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Primary Source Info. for Works Cited Page

Format. On a sheet of notebook paper, put a full headingCopy the following information EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS (punctuation marks, indents, spaces, etc.)Copy only the information for your chosen source/topic. Works Cited Entries for Literary Sources copy ONLY the information for your chosen source/t

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Primary Source Info. for Works Cited Page

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    1. Primary Source Info. for Works Cited Page English IV

    2. Format On a sheet of notebook paper, put a full heading Copy the following information EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS (punctuation marks, indents, spaces, etc.) Copy only the information for your chosen source/topic

    3. Works Cited Entries for Literary Sources copy ONLY the information for your chosen source/topic!!! Beowulf. Trans. Burton Raffel. Prentice Hall Literature: The BritishTradition. New Jersey: Pearson, Inc., 2011. 40-64. Print. Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales. Prentice Hall Literature: The BritishTradition. New Jersey: Pearson, Inc., 2011. 97-150. Print. Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York: The Berkley Publishing Group, 1954. Print.

    4. Beowulf. Trans. Burton Raffel. Prentice Hall Literature: The BritishTradition. New Jersey: Pearson, Inc., 2011. 40-64. Print. Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales. Prentice Hall Literature: The BritishTradition. New Jersey: Pearson, Inc., 2011. 97-150. Print. Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1932. Print. Orwell, George. 1984. New York: Penguin Publishing Group, 1949. Print. Works Cited Entries for Literary Sources copy ONLY the information for your chosen source/topic!!!

    5. Now for quotes� Using the literature book or your chosen novel, locate and COPY at least THREE relevant quotes that support your chosen topic: -Example: ��You�re always scared. Yah�Fatty!�� (Golding 45). --this quote shows Jack�s intimidation of Piggy, proving he is a bully.

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