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The work of UNODC on violence against women

Explore UNODC's work on violence against women, including tools, research, and partnerships. Learn about the normative framework and recent examples of UNODC's mission to achieve security and justice for all.

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The work of UNODC on violence against women

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  1. The work of UNODC on violence against women Briefing for the NGO Committee on the Status of Women Vienna 15 September 2016 Sven PfeifferJustice Section/Division of Operations

  2. Outline • Mission of UNODC and its Justice Section • Normative framework in the area of VAW • Recent examples of UNODC work • Tool development • Research and analysis • Technical assistance • Inter-agency cooperation and partnerships with civil society

  3. Mission of UNODC • “Achieving security and justice for all by making the world safer from crime, drugs and terrorism” • 2030 Agenda • SDG 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) • SDG 5 (Gender Equality) • Division of labour within UNODC • Violence against women (Justice Section) • Trafficking in persons, especially women and children (Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Section)

  4. The UNODC Justice Section crime preventionvictim support and assistancelegal aidpolice reform gender in the criminal justice system judiciary alternatives to imprisonmentprisonreform prosecution servicessocial reintegrationjustice for children

  5. International normative framework on VAW • International obligations of the State (due diligence) • Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women • Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women • Internationally agreed goals and targets • Beijing Platform for Action • Sustainable development goal 5.2 • Internationally agreed standards and norms • Updated Model Strategies and Practical Measures on the Elimination of Violence against Women in the Field of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (A/Res/65/228)

  6. The updated Model Strategies and Practical Measures Criminal procedure Criminal law Police, prosecutors and other criminal justice officials Crime prevention Coordinated, systematic and sustained approach Training Health and social services Sentencing and corrections Victim support and assistance Research and evaluation International cooperation

  7. Recommendations for action against GRK • General recommendations • Data collection and analysis • Prevention • Investigation, prosecution and sanctions • Victim support and assistance

  8. Recent examples of UNODC work on VAW: tools Handbook + Training curriculum on Effective Police Responses to Violence against Women Handbook on Effective Prosecution Responses to Violence against Women and Girls Module on essential justice and police services for women and girls subject to violence Strengthening Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Responses to Violence against Women

  9. Recent examples of UNODC work on VAW: research • Global studies on homicide • Highlight link between intimate/family violence and gender-based killing of women • Global reports on trafficking in persons • More women as perpetrators than for other crimes • Women victimized disproportionately for certain forms of trafficking in persons

  10. Recent examples of UNODC work on VAW • Support provided from headquarters (Justice Section) • Normative support to intergovernmental bodies • Tool development • Legislative and policy advice • E.g. inputs to draft law on violence against women in Somalia • Trainings and workshops • E.g. regional training of trainers on effective prosecution responses to violence against women and girls (4-6 May 2016 in Bangkok) • Programme development and backstopping of implementation

  11. Recent examples of UNODC work on VAW • Support provided by field offices in 2014-2015 • Mexico • Panama • Peru • Egypt • Palestine • Southern Africa • Kyrgyzstan • Myanmar • Thailand • Viet Nam

  12. One UN framework Donors National actors Civil society and private sector Recent examples of UNODC work on VAW: Viet Nam • UNODC engagement since 2008 • Goal: strengthen efforts to prevent and respond to domestic violence • Importance of partnerships

  13. Recent examples of UNODC work on VAW: Viet Nam • Results • Data collection and analysis • survey report on law enforcement practices and legal support • assessment of women in the criminal justice system • Legislative advice • Review of criminal code and code of criminal procedure • Capacity building • Police, prosecutors, judges, legal aid providers • Advocacy and public awareness

  14. Recent examples of UNODC work on VAW: Viet Nam • Country-wide campaign “say no to violence” • Writing competition • Painting competition • Exhibition at the National Arts and Culture Centre • TV Series on Preventing Domestic Violence

  15. Inter-agency cooperation and partnerships • Main UN partners for UNODC’s work on VAW • UN Women • UNFPA • OHCHR • UNDP • Key civil society organizations • ACUNS • Penal Reform International

  16. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Sven Pfeiffer Justice Section UNODC Tel.: +43 1 26060 4569 sven.pfeiffer@unodc.org

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