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NAHUAL status: A CONCEPT FOR A HIGH RESOLUTION IR SPECTROGRAPH F OR A 10-M SEGMENTED TELESCOPE (GTC). Perryman 1992. Motivation: To extend the parameter space of planet searches (ages, masses, rotation). Very low-mass primaries (Martin et al. 2006, Blake et al. 2007,
NAHUAL status: A CONCEPT FOR A HIGH RESOLUTION IR SPECTROGRAPH FOR A 10-M SEGMENTED TELESCOPE (GTC) Perryman 1992 Motivation: To extend the parameter space of planet searches (ages, masses, rotation). Very low-mass primaries (Martin et al. 2006, Blake et al. 2007, Zapatero Osorio et al. 2007, 2009) T Tauri stars (Huélamo et al. 2008), Young MS stars, Red giants
Team • Eduardo Martín (PI)(CAB, UCF) • Eike Guenther (co-PI), Artie Hatzes, Sylvio Klose (TLS) • Carlos del Burgo (co-PI), Tully Peacoke (DIAS) • Antonio Amorim, André Moitinho, J. Lima (Lisboa) • Víctor S. Béjar, Enric Pallé, Florian Rodler, Luisa Valdivielso, Manuel Amate, Javier Fuentes, Darío Sosa (IAC) • Pedro Esparza (U La Laguna), Carlos Alvarez (GTC) • Jose Antonio Caballero, David Montes (UCM) • Maria Rosa Zapatero Osorio, David Barrado (CAB) • Carlo Baffa, Sofía Randich (Arcetri) • Humberto Campins, Michele Montgomery, Rohit Deshpande, Ramarao Tata, Robert Peale (U Central Florida)
Science cases • RV searches for habitable exoplanets in cool stars (late-M, L) • Follow-up of exoplanet candidates in the IR • Magnetic activity in cool stars and brown dwarfs • Rotation in cool stars and brown dwarfs • Astroseismology • Chemical abundances in stars and solar system objects • Very low-mass binaries • Very young binaries • BD companions of WDs (including CVs) • Stellar populations in the Milky Way and other galaxies • Black holes in AGNs • Gamma ray bursts
Community interest • 7 workshops held so far (La Gomera, Segovia, Jena, Cádiz, Miami, Fuerteventura, Sintra) • About 80 different participants in those workshops • Seed for instrument proposed for Calar Alto 3.5-m (CARMENES) • Need for high-precision RV capabilities mentioned in Exoplanet Task Force and Blue Dots reports. • Funding collected since 2005: • 600 Keuros from MEC • 200 Keuros from Tautenburg • 100 Keuros from IAC • 40 Keuros from Lisbon
Observing mode discrepancy NAHUAL team: Single object. High stability (no moving parts). R=60,000. Wav. Range=0.9—1.8 microns. FOV=3 arcsec. GTC: Multi-object capability. R=20,000. Range=0.95—2.45 microns. FOV≈10 arcmin.
Location GTC floating basement. Fiber-fed through folded Cass G. About 40 meters of fibers (98% transmission in Y,J,H, but only about 30% for K-band). AO Nasmyth platform (stringent constraints on space and weight). Coudé room (longer fibers). Folded cass (supported by GTC).
Nahual project web page http://www.iac.es/proyecto/nahual GTC TELESCOPE NAHUAL Martín et al. 2005, AN
FOLDER MIRROR Intermediate focal plane ECHELLE GRATING CRYOSTAT ENTRANCE Off axis parabola CALIBRATION GAS CELL Off-axis parabola CROSS DISPERSION UNIT FOCAL PLANE WHEEL. -ADC -IMAGE SLICER -SLIT APERTURES Detector CAMERA (Three Mirrors+ Corrector) Optical design U. Laux, E. Sánchez Blanco,S. Gennari, T. Peacocke
Wide wavelength coverage J H K
2330mm 1200mm Conceptual mechanical design
High stability cryostat Collaboration between Arcetri, IAC and Lisbon
Prisms of ZnSe Ohara GmbH 150.00 ±1.0 mm 50.00 ±1.0 mm 40.000 euros
Mid-resolution gas cell spectra Collaboration with R. Peale (UCF)
NIR RV Planet Search Space Figure by R. Tata
NAHUAL SENSITIVITY e = 0.3 i = 30o Primary dM5 Mass 0.2 Msol 1 Earth 3 m/s ((3 sigma) in 300 s for K=9 and D = 10 m. 10 Earths
Summary • NAHUAL could be working at GTC in 2013 as visitor instrument, or as mid and high-resolution near-infrared spectrograph common-user @ GTC in 2016. Status TBD until mid-2010 …. • 5 years of experience and 1 million euros of development investment as of 2009. • NAHUAL experience is applicable to other telescopes, such as CARMENES @ Calar Alto.