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This data graph set provides information on the incidence rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis in California from 1990 to 2017. It includes rates by county, age group, race/ethnicity, and gender. The data sources and limitations are also mentioned.
The STD surveillance systems operated by state and local STD control programs are the sources of California data in this slide set. Case reports are submitted to local health jurisdictions in the form of laboratory reports and Confidential Morbidity Reports (CMRs). The local health jurisdictions then submit the data to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), with the majority using the California Reportable Disease Information Exchange (CalREDIE) system. A small number of health jurisdictions report case data from county-generated databases. Rates by county and selected city health jurisdictions were calculated using State of California, Department of Finance, E-6. Population Estimates and Components of Change by County, July 1, 2010–2017,Sacramento, California, December 2017. Rates by age, race/ethnicity, and gender were calculated using State of California, Department of Finance, Report P-3: State and County Population Projections by Race/Ethnicity, Detailed Age, and Gender, 2010-2060, Baseline 2016. Sacramento, California, February 2017. The race and ethnicity information listed and the corresponding census categories are: Native American/Alaska Native (Native American /Alaska Native, non-Hispanic) Asian/Pacific Islander (Asian or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic) Black (Black or African-American, non-Hispanic) Hispanic/Latino (Hispanic ethnicity, regardless of race designation) White (white, non-Hispanic) Other (Other, non-Hispanic) Multi (2 or more races, non-Hispanic), and Not Specified (no race or ethnicity information was available) Data Sources
The substantial amount of missing race/ethnicity data from the laboratory reports and CMRs limits the interpretation of race/ethnicity data from surveillance data. The majority of case reports originate from laboratories, a group which does not routinely collect data on race/ethnicity. Further, some managed care organizations and other health care service providers do not routinely record race/ethnicity of patients. The observed racial/ethnic disparities may reflect true differences in the infection rates, differential access to health care, and/or reporting practices of different types of providers that serve different populations. The “year” for California data presented in these slides is based on a hierarchy of dates (i.e., the earliest of the following dates: clinic visit, specimen collection, diagnosis, treatment, and lab report/CMR received by the health jurisdiction). In slides on race/ethnicity, where space is limited, the following abbreviations are used: NA/AN = Native American/Alaska Native A/PI = Asian/Pacific Islander Increasing trends in chlamydia cases are difficult to interpret due to the asymptomatic nature of the disease, improved reporting by providers, expansion of screening programs across diverse health care settings, and increased availability of more sensitive diagnostic tests. For prevalence monitoring slides, percent positive in males is generally higher than females, not necessarily because the true prevalence is higher, but most likely because men seen in these venues are typically tested for symptomatic reasons whereas screening programs exist for women. More recent data on major trends can be found in the quarterly updated graph set on the CDPH STD Data page (https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/STD-Data.aspx). Data Limitations/Notes
State Summary California STD Surveillance 2017
Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Primary & Secondary SyphilisCalifornia Incidence Rates, 1990–2017 Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Early Syphilis*California Incidence Rates, 1990–2017 * Includes primary, secondary, and early latent syphilis. Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia and GonorrheaCalifornia Incidence Rates, 1990–2017 Rev. 7/2018
Incidence Rates of Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, P&S Syphilis, and HIV/AIDS by Age Group (in years) and Gender, California, 2017 Rev. 7/2018
Incidence Rates of Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, P&S Syphilis, and HIV/AIDS by Race/Ethnicity and Gender, California, 2017 Note: NA/AN = Native American/Alaskan Native A/PI = Asian/Pacific Islander Rev. 7/2018
Incidence Rates of Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Early Syphilis*, and HIV/AIDS by Age Group (in years) and Gender, California, 2017 Rev. 7/2018 * Includes primary, secondary, and early latent syphilis.
Incidence Rates of Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Early Syphilis*, and HIV/AIDS by Race/Ethnicity and Gender, California, 2017 Note: NA/AN = Native American/Alaskan Native A/PI = Asian/Pacific Islander Rev. 7/2018 * Includes primary, secondary, and early latent syphilis.
