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Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. FRAME Project Experience from Serbia. Correlation between the FRAME Initiative and the Development of Education in Serbia.
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia FRAME Project Experience from Serbia
Correlation between the FRAMEInitiative and the Development of Education in Serbia • Line ministries and other partners have recognised the potential ofthe FRAME project and foresight methods in the process of creating a skills vision 2020 in Serbia. • A document Skills vision 2020 – Serbia has been prepared; it defines Serbia as a socially cohesive, flexible, innovative society, based on the knowledge and skills required by modern economy,a society that encourages entrepreneurship in the perspective of lifelong learning, creates opportunities and conditions for realising the potential of individuals and society as a whole. • Skills vision 2020 – Serbia defines also the skills development priorities. • The vision is in line with the Strategy for the Development of Education in Serbia 2012-2020 and incorporated into the Action Plan for the Implementation of Strategy.
Role of Education in Skills Developmentas Indicated during the Implementation ofForesightMethod • In order to be a lever of social progress and economic growth, education in Serbia must: • develop the ability of comprehension and critical thinking • encourages initiative, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit • enable individuals to work in teams and develop other socially desirable values. • Free, open and high-qualityeducation is available to everyone, at any age, as a basic democratic right; it ensures the building of ethical and aesthetic values of the individual and the improvement of society as a whole, its competitiveness and its active participation in the global market. • In accordance with this role of education, the priorities have been identified in the document Skills Vision 2020Serbia.
Highlighted Main Priorities – Agreed by All Participants • Priority 1:Creating conditions to make education more responsive to labour market requirements. • Priority 2:Easier transition from school to the world of work. • Priority 3:Improve entrepreneurial learning. • Priority 4:Strengthen the sector-wide approach in the development of skills.
Actions, activities, responsible entities and expected results have been defined for each priority. • Each priority is directly linked to the relevant strategic framework. • The first priority that focuses on better responsiveness of the education system to the labour market requirements is fully harmonised with the Strategy for the Development of Education in Serbia until 2020 and aligned with the Action Plan for the Implementation of Strategy. • Current developmental activities in education in Serbia are linked and coordinated with the planned activities within each of the four priorities.
Current Education Development Activities in Serbiarelated to the Priorities set out in the Document • Legislative changes (Law on Secondary Education and new Law on Adult Education) • NQF document is being finalised • Systemic regulation of experimental profiles (introduction into the system and preparation of methodology for developing and introducing experimental profiles in the system) • New forms of cooperation with employers
Legislative Activity • The priorities and measures defined in the NAD 2014-2017 have been recognised in new laws • Priority: Building a knowledge-based society by strengthening formal and informal education Measure 1: Increasing the quality and effectiveness of general education at pre-university level Measure 2: Greater participation and access to education Measure 3: Establishing a functional NQF for lifelong learning Measure 4: Improving the quality and participation atthe level of higher education
National Qualifications Framework (NQF) • The phase of drafting the NQF document for the levels 1-5 has been completed. (It was adopted by the Council and it is currentlypending further procedure.) The NQF for the levels 6-8 is a separate document. • The next step is the preparation of a single document for all levels (a compiled NQF according to theEQF model) and finding an institutional solution to the issues of administering and developing the NQF. • The need for establishing sector councils for all sectors has been identified (implementing useful experiences from the work of 4 sector councils piloted within the framework of IPA 2008 project).
Methodology and experimental education • The methodological framework has been developed for the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of experimental programmes in secondary vocational education. Public consultation has been carried out and after considering suggestions, the Minister will include it as an official document by a special decree. The methodology has multiple functions in any substantial future innovation and experiment in the system of vocational education. The shortened methodology was previously adopted and it has been successfully applied to the existing experimental profiles. • Experimental educational profiles– the process of introducing the experimental profiles in the system is ongoing, the textile profiles are currently worked on (additional engagement of social partners on the aviation profiles in cooperation with the USAID) • In the school year 2013/14, 9 experimental educational profiles were introducedin the education system;8 profiles were prepared for introduction into the system; 3 experimental profiles were excluded from the system. • 21 educational profiles are being evaluated (evaluation has already been completed in 11 cases), and 14 educational profiles are being monitored. • The curricula of new educational profiles include the subject Entrepreneurship (Priority 3)
Cooperation with Employers and Other Stakeholders • Planning enrolment to secondary schools based on the input from employers and other partners • New forms of cooperation with employers (textile, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, agriculture and food processing...) (Priority 2)
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