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World leaders in natural cleaning Amanda Colling

World leaders in natural cleaning Amanda Colling. Presentation Agenda. Triple Bottom Line? What is Green? Technical Discussion: Chemicals and their environmental impact Chemicals and their health implications Enzymes vs Bacteria Bottled Water and Environmental Impact.

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World leaders in natural cleaning Amanda Colling

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Presentation Transcript

  1. World leaders in natural cleaning Amanda Colling

  2. Presentation Agenda • Triple Bottom Line? • What is Green? • Technical Discussion: • Chemicals and their environmental impact • Chemicals and their health implications • Enzymes vs Bacteria • Bottled Water and Environmental Impact

  3. Triple Bottom Line • TBL or 3BL • People, Planet, Profit • Canniballs with Forks: the Triple bottom Line of 21st Centrury - John Elkington 1998 • Triple bottom line accounting means expanding the traditional reporting framework to take into account ecological and social performance in addition to financial performance • Business sustainability, first defined by the Brundtland Commission of the United Nations in 1987

  4. Green Claims • Marketing response to consumers’ increasing interest in protecting the environment. • What do green claims really mean? • deceptive acts or practices? • Broad or vague • Substantiated by competent & reliable evidence of entire product’s complete break down & return to nature • Product or package’s ability to degrade in the environment where it is customarily disposed; and • The rate and extent of degradation. • International Standard – 60% in 28 days (OECD 301) • Innu-Science Standard – 90% in 14 days

  5. Why Green your Cleaning Products? • Environmental & Health Concerns • Cleaning products are: • releasedto environment • normal use • evaporation of volatile organic compounds (VOC) • rinsing down drain. • exposed to concentrated cleaning products. • Replacement for Phosphates • Nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPE’s)common surfactant ingredient in cleaners – substitute for phosphates - laboratory studies - “endocrine disrupter” causing adverse reproductive effect – testicular, breast & prostate cancer & fertility problems • The bi-products of NPE are 10 x more toxic

  6. Green Cleaners have a bad name This is why ....

  7. Stringency Levels Environmental Programmes

  8. Comparison The Ecologo/Greenseal Certified Green Products Seal Standard only 60% primary biodegradability in 28 days Products have to contain less than 10% VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) of their weight Products with accepted pH levels between 3 and 11 Products can contain up to 1% of EDTA (ethylendiamin- tetra acetic acid-tetrasodium salt) and up to 5% of NTA (nitril triacetic acid-trisodium salt) Lower health risks but accepts 'important health risks' symbols on products Many products for one task Low dilution rates (1: 10 to 1: 100) Use costs similar to chemistry Equals international health and environment standards but NOT users' performance expectations

  9. How does it effect you? • Thousands of untested chemicals used in everyday cleaning products, cosmetics, personal care products, etc. • 8 seconds after exposure to chemical product evidence in blood stream • Fertility, cancer, ...........................

  10. Bacteria Based Products – Nature’s Own cleaners Revolutionised Cleaning Cleaning is no longer an action It is a process..........

  11. U-Trap Urinal Urinal – Hard Chemicals used Urinal – Bacteria Based

  12. Before / After Ceramic

  13. Difference between Bacteria and Enzymes Enzymes Bacteria Produces Enzymes Multiplies Living Organism Multiple species – Multi tasks • End product • Can’t reproduce or multiply • No living • Specific function

  14. Cleaning products is just the start Going Green is a lifestyle.... What else?

  15. Thirsty? Bottled Water

  16. 26,0000,0000,0000litres Consumed in 2004 of water bottled in North America

  17. 26,000,000,000 litres, that is almost 28,000,000,000 of plastic bottles in one year… … 86% were found as litter waste

  18. 17,000,000 oil barrels were used to manufacture these bottles 26,000,000,000 litres mean that… Sufficient oil to make 100,000 cars go for a year

  19. 2,500,000 tons of carbon dioxide emitted during the manufacture of these bottles 26,000,000,000 litres of bottled water also mean…

  20. Pacific Ocean in 2004

  21. Los Angeles

  22. Makes you think does it not? …

  23. Thank You for the opportunity … Questions?

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