Incidence Rates of Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and P&S Syphilis byAge Group (in years) and Gender, California, 2017 Rev. 7/2018
Incidence Rates of Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and P&S Syphilis by Race/Ethnicity and Gender, California, 2017 Note: NA/AN = Native American/Alaskan Native A/PI = Asian/Pacific Islander Rev. 7/2018
Incidence Rates of Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Early Syphilis* byAge Group (in years) and Gender, California, 2017 Rev. 7/2018 * Includes primary, secondary, and early latent syphilis.
Incidence Rates of Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Early Syphilis* by Race/Ethnicity and Gender, California, 2017 Note: NA/AN = Native American/Alaskan Native A/PI = Asian/Pacific Islander Rev. 7/2018 * Includes primary, secondary, and early latent syphilis.
California – Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Early SyphilisRates by County, 2017 Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Early SyphilisRanking of County Incidence Rates, California, 2017(with 95% Confidence Intervals*) * Confidence intervals were calculated using Poisson exact method; not shown for counties with zero cases. Note: Rates are per 100,000 population. Source: California Department of Public Health, STD Control Branch Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia California STD Surveillance 2017
Chlamydia, California versus United StatesIncidence Rates, 1990–2017 Rev. 9/2018
Chlamydia, Incidence Rates by County, California, 2017 Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia, Cases by County, California, 2017 Rev. 7/2018
Ranking of County Chlamydia RatesCalifornia, 2017(with 95% Confidence Intervals*) * Confidence intervals were calculated using Poisson exact method; excludes counties with no cases or statistically unstable rates. Note: Rates are per 100,000 population. Source: California Department of Public Health, STD Control Branch Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia among Females Ages 15-24Incidence Rates by County, California, 2017 Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia among Youth Ages 15-19Incidence Rates by County, California, 2017 * No cases reported or statistically unstable rates. Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia among Females Ages 15-19Incidence Rates by County, California, 2017 * No cases reported or statistically unstable rates. Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia among Males Ages 15-19Incidence Rates by County, California, 2017 * No cases reported or statistically unstable rates. Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia, Incidence Rates by Region California, 2008–2017 Rev. 7/2018
Number of Chlamydia Cases by Region, Gender, and YearCalifornia, 2008–2017 Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia, Incidence Rates by GenderCalifornia, 1990–2017 Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia, Incidence Rates by GenderCalifornia, 1990–2017. Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia, Incidence Rates by Gender and Age Group (in years) , California, 2017 Note: Age was “Not Specified” for 0.2% of female cases and 0.2% of male cases for the given year. Since this disease is often asymptomatic, reported cases may reflect chlamydial infections identified through screening programs offered primarily to women. Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia, Incidence Rates by Gender and Age Group (in years), California, 2017 Note: Age was “Not Specified” for 0.2% of female cases and 0.2% of male cases for the given year. Since this disease is often asymptomatic, reported cases may reflect chlamydial infections identified through screening programs offered primarily to women. Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia, Incidence Rates for Females by Age Group (in years), California, 2008–2017 Note: Age “Not Specified” ranged from 0.2% to 0.4% of cases for females in any given year. Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia, Incidence Rates for Males by Age Group (in years), California, 2008–2017 Note: Age “Not Specified” ranged from 0.2% to 0.5% of cases for males in any given year. Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia, Incidence Rates for Adolescent/Young Adult Females by Age Group (in years), California, 2008–2017 Note: Age “Not Specified” ranged from 0.2% to 0.4% of cases for females in any given year. Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia, Incidence Rates by Gender and Race/Ethnicity, California, 2017 Note: Race/Ethnicity was “Not Specified” for 35.7% of female cases and 31.5% of male cases for the given year. Since this disease is often asymptomatic, reported cases may reflect chlamydial infections identified through screening programs offered primarily to women. Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia, Female Incidence Rates by Race/Ethnicity and Age Group (in years), California, 2017 Note: A/PI = Asian/Pacific Islander Native American/Alaskan Native and race-specific data for ages 0-14 are suppressed as per agency Data De-Identification Guidelines (DDG). The age-specific Native American/Alaskan Native rates were slightly higher than those for Hispanic. Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia, Male Incidence Rates by Race/Ethnicity and Age Group (in years), California, 2017 Note: A/PI = Asian/Pacific Islander Native American/Alaskan Native and race-specific data for ages 0-14 are suppressed as per agency Data De-Identification Guidelines (DDG). The age-specific Native American/Alaskan Native rates were slightly higher than those for Hispanic. Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia, Incidence Rates for Females by Race/Ethnicity, California, 2008–2017 Note: NA/AN = Native American/Alaskan Native, A/PI = Asian/Pacific Islander. Race/ethnicity “Not Specified” ranged from 33.0% to 42.0% of cases for females in any given year. Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia, Incidence Rates for Males by Race/Ethnicity, California, 2008–2017 Note: NA/AN = Native American/Alaskan Native, A/PI = Asian/Pacific Islander. Race/ethnicity “Not Specified” ranged from 31.5% to 38.9% of cases for males in any given year. Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia, Incidence Rates for Females Ages 15-19 by Race/Ethnicity, California, 2008–2017 Note: A/PI = Asian/Pacific Islander. Race/ethnicity “Not Specified” ranged from 29.8% to 38.7% of cases for females ages 15-19 in any given year. Native American/Alaskan Native data for ages 15-19 are suppressed as per agency Data De-Identification Guidelines (DDG). Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia, Incidence Rates for Males Ages 15-19 by Race/Ethnicity, California, 2008–2017 Note: A/PI = Asian/Pacific Islander. Race/ethnicity “Not Specified” ranged from 30.4% to 39.6% of cases for males ages 15-19 in any given year. Native American/Alaskan Native data for ages 15-19 are suppressed as per agency Data De-Identification Guidelines (DDG). Rev. 7/2018
Chlamydia Prevalence Monitoring, Percent Positive for Females of Selected Age Groups, by Health Care Setting, California, 2017 * This venue targets adolescents primarily. Source: California Department of Public Health, STD Control Branch Rev. 9/2018
Chlamydia Prevalence Monitoring, Percent Positive for Females at Family Planning Title X Clinics, by Age Group (in years), California, 2008–2017 * The 2010-2017 prevalence may not be consistent with prior years’ data due to the impact of major changes in the data transmission process (including a much larger number of sites). † Test volume for 10-14 year old females tends to be significantly less than that for older age groups; thus prevalence estimates and trends may be unstable. Source: California Department of Public Health, STD Control Branch Rev. 9/2018
Chlamydia Prevalence Monitoring, Percent Positive for Females at Family Planning Quest Clinics, by Age Group (in years), California, 2017 Source: California Department of Public Health, STD Control Branch Rev. 9/2018
Chlamydia Prevalence Monitoring, Percent Positive at STD Clinics, by Gender and Age Group (in years), California, 2017 * Male data may disproportionately reflect symptomatic or exposure-based testing, and likely overstates prevalence. † Test volume for 10-14 year olds tends to be significantly less than that for older age groups; thus prevalence estimates would be unstable and are not shown. Source: California Department of Public Health, STD Control Branch Rev. 9/2018
Chlamydia Prevalence Monitoring, Ranking of Percent Positive for Females at Selected Juvenile Detention Facilities, California, 2017 Source: California Department of Public Health, STD Control Branch Rev. 9/2018
Chlamydia Prevalence Monitoring, Percent Positive for Females in a Northern California Managed Care Organization, by Age Group (in years), 2017 Source: California Department of Public Health, STD Control Branch Rev. 9/2018
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Repeat Infection among Females 1-6 months after Infection*by Data Source, California, 2017 * Percent of first repeat case report or positive test result within 1-6 months. Case report and family planning data include all initial infections that occurred in 2017, with repeat infections captured through the first half of 2018. Managed care data were limited to initial infections and repeat infections within 2017. † Excludes Los Angeles , and San Francisco. Rev. 9/2018
Estimated Chlamydia Screening Coverage (HEDIS), Females Age 15–24, USA and California, 1999–2015 Source: National Committee on Quality Assurance; California DHCS Division of Medi-Cal Managed Care (2015 data not available); Kaiser Permanente Northern CA; California DHCS Office of Family Planning Rev. 7/2017