students similar for 2008 from college. .
100 Ninth Graders 30 Graduate Work Bound30 Drop Out 40 enter 4-year college 20 graduate from 4-year college (5.5 year average) 10 graduates are underemployed 10 graduates receive high skill/high wage employment in major Dr. Ken Gray, “Other Ways to Win”
Pre-Recession 2006-2007 Males $33,150 Did Internship $34,000 Worked in area related to major $34,510 Paid Salary $35,500 First Job very/somewhat related to degree $35,000 Unfulfilled Expectations: Recent College Graduates Struggle in a Troubled EconomybyJessica Godofsky, M.P.P.Cliff Zukin, Ph.D.Carl Van Horn, Ph.D.May 2011 Recession 2009-2010 Females $28,000 No Internship $28,000 Did not work in area related to their major $28,000 Paid hourly $25,000 First Job not at all related to the degree $25,000 Factors Impacting College Graduates Salaries
Parents Still Supporting Adult ChildrenUnfulfilled Expectations:Recent College Graduates Struggling in a Troubled Economy
What Students Would Have Done Differently to be Successful in Today’s Labor Market
#10. Meteorology #9. Medical Technology Technician #8. Agricultural Economics #7. Teacher Education: Multiple Levels #6. Astronomy and Astrophysics #5. Geological and Geophysical Engineering #4. School Student Counseling #3. Educational Administration/Supervision #2. Pharmacology #1. Actuarial Science Huffington Post-Nov. 2011
#10.Political Science and Government #9. Communications #8. Economics #7. English Language #6. Education #5. Biology/Biological Sciences #4. Nursing #3. Psychology #2. Business Administration #1 Undeclared/Undecided (1 in 8 students) Princeton Review-2012
Section 2:Why is it Important to Engage all Stakeholders in the K-12 Career Development Program?
Interconnection- The 3 D’s Students Prepared and Fulfilled Workforce Strong, Competitive, Innovative Economically Healthy Communities, New Opportunities
Key Stakeholders Needed to Impact Academic and Career Maturity of All Students and to Design a K-12 School Counseling Program Parents Business/ Community Post-Secondary Students Educators/ Administrators
Rationale for Connecting • The Big Picture of 3D’s- Career, Workforce and Economic Development. • To address the Career Education and Work Standards requires an outside/inside approach. You must go outside of the walls of the school to effectively develop relevance for students. • Students need to know their opportunities and their major influencers:Parent and Teachers, need to know these opportunities as well. It is everybody’s business! • The power of connecting leads to bigger and better opportunities and resources for students. • Creates an innovative and entrepreneurial spirit for researching new ideas. • Allows others to help counselor and educators with the delivery for their curriculum, including a student delivery approach. • Lead to the development of an effective district counselor advisory council to help the program set goals, measure impact and set new goals with new ideas for the goal of making a difference in students lives. All 5 stakeholder groups are engaged in this council.
The Advisory Council Link between the school counseling program and the various groups to be served. The council serves in a leadership role to support the mission and goals of the school counseling program.Representatives of the council should reflect the diversity of the school/community and should include members from the following stakeholder groups: Parents; Educators; Students; Business/Community; Post-Secondary • 10-15 members; 2-3 from each stakeholder group. • Meetings at least 2 times per year. • Develop a strategy on who to invite. • Give potential members a choice and invite no less than two months out. • Counselors should communicate the role of the council to potential members. • Organize meetings with a goal driven agenda. • Present yearly goals and objectives of the program to the Council • Present data that addresses program effectiveness and analyze data to plan for program improvement, content and delivery.
How to Connect • Locate Your Champions! • Network, Network, Network! • Be an Investigator! Read and Listen! • Think Innovatively! • Use a Range of Resources and Share With Others! • Get Out of Your Comfort Zone! • Create Your Own Ideas on How to Connect!
An Effective Connecting Approach 1.Highlight your job and commitment to connecting students to community 2. Be clear about why you contacted them...the mission. 3. Show enthusiasm and appreciation. 4. Be specific with your needs and flexible with the planning. 5. Highlight the benefit to you, the students...and them (win-win).
Section 3:What are the Basic “Must Haves” of K-12 Career Development?
