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EXTRAEMBRYONIC ADAPTATIONS. 1. Extraembryonic - structures that assist embryonic development, but that in most cases (there is one exception) don ’ t form functional structures in the juvenile or adult.
Extraembryonic - structures that assist embryonic development, but that in most cases (there is one exception) don’t form functional structures in the juvenile or adult. Extraembryonic structures are generally left behind at hatching or birth, or they are reabsorbed shortly thereafter. Extraembryonic structures may be acellular or cellular. 2
Acellular extraembryonic structures associated with the egg/zygote: Secondary oocyte of hampster from which the cumulus cells have been removed by treatment with hyaluronidase. http://www.mybitoftheplanet.com/2004/big_pictures/mar/spawn0503.html 3
Acellular extraembryonic structures associated with the avian egg/zygote: 4
Cellular extra-embryonic structures. Extraembryonic structures are more complex in higher vertebrates - amniotes (reptiles, birds, mammals) 5
Purposes of extraembryonic structures: Acellular extraembryonic structures (vitelline/fertilization membrane, zona pellucida, jelly layers, albumin, shell, shell membranes) 1. Aid in preventing polyspermy 2. Create an axenic (bacteria free) environment for development. 3. May deter predation 4. Protect from mechanical damage 5. Prevent dehydration (birds, reptiles) 6
Purposes of extraembryonic structures: Cellular extraembryonic structures (amnion, chorion, yolk sac, allantois) 1. Actively participate in gaseous transport (oxygen, CO2) to and from embryo. (chorion, allantois) 2. Actively participate in transport of nutrients to embryo. (birds & reptiles- yolk sac, mammals - chorion, allantois [sometimes (e.g. pig embryos) the yolk sac during early development]) 3. Actively participate in storage or transport of metabolic waste. (birds & reptiles - allantois, mammals - chorion, allantois) 4. Source of primordial germ cells (yolk sac mesoderm) 5. Source of early blood stem cells (yolk sac extraembryonic splanchnic mesoderm) 7
Amnion- extraembryonicectoderm+ extraembryonicsomatic mesoderm = ......................................................................extraembryonic somatopleure Chorion -extraembryonicectoderm+ extraembryonicsomatic mesoderm = ......................................................................extraembryonic somatopleure Yolk sac -extraembryonic endoderm + extraembryonicsplanchnic mesoderm = ....................................................................extraembryonic splanchnopleure Allanois -extraembryonic endoderm + extraembryonicsplanchnic mesoderm = ....................................................................extraembryonic splanchnopleure Germ layer origin of the cellular extraembryonic membranes of amniotes. 9
Formation of extraembryonic membranes in chickens (amniotes) The head fold 11
Seroamniotic folds Seroamniotic folds 13
sagittal section sagittal section transverse section transverse section 38 hr chicken embryo 38 hr chicken embryo 14
1 2 1 1 2 3 Allantois The Allantois 16
sagittal section sagittal section transverse section transverse section 72 hr chicken embryo 72 hr chicken embryo 17