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Section 3 Roosevelt in Office

Section 3 Roosevelt in Office. Roosevelt: The Square Deal. A package of laws and regulations that he felt to be fair to all , particularly workers: Increased regulation of business Workers’ right to organize Eight-hour work days Pure food and drug laws

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Section 3 Roosevelt in Office

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  1. Section 3Roosevelt in Office

  2. Roosevelt: The Square Deal A package of laws and regulations that he felt to be fair to all, particularly workers: Increased regulation of business Workers’ right to organize Eight-hour work days Pure food and drug laws Income and inheritance taxes on the wealthy

  3. Roosevelt: Trustbusting Established Department of Commerce and its Bureau of Corporations Invoked Sherman Antitrust Act in over 40 lawsuits Northern Securities Company case set precedent Hepburn Act set maximum railroad rates and strengthened the ICC

  4. The Coal Strike of 1902 (continued) • Morgan’s commission • Strike ended late October • Increased union confidence and membership • Set precedent for federal involvement in strikes

  5. Upton Sinclair and The Jungle Published 1906 Harsh criticisms of working conditions in Chicago’s meatpacking industry Instant bestseller Public more concerned about meat safety than working conditions Meat sales abroad cut in half Upton Sinclair

  6. Food and Drug Legislation In response to growing public outrage over unsafe and unsanitary food Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle Meat Inspection Act (1906) Pure Food and Drug Act (1906) A German meatpacking plant

  7. Roosevelt: Conservation Ethic and Actions Saw America’s landscape as central to its democratic spirit; natural resources vital to economic, political strength Resources belong to the public Set aside numerous public lands U.S. Forest Service (1905) Gifford Pinchot Newlands Reclamation Act Roosevelt and naturalist John Muir at Yosemite in California

  8. Section 4 The Taft Administration

  9. Taft Becomes President • Republican candidate Taft defeats Democratic candidate Bryan in the 1908 election. • Good friends with Roosevelt • Skillful administrator and judge, had a slow approach to problem solving that led to conflicts with the progressives.

  10. Problems With Progressives • Progressives wanted to unseat Speaker of the House Joseph G. Cannon • Taft needed Cannon to pass a new tariff • Progressives wanted to unseat him because he blocked the progressives legislation • Taft stopped their campaign, in return Cannon pushed the tariff bill through the house.

  11. 2. Supported the Payne-Aldrich Tariff • Raised some tariffs instead of lowering them • Gifford Pinchot, along with other progressives, felt betrayed 3.Supported Ballinger over Pinchot • Taft wanted to hire Ballinger as secretary of the interior • Pinchot charged that Ballinger had tried to turn over valuable public lands in Alaska to a private syndicate, or business group, for his own profit. • Taft fired Pinchot for insubordination, or disobedience

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