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C.I.T.E.S.- project focuses on atmosphere aerosols in Siberia, evaluating their impact on air quality, ecosystems, and environmental processes. The project involves monitoring, analysis, modeling, and data acquisition with a web-based system for knowledge management. Key components include a distributed structure, semantically rich metadata support, and a user-friendly interface. Additionally, the project features the "Atmospheric Aerosols of Siberia" Atlas, providing valuable data processing and visualization tools. Data sources cover aerosol parameters like mass concentration, chemical composition, and particle size spectrum. The project employs advanced methods like Tikhonov regularization for data processing and space photo analysis to determine solar energy absorption.
Environment knowledge management Web system • Molorodov Yu. 1,Kovalyov S. 1,Fedotov A.1, • Gordov E. 2,Karatsas K. 3 • 1 Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia • 2 Siberian Center of Environment Research and Training, Tomsk, Russia • 3 AristotleUniversity, Thessaloniki, Greece C I T E S - 2 0 0 5
Project goals • Investigating rulesof generation, transformation and transferof atmosphere aerosol in Siberia on local, regional and global level in order to determine their major sources and sinks • Evaluating influence of atmospheric aerosols on: - air quality - vegetation, soil and water pollution level - chemical substances and elements migration velocity in environmental objects • Clarifying influenceof atmospheric aerosols of different nature on atmospheric processes, population health and biosphere C I T E S - 2 0 0 5
Project structure Monitoring Analysis Lab research Physics Software Modeling Data acquisition C I T E S - 2 0 0 5
Prerequisites • Since 1991 specialists from various SB RAS institutions are regularly performing atmosphere characteristics measurements. Institutions involved belong to Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Tomsk scientific centers: ICG, INC, LIN, IVEP, etc. Monitoring covers the territory of Western and Eastern Siberia, Altai and Krasnoyarsk regions • It was acknowledged that storage, processing and publishing so large volume of data is impossible without employing contemporary high-end information technologies • In view of growing global Internet infrastructure, ICT SB RAS with ICG SB RAS designs the distributed highly-available Web-enabled data&knowledge management system C I T E S - 2 0 0 5
Data sources Data acquisitionsystem Users Modeling results DB Observed data Web server Web access Information transformation and analysis Aero and Space photo C I T E S - 2 0 0 5
Requirements to the system • ability to integrate heterogeneous data sources related to environment state • globally distributed structure • adherence to e-Science concept • data grid architecture • semantically rich metadata support • authorization-governed access to data • web- & GIS-based user interface (virtual atlas) C I T E S - 2 0 0 5
Atlas “Atmospheric aerosols of Siberia” http://web.ict.nsc.ru/aerosol/ The atlas is designed to solve various tasks of collecting, processing and publishing information on atmospheric aerosols, such as: • Insertion, storing, edition initial aerosol data according to the data access rules and user authorization constraints • Implementing mathematical functions processing aerosol chemical composition data: statistical characteristics, correlation and factor analysis of time series, etc • Providing web-based multi-language user interface to view initial data and processing results in text, table and graphical representation C I T E S - 2 0 0 5
Measured aerosol parameters • Mass concentration • Chemical composition • Light diffusion • Condensation kernel concentration (r <= 0.1 m) • Particle size spectrum (0.1 <= r <= 0.4 m) • Particle size spectrum (0.4<= r <= 10.0 m) • Big volume of these data has widened and substantially changed current concept of industrial center influence to regional environment C I T E S - 2 0 0 5
GIS map of monitoring C I T E S - 2 0 0 5
Data base contents • Time, coordinates and duration of measuring concentration of particular chemical element or ion • Mean geometric and deviation of concentration per series • Mean arithmetic of element mass • Minimal & maximal masses and their ratio • Environment factor (e.g. Ka/Fe) • Enrichment factor C I T E S - 2 0 0 5
Data base schema C I T E S - 2 0 0 5
Data processing model Reconstructing original value from experimental results is always reduced to inverse problem solution. Otherwise apparatus functions are approximated by stages, rectangles and other non-physical functions whose first derivative is δ-function. Regularization method is one of the simplest and most well understandable method for inverse problem solution to reconstruct size spectrum from data acquired by various atmospheric aerosol characteristics measurements C I T E S - 2 0 0 5
Tikhonov regularization C I T E S - 2 0 0 5
Tikhonov regularization C I T E S - 2 0 0 5
Space photos processing System of collecting, storage and preprocessing of satellite data allows processing of data acquired over large territory (Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo, Altai, Krasnoyarks regions) We used this data to extract values of one-time surface diffusion albedo. It allows to determine the amount of solar energy received by Earth surface, thus the surface layer air temperature C I T E S - 2 0 0 5
Albedo Web service C I T E S - 2 0 0 5
Other ecological information systems • HYSPLIT (http://www.arl.noaa.gov/ready/hysplit4.html) large observation database on air mass transfer at certain period of time • GISS (http://www.giss.nasa.gov/data/rsp_air/) The NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies • PANGAEA (www.pangea.de) Publishing Network for Geoscientific & Environmental Data • AIR-EIA (http://www.ess.co.at/AIR-EIA)portal for improved access to state-of-the-art mutlimedia information resources on Air Pollution aspects of Environmental Impact Assessment • ATMOS (http://atmos.iao.ru)atmosphere sciences portal (Tomsk, Russia) C I T E S - 2 0 0 5
Observation data bases • ECMWF reanalysis ERA-15 (1979-1993 г.г.),ERA-40 (1957-2001) • http://www.ecmwf.int/research/era • NCEP/NCAR (National Center of Environment Protection/National Center of Atmospheric Research, USA), 1958-1997 • http://wesley.wwb.noaa.gov/reanalysis.htm • Precipitation from 1979 to present timehttp://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/globalprecip • Archive NDP048, containing multiyear data of routine observations on 225 meteorological stations of the former USSR • http://cdiac.esd.oml.gov/ftp/ndp048 C I T E S - 2 0 0 5
Conclusion • The distributed web-based data&knowledge management system allows reaching the following goals: • Substantial widening of audience involved into environmental monitoring and analysis • Storing very large volume of research data, descriptions and correlations in the integrated repository • Assessing potential effects of the global climate change on the regional environment C I T E S - 2 0 0 5
Thank you for your attention! C I T E S - 2 0 0 5