Donald Super Theory of Self-Concept “Career Maturity” is developed by experiencing age appropriate interventions and is defined as being able to do specific vocational tasks and make effective career decisions at the appropriate age or stage Reference: www.vocopher.org
Stages of Career Development Linked to the CEW Standards Stage, Age and Grade Fantasy- Birth-10 years old (Grades K-4) Awareness Interest- 11-12 years old (Grades 5-6) Awareness/Exploration Capacity- 13-14 years old (Grades 7-8) Exploration Tentative-15-17 years old (Grades 9-11) Planning Crystallization- 18-21 years old (Graduation) Students will be able to “crystallize” a vocational preference upon graduation from high school instead of their mid 20’s! *Donald Super
Key Concepts of an Effective K-12 Career Development Program • Think with the an “end in mind” strategy for ALLstudents, to prepare everyone for college and career readiness • Base your program interventions and structure around on solid research and a working understanding of career development theory • Engage and educate all stakeholders on the power and importance of integrated K-12 career development for “ALL” students • Build the K-12 curriculum around the integration and evaluation of the impact of the Pa. Career Education and Work Standards on students for college and career readiness
Specific “Must Haves” for Your Program • Elementary-Awareness (K-5) Lighting the spark in all children! Provide experiences for student develop an understanding of self linked to work and resources outside of their family. (By 5th grade ALL students should be exposed to the CTC and post-secondary options-CEW standards) • Middle School- Exploration (6-8)Continue exploring the spark in all children! Build on earlier awareness activities to explore more specifically interest and abilities that have developed. (By 8th grade ALL students should have begun their own career portfolio and individualized academic and career plan-CEW standards) • High School- Planning (9-12) Crystallizing the Spark with a plan by 12th grade! Continue to use the development interventions to build a transition plan for post secondary and career (By 12th grade ALL students will be able to crystallize a vocational preference and strategy linked to their own plan-a primary goal of the CEW Standards)
Some Promising Practices for Improving and Sustaining Your K-12 Program Elementary-Awareness • Provide professional development to staff on why elementary career development awareness is crucial. Locate champions in the school to build programs and curriculum. • Link career development to existing character education initiatives. • Engage parent and business partners through a career café approach. • Use entrepreneurs to build the 4th strand of the CEW standards. • Create a building level event around career development. • Field trips to the CTC, a variety of post-secondary institutions. • Research toolkits on the www.pacareerstandards.com web site • Research lesson plans on the www.pdesas.org system • Research commercial products to determine what is best for your system. (CC Spark, Paws in Jobland, Rick Trow Productions)
Some Promising Practices for Improving and Sustaining Your K-12 Program Middle School-Exploration • Provide professional development to staff on why middle school career development awareness is crucial. • Get students out and bring people in…..hard to explore solely inside the four walls of the classroom. • Get business partners and targeted industries to support. • Locate champions in the middle school to build programs and curriculum. • Use the academic teaming process to address the career development needs of middle school children. • Field Trips and “mini” shadows, advisory and career oriented mentoring, career panels, field trips, Six Fridays • Stand alone career development course or part of specials • Begin the the career portfolio and academic and career plan(8th) • www.pacareerzone.com, COIN Products, Career Cruising, XAP,Bridges Naviance.
Some Promising Practices for Improving and Sustaining Your K-12 Program High School-Planning • Continue providing professional development to staff on why high school career development planning is crucial. Career based graduation projects using the portfolio • Stand alone career development courses • Creating a Career Pathway or Academies Model for high school curriculum • Advisory/Mentoring programs using teachers and business partners to assist with the career development program • Career Panels, Informational Interviews, Shadowing, Internships • Mock interviewing, resume workshops delivered by business partners • Exit interview and a written career plan for all seniors • Use computer based programs to deliver program: Career Cruising, Education Planner, Bridges(XAP), Naviance
Section 4:Why are Integration of the CEW Standards so Critical in Developing College and Career Ready Students?
Students Need to Know…. Who they are…(Aware) Where they want to go…(Explore) And understand the process of…(Plan) how they are going to get there! Career Education and Work Standards (CEW) are the key to making this happen
History and Framework of the CEW Standards Passed into Law- September 2006 ( Originated in 1996) Introduced by the Business Community to enhance workforce/economic development Four Strands Awareness and Planning Career Retention Career Acquisition Entrepreneurship Four Benchmarked Grade Bands K-3 6-8 4-5 9-12
Strategies for Curriculum Integration of the Career Education and Work Standards Using a comprehensive K-12 counseling career development delivery system Rewriting curriculum with a gap analysis and mapping tools Engaging all stakeholders with a team approach Developing portfolios for all students (“I” Statement format) Developing a system of K-12 events collaborating with business partners and intermediary organizations
Resources for Integration of the CEW Standards • Gap Analysis Tool- Determine what is currently being taught in the K-12 Curriculum. • CEW 101 Series- Key Topics and Activities provide sample translation of the standards linked to big ideas and interventions. • “I” Statements-outcome statements written in the first person to show what students will be able to do as a result of the teaching of the standards.
Why Were The “I” Statements Developed? Needed a manageable way to assist educators with the curriculum integration process of the standards. Needed a useful mechanism to include types of materials for a career portfolio (requirement in the CEW standards from grades 8-12). To assist school districts with a gap analysis tool to develop a more comprehensive K-12 career development program. To use as a transition tool for special education students
Comparative “I“ Statements I Statement K-3: I can name five (5) different jobs in my community. 4-5: I can list five (5) different types of career training programs. 6-8: I have researched 3 different types of career training programs and their related employment possibilities 9-12 I understand postsecondary education and certification programs and the degrees awarded in those programs • CEW Standard (Career Awareness Item D) • K-3: Identify the range of jobs available in the community. • 4-5: Describe the range of career training programs in the community such as, but not limited to: • Two-and-four year colleges • Career and technical education programs at centers (formerly AVTS) & HS • Career Links, Local Industry Training Centers • Community/recreation centers • Faith-based organizations • Military • Registered apprenticeship • Vocational rehabilitation centers • Web-based training • 6-8: Explain the relationship of career training programs to employment opportunities. • 9-12: Analyze the relationship between career choices and career preparation opportunities, such as, but not limited to: • Associate Degree • Baccalaureate Degree • Certificate/Licensure • Entrepreneurship • Industry Training • Military Training • Registered Apprenticeship