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Partnering. med udgangspunkt i Supply Chain Management. SCM. Supply Chain Management is the integration of business processes from end user through original suppliers that provide products, services and information that add value for costumers (Lambert 1994). Bhote. Bhote #2. Partnering.
Partnering med udgangspunkt i Supply Chain Management
SCM • Supply Chain Management is the integration of business processes from end user through original suppliers that provide products, services and information that add value for costumers (Lambert 1994).
Partnering • Præambel:Baggrunden for partnering er ønsket om, at skabe et transparent forretningsmiljø og at optimere byggeprocessen og produktet ved at etablere et samarbejde baseret på dialog, tillid og åbenhed og med tidlig inddragelse af alle parters kompetencer. Partnerskabet etableres som minimum mellem bygherre, rådgiver og entreprenør.
Partnering #2 • Definition:Begrebet "partnering" anvendes om en samarbejdsform i et bygge- og anlægsprojekt når dette gennemføres under en fælles målsætning formuleret ved fælles aktiviteter og baseret på fælles økonomiske interesser. • Uddybning:Fælles aktiviteter kan være kick-off-seminarer, workshops m.v. Et væsentligt element her er drøftelse og fastlæggelse af de specifikke fælles målsætninger, som de involverede parter kan blive enige om for det pågældende projekt. Fælles økonomiske interesser kan være baseret på aftaler om fordeling af (økonomiske) risici og gevinster mellem parterne, herunder incitamenter for opnåelse af mål, som er af væsentlig betydning for det pågældende projekt.
Partnering #3 • Supplerende partneringselementer
Partnering #4 • Supplerende partneringselementer
Partnering #5 • Tidlig partnering • Sen partnering
UK partnering – 1. generation • First generation is rather like the Danish project partnering, i.e. the partnering team is only made for the specific project and will be dissolved when the project is finished. Ongoing improvements in the cooperation between the companies involved will, therefore, not be stimulated after the building is finished. Anyway, the authors says that cost reduction up to 30% and time reduction up to 40% can be achieved by first generation partnering and, therefore, there is something to pursue.
UK partnering – 2. generation • Second generation partnering takes place when a client decides to work with construction firms in a focused strategic way on more than one project or some continuing construction activity such as maintenance or facilities management. It begins with an establishment of cooperative relationships among a client and a group of consultants, contractors and specialists engaged in an ongoing series of projects and then it is worthwhile looking for better designs and improved technologies. By this more long-term oriented partnering the authors declare that cost reduction up to 40% and time reduction up to 50% can be achieved.
UK partnering – 3. generation • “Nirvana” seems even closer when we look at third generation partnering described by Benneth & Jayes. Here the construction industry becomes a modern industry that manufactures and markets products. This vision involves modernized construction firms using partnering to deal with their regular customers to provide comprehensive packages of products and supporting services. These could include land, new or refurbished facilities, plant and equipment, finance options, and facilities management. The work of all the various firms involved in third generation partnering is guided by a new building cycle, formed by the three fundamental activities: use, development and production. Each of the elements is crucial to successful building and the construction firms will build up efficient and effective virtual organisations that respond to and shape rapidly changing markets. They will search new technologies to satisfy customer’s expectations and in doing so they will benefit from standardised processes, e.g. within logistics information and quality management systems. By this third generation partnering the authors declare that cost reduction of more than 50% and time reduction of 80% or more can be achieved.
We have a dream Jyllands-Posten Photo: Thomas Priskorn
Det vil sige… • A building process where the client can concentrate on: • Take active part in describing the brief (the needs) • Take active part in drawing up the concept (pre design) • But the delivery team controls the process and produces the product
Supply Chain Management (SCM) Agile Manufacturing (AM) Virtual Enterprise (VE) in connection with Extended Enterprise (EE) Relevante produktionsfilosofier
And the process was wonderful and the final results are excellent Jyllands-Posten Photo: Johan Mikkelsen THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION
Refleksion / pause Barrierer og muligheder for 2. og 3. generations partnering