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Donating via Peripheral Blood Stem Cell (PBSC). Step 1 - Simple painless collection of Bone Marrow stem cells by blood cell separator machine The blood taken from one arm enters separator machine, stem cells removed, then blood returned via other arm No general anaesthetic
Donating via Peripheral Blood Stem Cell (PBSC) • Step 1 - Simple painless collection of Bone Marrow stem cells by blood cell separator machine • The blood taken from one arm enters separator machine, stem cells removed, then blood returned via other arm • No general anaesthetic • No hospital stay as the process is done on an outpatient basis • Step 2 - Return immediately to normal activities like work, home or studies, etc
Donating via the Harvesting Procedure • Step 1 - A small amount of Bone Marrow Cells as a fluid (approx. 3%, so you still have 97% ) is collected from Pelvic/Hip region whilst you are asleep (for less than 1hr) under a general anaesthetic, by small hollow needle and syringe in a simple procedure • Step 2- You quickly recover from the procedure and the Marrow cells regenerates itself days later, although there will be some slight stiffness for a few days in the Pelvic/Hip region. (No scars, stitches, disability, etc)
Bone Marrow Transplant • Patient’s own marrow is destroyed by chemotherapy and radiation • Transplant is last option after a patient has relapsed (return of the cancer) • Healthy donor marrow is infused into patient like a simple blood transfusion • If transplant is successful patient begins to produce healthy red and white cells approx. 3-4 weeks later • Donor has given patient Gift of Life • 2 to 5 years later the Patient is given the ALL CLEAR & lives a normal life
Organ donation is one of the most easiest forms of donating as you are usually ‘6 feet under’ or ‘Ashes to Ashes’ So don't take your organs to heaven, as we need them here
Myths, Fears & Taboos about Organ donation • Not aware of greater need for organs from Blacks & Asians • Lack of awareness of greater success with ethnic matching • Will organs be removed without doctors really trying to save life? • How will elders react – superstition about discussing death • Fear about how body will be affected by organ removal • Need for the body to be buried intact (Muslims, African Caribbean's) • Body to be cremated intact (Hindus, Sikhs) for reincarnation etc.) • Assumption made that their religion does not allow donation
Religions All the major religions of the world support the principles of blood, bone marrow, organ donation and transplantation Hinduism Islam Judaism Sikhism Christianity
Corneas To restore or improve sight Heart Valves To replace defective or diseased valves Heart A heart transplant can return a person to near normal life Intestine For children with malabsorption or congenital defects Lungs Single and double lung transplant along with heart lung transplant is a second chance at life Long Bones & Connective Tissue Long bones for whole or partial replacement to repair skeletal defects caused by cancer, degenerative diseases, trauma or birth defects Liver Children and adults need this lifesaving transplant Tendonsfor knees, ankle and shoulder repair and stabilization surgery Kidneys From each organ donor, two people can be free from dialysis Skin Life-saving temporary skin replacement for severely burned patients; also used for trauma reconstruction Pancreas/Islet Cell Can dramatically improve or cure diabetes Saphenous & Femoral Veins To replace blocked arteries in heart bypass surgery; also used for limb saving reconstructive surgeries
Organ Donation (Facts) • Improves the quality of life e.g. renal patients • Gives donor families some comfort knowing that ‘something good has come out of something bad’ • 10,000 people currently need a transplant, (1,521 are South Asian & 760 are Black people) • 1,000 (3 people per day) will die before an organ becomes available • Blacks are 3 times as likely as Whites to develop kidney failure • The need for organs in the Asian community is 3 to 4 times higher • Nearly 17m people are on the NHS Organ Donor Register, but only 1.5% of those are of Asian origin and only 0.4% are Black
Time ran out for these brave individuals due to the Myths, Fears & Taboos • DJ Swing • Zahier Kazmi • Jasmina Amena • Imogin Appiah • Keiton Knight • Josie Grove • Tomi Afolabi • Ike Amobi • Danny Whyte • Greek Gray • Tracey Tanyanyiwa • Ellie Nicholson
The kindness of a stranger The kindness of a stranger
Daniel De-Gale YOU could save a life
Daniel De-Gale • Bone Marrow Transplant in June 1999 at Great Ormond Street Hospital from unrelated donor Doreene Carney, from Detroit USA • Daniel celebrated 9 years post Transplant in June 2008, was free of Leukaemia and studying at University to become a Sports Physiotherapist • In later years, due to unrelated health issues Daniel became heavily dependant upon receiving weekly blood transfusions from White people with the same blood group (Luckily blood groups are generally not as race specific as other donations, as not enough Black people are donating blood) • Died aged 21 on 8th Oct 2008 from Multiple Organ Failure, as his family were ready and on standby to donate an organ to save his life