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This report summarizes the results of the OAS Executive Secretariat for Integral Development's work on promoting inclusive economies, strengthening SDG implementation, promoting education and human development, and promoting decent and productive work.
Report on Results Work on Development Executive Secretariat for Integral Development Annual Report to CIDIJune 13, 2017 OAS Headquarters - Washington, DC
Strategic Line 1: Promoting Inclusive and Competitive Economies • 50 advisors were trained and certified in how to operate a successful SBDC in Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitts & Nevis, The Bahamas • Training program designed by DED and DSD to promote the inclusion of disaster risk management principles into the business planning process of MSMEs • Approval of the 2017-2019 Work Plan to guide the MSME development agenda and cooperation activities in OAS member states (Fifth Inter-American Dialogue of High-Level MSME Authorities, May 2017)
Strategic Line 1: Promoting Inclusive and Competitive Economies • More than 90 projects and good practices of advanced research and technology centers shared and around 200 concrete actions of collaboration registered between 100 decision makers during 2 editions of the ACE (Ontario, Canada and Central Texas, United States) • 72 professionals coached by experts/mentors from Centers of Excellence and vibrant ecosystems in the use of technology to develop innovative products and services “from idea to market” to solve real-life problems (“Technology Transfer and Commercialization Hub of the Americas”)
Strategic Line 1: Promoting Inclusive and Competitive Economies • Good practices in the areas of sustainability, marketing and competitiveness exchanged among 50 small hotels owners and operators within the Caribbean Network of Small Hotels • Establishment of the Caribbean Heritage Network (CHN) for the exchange of good practices among professionals, communities, and organizations • 380 port officials from 30 member states shared best practices in three Hemispheric Conferences held in Argentina, Mexico, and the United States
Strategic Line 2: Strengthen the implementation of SDG’s in accordance with the 2016-2021 PIDS • Disaster Risk Management: 120 staff trained over 9 courses to implement the GS/OAS Policy on Disaster Risk Management • Ecosystems Management: 80 officials in the Dominican Republic, Grenada, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines trained to better evaluate and manage ecosystem goods and services
Strategic Line 2: Strengthen the implementation of SDG’s in accordance with the 2016-2021 PIDS • Water Resources Management: Agreement reached on A Strategic Vision and Action Plan for the sustainable management of water resources in the La Plata basin by Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay • Sustainable Communities: 24 demonstration projects successfully implemented and 500 officials trained in sustainable communities management
Strategic Line 2: Strengthen the implementation of SDG’s in accordance with the 2016-2021 PIDS • Action Plan & Steering Committee established to cement the role and contribution of ECPA as a regional technical cooperation mechanism on renewable energy and energy efficiency • Institutional Capacity Building: 600 officials from the executive, legislative and judicial branches trained in the Environmental Rule of Law
Strategic Line 3: Promote Education and Human Development in the Americas • Approval of the Inter-American Education Agenda (IEA) at the 9th Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education (Feb 2017). To advance cooperation and strengthen capacity in three areas of action: 1) Quality, inclusive, and equitable education; 2) Strengthening of the teaching profession; and 3) Comprehensive early childhood care • Negotiation and signature of MoU between the OAS and Profuturo Foundation, part of Telefonica Foundation, to implement the Digital Classrooms Project and expand it to the Caribbean
Strategic Line 3: Promote Education and Human Development in the Americas • Inter-American Teacher Education Network (ITEN), 8 Technical Cooperation Exchanges among OAS member states for knowledge exchange, capacity building and policy development on the teaching profession • 2600 teachers trained and certificates validated by Ministries of Education in Argentina, Mexico and Guatemala
Strategic Line 3: Promote Education and Human Development in the Americas • The OAS Scholarships and Training Programs: • Awarded 2712 scholarships for university degrees and 167 scholarships for certificates through PAEC • Signed 10 new agreements with academic institutions to offer PAEC scholarships for university degrees and 9 new agreements for Certificate degrees • Awarded 647 scholarships through the PDSP and signed 37 new agreements with institutions to offer PDSP scholarships • Awarded 15 academic scholarships through the Academic Scholarship Program
Strategic Line 4: Promote Decent, Dignified and Productive Work for All • First joint workshop of from Ministries of Labor and Education (Brasilia, Dec 2016) with also representatives to discuss alternatives to solve the region´s skill gap and improve youth employment. Lessons learned and policy recommendations were identified, • Through RIAL technical cooperation missions between Ministries of Labor; Colombia, Grenada and Peru received direct technical support from Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Mexico during on-site missions for the improvement of youth employment strategies and labor market information systems
Strategic Line 4: Promote Decent, Dignified and Productive Work for All • Cooperation between Ministries of Labor on their strategies to improve labor inclusion of vulnerable groups. • Regional dialogue held to analyze the future of work, the challenges it poses to education and professional training and to discuss policies that governments could implement
Strategic Line 6: Foster development cooperation and establish partnerships • First Financial Empowerment Center operating in Antigua & Barbuda - one-one financial advice to low income families to improve financial health. 39 persons coached and 14 on the path to being debt free and self-sustaining in pilot phase • Geo-referencing system of persons with disabilities in Honduras, over than 18,000 persons with disabilities identified and grouped in 24 municipalities.
Strategic Line 6: Foster development cooperation and establish partnerships • A total of 8 missions of technical cooperation exchange have been held as part of the knowledge transfer component of the 2014-2017 DCF programming cycle. • USA to Antigua & Barbuda • Chile to Belize • St. Kitts & Nevis to Dominica • Honduras to Ecuador • Ecuador to Honduras • Colombia to Mexico • Chile, Mexico & Uruguay to Peru • Argentina & Colombia to Uruguay
Strategic Line 6: Foster development cooperation and establish partnerships • Partnerships established to expand scope, sustainability of the DCF programs; Microsoft, Plan Caribe Colombia, Catholic University, Hewlett-Packard UNICEF, MIT and the Government of Serbia to complement the seed funding of the DCF programs • DCF program on Productive Employment created A Farmers Field School in the North East Agricultural region of Dominica , 47 Farmers trained, 6 in Poultry generating incomen ginger farming and 20 in onion farming
Strategic Line 6: Foster development cooperation and establish partnerships • Improved employability skills of 575 at-risk youth in Dominican Republic training on basic business and Entrepreneurship . Partnership with Hewlett-Packard,- HP-LIFE e-Learning platform helped to strengthen the training curriculum • El Salvador has developed four (4) training modules to strengthen capacities of education for youth people on the development of video games.. Allow youth to meet the entertainment market needs
Challenges • Limited staff and staff specialization • Need for up to date training • Need to diversify sources of funding • Need to Transition to RBM • Budgetary constraints restricts ability to fully address member state needs(65 % reduction since 2009 • Lack of Coherence among programs
Opportunities • All SEDI approach to programming • Clear Policy imperatives from Political dialogue • New Ministerial schedule and processes • Strategic Plan can provide focus • Linking Cooperation directly to Ministerials
Thank you! ¡Gracias! OAS Development - Annual Report to CIDI