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A breakdown of expenditure by programme and economic classification for Quarter 2 of 2011/12, including budgets, actual spending, and reasons for over/underspending.
EXPENDITURE QUARTER 2: PER PROGRAMME PROGRAMMES BUDGET JULY AUG SEPT QUARTER 2 % R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 SPENT Administration 1 329 982 98 810 176 592 98 351 373 753 28.1% Agricultural Production, Health and Food Safety 934 247 134 219 30 893 40 809 205 921 22.0% Food Security and Agrarian Reform 1 253 940 218 481 14 196 19 238 251 915 20.1% Trade Promotion and Market Access 205 398 11 629 8 978 12 895 33 502 16.3% Forestry 895 350 68 765 49 186 54 079 172 030 19.2% Fisheries 345 532 57 757 11 740 15 033 84 530 24.5% TOTAL 4 964 449 589 661 291 585 240 405 1 121 651 22.6%
EXPENDITURE QUARTER 2:PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION ECONOMIC BUDGET JULY AUG SEPT QUARTER 2 % CLASSIFICATION R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 SPENT Compensation of employees 1 310 006 100 893 100 945 126 646 328 484 25.1% Goods and services 791 519 52 147 58 491 47 139 157 777 19.9% Interest and rent on land 1 865 85 42 47 174 9.3% Total transfers and subsidies 2 785 324 435 140 129 680 62 817 627 637 22.5% Payments for capital assets 75 735 1 396 2 427 3 756 7 579 10.0% TOTAL 4 964 449 589 661 291 585 240 405 1 121 651 22.6%
Reasons for over/underspending against 25% target Programme 1 Double payment is made to the ARC in April 2011. Programme 2 Unforeseeable and unavoidable expenditure in respect of the combating of animal diseases provided for in the AENE to be expensed after promulgation of the AENE. Programme 3 Quarter 2 payment for conditional grants to provinces are paid at 20% of the appropriated amount. Programme 4 Rolled over funds for Farmer Register Project provided for in the AENE to be expensed after promulgation of the AENE. Programme 5 Funds in respect of the Prevention and Mitigation of Disaster Risks and Agricultural Disaster Management Grant provided for in the AENE to be expensed after promulgation of the AENE.
EXPENDITURE QUARTERS 1 AND 2: PER PROGRAMME PROGRAMMES BUDGET Q 1 % Q 2 % Q1+Q2 % R’000 R’000 SPENT R’000 SPENT R’000 SPENT Administration 1 329 982 380 744 28.6% 373 753 28.1% 754 497 56.7% Agricultural Production, Health And Food Safety 934 247 181 193 19.4% 205 921 22.0% 387 114 41.4% Food Security and Agrarian Reform 1 253 940 154 468 12.3% 251 915 20.1% 406 383 32.4% Trade Promotion and Market Access 205 398 57 764 28.1% 33 502 16.3% 91 266 44.4% Forestry 895 350 133 892 15,0% 172 030 19,2% 305 922 34,2% Fisheries 345 532 89 328 25.9% 84 530 24.5% 173 858 50.3% TOTAL 4 964 449 997 389 20.1% 1 121 651 22.6% 2 119 040 42.7%
EXPENDITURE QUARTERS 1 AND 2:PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION PROGRAMMES BUDGET Q 1 % Q 2 % Q1+Q2 % R’000 R’000 SPENT R’000 SPENT R’000 SPENT Compensation of employees 1 310 006 298 341 22.8% 328 484 25.1% 626 825 47.8% Goods and services 791 519 108 220 13.7% 157 777 19.9% 265 997 33.6% Interest and rent on land 1 865 38 2.0% 174 9.3% 212 11.4% Total transfers and Subsidies 2 785 324 590 014 21.2% 627 637 22.5% 1 217 651 43.7% Payments for Capital assets 75 735 776 1.0% 7 579 10.0% 8 355 11.0% TOTAL 4 964 449 997 389 20.1% 1 121 651 22.6% 2 119 040 42.7%