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Hunter Hills Guidelines for Success

PBIS, stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. At Hunter Hills, we believe that children must be able to cooperate and exhibit appropriate behavior in order to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to be successful. Our Positive Behavior program focuses on teaching and modeling behavior expectations. Our guidelines for success are posted in every classroom and throughout the school. Students remember the guidelines through the acronym, RACE.

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Hunter Hills Guidelines for Success

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Presentation Transcript

  1. R A C E Be Responsible Be an Achiever Be Cooperative Be Excellent! Hunter Hills Guidelines for Success

  2. What is PBIS? PBIS, stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. At Hunter Hills we believe thatchildren must be able to cooperate and exhibit appropriate behavior in orderto acquire the knowledge and skills they need to be successful. Our Positive Behavior program focuses on teaching and modeling behavior expectations. We refer to these expectations as, “Guidelines for Success.” Our guidelines for success are posted in every classroom and throughout the school. Students remember the guidelines through the acronym, RACE. Be Responsible, Be an Achiever, Be Cooperative, Be Excellent. We encourage parents to support and reinforce our positive behavior efforts. Hunter Hills is committed to improving your child’s learning environment.

  3. Voice Level 0 Silence Voice Level 1 Whisper Voice Level 2 Small Group Voice Voice LevelsStudents will observe posted voice levels throughout the building Voice Level 3 Presenting Voice Voice Level 4 Outside Voice

  4. Voice Level: 0-2 Guidelines for Successin the Classroom

  5. Positive Behavior Award

  6. Voice Level: 0 Guidelines for Successin the Hallway

  7. Voice Level: 0-2 Guidelines for Successin the Cafeteria

  8. Voice Level: 1-4 Guidelines for Successon the Playground

  9. Voice Level: 0-1 Guidelines for Successon the School Bus

  10. Guidelines for Successduring a School Assembly Voice Level: 0

  11. Guidelines for Successin the Restroom Voice Level: 0-1

  12. Guidelines for Successduring Afternoon Pick-Ups Voice Level: 0-1

  13. Guidelines for Successin the Computer Lab Voice Level: 0

  14. Guidelines for Successin the Media Center Voice Level: 0-1

  15. Guidelines for Successin the Gym Voice Level: 0-2

  16. Students can earn individual or class PRIDE awards which can be redeemed for prizes! Hunter Hills Elementary PRIDE AWARD Grade: PS K 1 2 3 4 5 Location: hallway lunchroom special class restroom playground bus gym(morning/dismissal) _______________________ Student name Has PRIDE! He/she was observed following the Hunter Hills Guidelines for Success. __ R - Be Responsible __ A – Be an Achiever __ C – Be Cooperative __ E – Therefore, I am Excellent! Date: _______ Staff member: ____________

  17. PRIDE Parties! It pays to have good behavior! Thank you, Hunter Hills’ PTO, For sponsoring our PRIDE parties!

  18. For more information check out these websites: http://stopbullyingnow.hrsa.gov/kids/ http://stoptextbully.org/ http://psychcentral.com/lib/2009/adhd-behavioral-interventions-for-the-home/ http://kidshealth.org/parent/ http://www.wholefamily.com/aboutyourkids/dramas/disciplining_children_therapist_1.html http://www.ehow.com/how_2270724_discipline-child-according-age.html http://pubs.ext.vt.edu/350/350-110/350-110.html http://childparenting.about.com/cs/discipline/a/childdiscipline.htm

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