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Bibliometric Analysis of Economic Crisis: Insights and Predictions

Investigating the state and evolution of the economic crisis from 2008-2012 through bibliometric analysis. Explore research trends, authorship patterns, highly cited works, and hot topics in SSCI journals.

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Bibliometric Analysis of Economic Crisis: Insights and Predictions

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  1. Bibliometric Analysis of the Economic Crisis Topic Anna Bykova Research Workshop Perm, 2013

  2. National Research University Higher School of Economics - Perm Key Points • Motivation for research • Data Sources & Methodology • Results & Discussion Higher School of Economics, Perm, 2013 2

  3. National Research University Higher School of Economics - Perm Motivation for Investigation • The purpose of this study is to explore empirically the state and evolution of the economic crisis for the 2008-2012 period. • The results offer valuable insights and help understanding the economic crisis and make predictions (or catch significant research trends) on its future development. •  Bibliometrics is one of the most pivotal measures for the evaluation of scientific productions. Macias-Chapula told that "scientometric indicators have become essential to the scientific community to estimate the state-of-the-art of a given topic" (quoted in Lolis et. al. 2009). Higher School of Economics, Perm, 2013 3

  4. Scientometrics: basic points

  5. Methodology was almost taken from….

  6. National Research University Higher School of Economics - Perm Research Question • The aim of the study is conducting of bibliometric analysis to economic crisis publications in journals listed in the four ISI subject categories in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) during 2000 - 2013: • economics • finance business • business, • and management. • The objectives of the study are to determine the following: • research output of the topic • language and geographical distribution of the literature • institution distribution of contributors • authorship pattern • highly cited authors and papers • hot topics. Higher School of Economics, Perm, 2013 4

  7. National Research University Higher School of Economics - Perm Data & Methodology •  The study is based on the scientific productions in Scientometrics as reflected in the online version of the SSCI (Social Science Citation Index), the Web of Science. • The SSCI is a multidisciplinary database generated by Thomson Reuters. • The time period considered in this study is from 2008 to 2012. • The basis for the analysis is the bibliographical descriptions of articles and their references from academic journals in various subject areas. • The SSCI was searched using the keyword the “crisis” as a part of a title, abstract, or keyword to compile a bibliography of all manuscript related to this kind of research. • The reported impact factor (IF) of each journal was obtained from the 2011 JCR. Higher School of Economics, Perm, 2013 4

  8. National Research University Higher School of Economics - Perm Distribution of Document Types Higher School of Economics, Perm, 2013 4

  9. National Research University Higher School of Economics - Perm Publication Output Publication Output: results from Scopus Higher School of Economics, Perm, 2013 4

  10. National Research University Higher School of Economics - Perm Authorship & Publication Patterns Higher School of Economics, Perm, 2013 4

  11. National Research University Higher School of Economics - Perm Distribution of Subject Category Higher School of Economics, Perm, 2013 4

  12. National Research University Higher School of Economics - Perm Countrywide publication Higher School of Economics, Perm, 2013 4

  13. National Research University Higher School of Economics - Perm Institute-wise publication Higher School of Economics, Perm, 2013 4

  14. National Research University Higher School of Economics - Perm Most frequently-cited articles Higher School of Economics, Perm, 2013 4

  15. National Research University Higher School of Economics - Perm Total number of citations for the most-cited article Higher School of Economics, Perm, 2013 4

  16. National Research University Higher School of Economics - Perm Hot issues Higher School of Economics, Perm, 2013 4

  17. Research field Mapping

  18. Research field Mapping

  19. Research field Mapping

  20. Thank you for your attention! Higher School of Economics Perm, 2013

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