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Effective Pricing ; Developer’ Perspective. BANGKITKAN ENERGI NEGERI. PGE Working Areas (WKP) & Installed Capacity. PT PERTAMINA GEOTHERMAL ENERGY (PT PGE). Total Working Areas = 14 ( Ref . Ministerial Decree MEMR No 2067K/30/MEM/2012 Total PGE Installed Capacity = 402 MW

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  1. Effective Pricing ; Developer’ Perspective BANGKITKAN ENERGI NEGERI

  2. PGE Working Areas (WKP) & Installed Capacity


  4. Total Working Areas = 14 (Ref. Ministerial Decree MEMR No 2067K/30/MEM/2012 Total PGE Installed Capacity = 402 MW Total Indonesia Installed Capacity = 1337 MW • STATUS : 2014 • Kotamobagu • (@=… MWe) • Lahendong - Tompaso • (@= 80 MWe) • Sibayak - Sinabung • (@ = 12 MWe) • MALUKU • JOC Sarulla – Sibual-buali • (@=… MWe) • KALIMANTAN • SUMATERA • SULAWESI • Sungai Penuh • (@=… MWe) INDONESIA • Iyang Argopuro • (@= … MWe) • Hululais – Tambang Sawah • (@= … MWe) • JOC Tabanan- Bali • (@= … MWe) • Lumut Balai - Margabayur • (@= … MWe) • Ulubelu - Waypanas • (@= 110 MWe) • JOC Cibeureum - Salak • (@= 377 MWe) • Legend : • Karaha - Talaga Bodas • (@= … MWe) Production Exploration / Exploitation • JOC Wayang Windu • (@= 227 MWe) JOC : Joint Operating Contract • @ : Installed Capacity • JOC Darajat • (@= 271 MWe) • Kamojang • (@ = 200 MWe)

  5. PGE Aims To Achieve ~2.3 GW Of Capacity With Its Existing Assets , Planned Projects And New Developments Total installed and future capacity, MW • Capacity, • MW • Project Type • Planned projects • Ulubelu Units 3&4 • 110 Total Project Total Project • 110 • Lumut Balai Units 1&2 • Lumut Balai Units 3&4 • 110 Total Project • 40 • Lahendong Units 5&6 Total Project • 1210 • 30 • Karaha Unit 1 Total Project Total Project • Kamojang Unit 5 • 35 Steam Supplay • Hululais Units 1&2 • 110 Steam Supplay • Sungai Penuh Units 1&2 • 110 655 • Capacity, • MW • Existing assets • Lahendong Units 1-41 • 80 • 200 • Kamojang Units 1-41 • 12 • Sibayak1 • Ulubelu Units 1&21 • 110 • Current • Planned projects • New developments • Total

  6. Key Barriers to Geothermal Development in Indonesia Higher capital expenditure compared with other power generation technologies Cost of USD 35-50 Mn for preliminary studiesincluding exploration wells to prove the reserves without any external financing Development and exploration costs are solely borne by geothermal company and are not reimbursed by government unlike the practice in oil & gas industry Implementation of MEMR Decree on Feed In Tariff requires further negotiation with PLN as a single buyer Most of the geothermal reserves are located in forests area (protected, conservation/national park etc) and geothermal activities are not allowed to carry out in forest conservation areas Overlapping jurisdictions increases lead time and complexity as local authorities often block the projects approved by the central government Tariff agreement with Buyer often comes back for the renegotiation, hence no guarantee on the price High upfront capital requirement Description pricing Economics All these together mean that under the current environment, geothermal development projects are potentially high risk, especially for smaller operators Environ-ment Regulatory

  7. Geothermal Strategy of Pricing • PT PLN PGE GROWTH • ~ 2,3 GW • In (2025) • UU No.27 of 2003 • PP No.59 of 2007 • PP No. 70 of 2010 • Ministerial Decree MEMR No.2067 K/30/MEM 2012 • Regulation of MEMR 32/2009 • Regulation of MEMR 2/2011 • Regulation of MEMR 22/2012 • “Re-Negotiation”

  8. Our Expectacy


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