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Hamlet (1600). It is set in Denmark There were earlier versions of Hamlet , as a revenge story, in the Middle Ages . There was also a Renaissance play with the same name , probably written by Thomas Kyd .
Hamlet (1600) • Itis set in Denmark • TherewereearlierversionsofHamlet, as a revenge story, in the Middle Ages. Therewasalso a Renaissance play with the samename, probablywrittenby Thomas Kyd. • Shakespeare improves the story: itbecomesmore than a tragedyofrevenge: itis a tragedyofwill. In fact, hedoesn’t take revengeimmediately. He’s full ofdoubts and hesitations (IsClaudiusreallyguilty? Washisfather’s ghostreal or wasit just the productofhisimagination?). Thesethoughtskillhisaction.
Importantthemes in the monologue: • The first linesof the monologue (“tobe or nottobe”, lines 1-5) can beinterpreted in twoways and presenttwoimportantthemes: life vs death(or stoicattitude vs suicide): isitbetterto go on living (and suffering) or tocommit suicide and put an end tooursuffering? action vs inaction:isitbettertoremainindifferent and leavethingsasthey are or tofullyrealizeone’s potential and take importantdecisions? • Wechoose life becausewe are afraidofdeath. The fearofwhatthereisafterdeathisanobstacletoaction. (Monologue: lines 9-13:“Todie, tosleep. Tosleep, perchancetodream. Ay, there’s the rub….”. “…theundiscoveredcountry…..puzzles the will….” lines 23-33) • Consciousnessmakesusafraidto take action and thinkingtoomuchmakeusunabletoact (lines 29-33 explain, through a metaphor, howthoughtkillsaction)
Otherimportantthemes in Hamlet • Honour:anyactiontocorrect a wrong shouldbereasoned, notemotional (manyactionstakenimpulsivelybyHamlet cause greattroubletoother people: Polonius, Ophelia) • Appearance vs reality: a themeconnectedto the senseofdoubt and ambiguitytypicalof the 16th century, when the certaintiesof the pastweredisproved or modified. • The powerof the theatre: “the play within the play”, a mere fiction, shows the truth. • Madness vs sanity: Hamletpretendstobemadtocarry out hisplans more easily (“there’s reason in hismadness”, Poloniussaysaftertalkingtohim). • Hamletas the first modernhero:likeHamlet, modern man istormentedby a lackofreligious or moralcertainties (whichtakeshimtoinaction) and byaninabilitytocommunicate. • HamletasanexampleofOedipuscomplex(psychoanaliticalreading): heloveshismother and isjealousofhisstep-fatherClaudius.