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Click It 2 Stick It!. Effective Use of Audience Response Systems in Library Instruction. presented by Cathy Palmer, Head of Education and Outreach, University of California, Irvine. What are we going to learn today?.
Click It 2 Stick It! Effective Use of Audience Response Systems in Library Instruction presented by Cathy Palmer, Head of Education and Outreach, University of California, Irvine LOEX Annual Conference
What are we going to learn today? • How/why UC Irvine librarians incorporated an ARS into an existing lesson plan • Did the use of an ARS impact student learning? • Suggested Best Practices for use of an ARS LOEX Annual Conference
Let’s get warmed up. • Turn the clickers on. It’s the bottom button. • To vote, press the letter that indicates the response you wish to make. • The green light will flash briefly when your vote registers. • The receiver will only count your vote once. • And you can’t change your mind after you select a response! LOEX Annual Conference
Have you ever used an ARS before? A=Yes B=No LOEX Annual Conference
How have you used an ARS? A=I’ve used an ARS while teaching a class. B=I’ve seen an ARS used for teaching. C=I’ve used an ARS to run a meeting or as part of a presentation, either as the facilitator or as a participant. D=I’ve heard about an ARS, but never used one. E=ARS? What’s an ARS? LOEX Annual Conference
What do you want to hear about first today? A=How/why UC Irvine librarians incorporated an ARS into an existing lesson plan. B=Did the use of an ARS impact student learning? C=What are the best practices for using an ARS? LOEX Annual Conference
Why did we decide to experiment with the use of an ARS? Opportunity to refresh the content of a standard session Opportunity to incorporate an new active learning technique Technology was in use in other classes on campus Desire to improve student learning May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 7
Benefits of ARS Use Provide immediate feedback Focus student attention Identify and correct gaps in understanding or knowledge Enhance student engagement Highly rated by students May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 8
How we used the ARS in W39C As an icebreaker May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 9
Rate your library research skills. A. I'm an expert user of libraries. B. I can usually find what I need without too much trouble. C. I wouldn't mind some help using the library. D. I don't feel very confident about my ability to use the library. E. I'm completely clueless about how to use library resources and services. May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 10
How we used the ARS in W39C As an icebreaker To provide an overview of the session content May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 11
What are you most interested in learning today? A. I want to know how to get help. B. I want to learn how to find scholarly articles on my topic. C. I want a general overview of the library’s services and resources. D. I'd like to know how to find books. E. I want to understand how library research can help me chose a topic. May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 12
How we used the ARS in W39C As an icebreaker To provide and overview of the session content As a way to test the ability to apply the content covered in the session May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 13
Who knows their databases? Time to Play Spring, 2008 Botany of Desire 14
A. Academic Search Complete B. Worldwide Political Science Abstracts C. Thomas D. United States Papers E. ANTPAC Author:Jory Clockey and Henry HammerTitle: Sustainable environmentsPublisher: San Luis Video Publishing and Group Four Teleproductions, 2004Summary: This video defines sustainability and then explores how sustainable systems, or loops, work in the natural world. Uses real life examples to illustrate how sustainability can be applied to agriculture, landscapes, and life-styles. Spring, 2008 Botany of Desire 15
Author: Goodell, JeffTitle: “The Ethanol Scam"Source: The Rolling Stone, August 9, 2007Abstract: The author asserts that politicians are high on turning corn into fuel — but ethanol not only hurts the environment, it's also one of America's biggest political boondoggles. A. Academic Search Complete B. Worldwide Political Science Abstracts C. Thomas D. United States Papers E. ANTPAC Spring, 2008 Botany of Desire 16
A. Academic Search Complete B. Worldwide Political Science Abstracts C. Thomas D. United States Papers E. ANTPAC Authors: Lieberman, Sarah and Tim GrayTitle: “The So-Called ‘Moratorium’ on the Licensing of New Genetically Modified (GM) Products by the European Union 1998-2004: A Study in Ambiguity"Source: Environmental Politics 15.4 (2006):592-609.Abstract: The authors offer three different interpretations of the European Union’s moratorium on approval of new licenses for genetically modified food. Spring, 2008 Botany of Desire 17
Impact of an ARS on Student Learning Outcome Did our use of an ARS in a library session taught for a freshman writing class have an impact on student learning outcomes? May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 18
Research Methodology Compare the results of student performance on the standard library session evaluation “quiz” between classes where clickers were used and classes where clickers weren’t used. May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 19
What was necessary to make this work? Access to student performance data Articulated and agreed upon student learning outcomes for the research skills session Use of the clickers to reinforce concepts covered in the evaluation May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 20
Student Learning Objective for W39C Library Research Skills Session Students will understand that they have a variety of information resources available to them and that each resource has strengths and weaknesses. They will be challenged to answer the question "Why use this resource rather than that resource?" May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 21
Can you predict the outcome? May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 22
In the classes that used clickers, A. Student performance improved dramatically on all questions. B. Student performance improved on most questions. C. Student performance was the same between the classes that used them and the classes that didn’t. D. Student performance declined on most questions. E. Student performance declined dramatically on all questions. May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 23
May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 24
63% 75% 83% 75% 68% May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 25
May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 26
May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 27
What students told us about using the clickers during the presentation LOEX Annual Conference 28
What did the students like? What parts of the presentation helped you the most? Clickers focused my attention clicking through the cite [sic] with her clickers helped the class participate, without having to speak out loud. the iclicker thing. it ensured that i understood which sources to use in different situations. LOEX Annual Conference 29
What didn’t they like? What parts of the presentation helped you the least? 27 responses mentioned the clickers Nothing helped me the least, but if I had to pick, I’d say the clickers The last 15 minutes wasn't as useful since we all dissolved to do our own thing LOEX Annual Conference 30
My Personal Favorite The clickers actually made me feel stupid because I kept getting the answers that were different than what other students got. LOEX Annual Conference 31
Best Practices Write good questions Use the ARS as a means to illustrate and reinforce the key learning outcomes Use the technology as a means to an end, not an end in itself Consider and take into account how the use of an ARS will change the dynamic and timing of the session May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 32
Suggested Uses of an ARS in Instruction As an icebreaker Build the class agenda—what do you want to learn about first? Polling, especially for difficult or controversial issues Test factual recall Test conceptual understanding Test knowledge application May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 33
And the Best Best Practice Practice! Practice! Practice! And then Practice some more! May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 34
Next Steps, Future Plans • Look more closely at the data • Student satisfaction was lower in classes that used clickers even though their performance on the evaluation was higher • Develop questions that require higher level thinking • Implement a Peer-to-Peer learning activity into the research skills session May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 35
If I had an ARS, I would A. Start using it the day I got back to my library! B. Use it for a couple of classes maybe. C. Watch other people use them a few more times. D. Form a task force and consider all options. E. Never use one! Not in this lifetime! May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 36
Questions? Reactions? Discussion May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 37
Cathy Palmer cpalmer@uci.edu May 3, 2008 LOEX Annual Conference 38