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2013 Annual Report

2013 Annual Report. A Message from the Board Chair, Eric Gorham. 2013 was a great year for us, and a year of change. The 2013 SIM Board, under the leadership of Board Chair Jim Knight from Chubb,

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2013 Annual Report

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  1. 2013 Annual Report

  2. A Message from the Board Chair, Eric Gorham 2013 was a great year for us, and a year of change. The 2013 SIM Board, under the leadership of Board Chair Jim Knight from Chubb, Inc., engaged in strategic thinking and long-range planning with a primary goal of bringing greater value to Chapters and members. The national Board has a renewed focus on Chapters, which are the foundation for our organization and the reason that we are so successful today. SIM has many great programs that members can take advantage of, including the Advanced Practices Council (APC) and the Regional Leadership Forum (RLF). These are cornerstone national programs for SIM, and we are very fortunate to be able to offer these programs. In early 2013, the national Board had a one and a half day session to develop a strategy for SIM. Our main focus areas were providing excellent support to Chapter Leaders and members as well as strengthening our national programs and events. We received a lot of input from Chapters at our annual Chapter Leader Summit in Denver in April, 2013, and we identified four key areas to concentrate on first: SIMposium – There is a great deal of opportunity to reach members at our national conference. We are developing new program ideas and new ways to differentiate SIM from other IT conferences. Brand Architecture – The SIM logo has been around for many years, and we have an opportunity to improve our brand and our visibility in IT departments, at universities, and among our service provider community. We are working with Chapters to develop an updated brand and a new web site to better position ourselves for the future. National Core Offerings – Chapters have many great programs in place, SIM has excellent core programs and services, and we are working to get the word out about the great work that Chapters are doing, as well as pilot new national programs that Chapters and members will find valuable. Communications – We are learning from Chapters about their successes in engaging members in interesting communications, and we are working on sharing best practices across Chapters as well as redeveloping the way that SIM communicates. We always need volunteers from our membership to help us move forward. Please consider stepping up to help with your Chapter, or speak to your Chapter President about national volunteer and leadership opportunities. We are a volunteer-driven organization, and it is through the efforts of volunteer leaders that the organization is growing and improving. I look forward to continuing our focus on Chapters, members and our key programs. We are preparing to celebrate SIM’s 45th anniversary this year, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being a part of SIM. We are all SIM, and we are growing and improving. Your efforts as a volunteer in your Chapter are key to the success of the entire national organization. Thank you again for a great 2013, and have an excellent 2014!

  3. SIM Mission and Vision SIM Vision: To be the most respected society of IT leaders. SIM Mission: SIM brings together IT leaders to share, network and give back to their communities through the collaboration of local chapters. SIM members strongly believe in and champion: • The alignment of IT and business as a valued partnership • The creation and sharing of best practices • The effective, efficient and innovative business use of information technology to continuously bring to market valuable products and services • IT management and leadership skills development that enables our members’ growth at each stage of their career • The replenishment and education of future IT leaders including a strong role in influencing university curriculums and continuing education • Working with the IT industry to shape its direction • Policies and legislation that stimulate innovation, economic development, healthy competition and IT job creation • Serving our communities and the industry through giving and outreach

  4. SIM Organization – 2014 SIM Board of Directors Eric Gorham – Board Chair Kevin Sauer – Chapter Rep Jim Knight – Chair Emeritus Rick Pride – Chapter Rep Kevin More – Vice Chair Joel Schwalbe – Chapter Rep CarenShiozaki – Secretary/Treasurer Dave Berndt – Chapter Rep SIM Chief Executive Steve Hufford SIM Management Council Pat Randall – Membership Director Jeff Skulsky – MIT Director Kevin Ryan – RLF Director Jana Markowitz – Community Outreach Director Judy Arteche-Carr – Partner Program Director Kevin Christ – Programs DirectorDebbie Jowers – Events DirectorTerry Coull – Marketing Madeline Weiss – APC DirectorMary Sumner – Academic Director Sandi Phillips – Technology DirectorAndrew Jackson – Chapter Relations Staff Support Veronica Sullivan – Operations & Chapter Support Vincenzo Nelli – Programs Support Heather Blush – Membership Support Mike Lenz – Marketing Support Butler Cooper – Membership & Chapter Support Amy Williams – Governance & Management Support

  5. What does SIM mean to you? Networking Learning Opportunities Research Community Giving Back "In over a decade as a member, SIM has been invaluable, both from a professional and personal growth standpoint. I have enjoyed being part of this friendly, caring, and intellectually stimulating environment." -Dave Chatterjee, Associate Professor, MIS Department, The University of Georgia

  6. 2013 Financial Performance

  7. 2013 Key Accomplishments - Membership SIM is very pleased to announce that we closed the year with 4,353 members, a 6% increase over the 4,100 members of 2012.  

  8. 2013 Membership at a Glance

  9. 2013 Membership at a Glance

  10. 2013 Key Accomplishments – Outreach/STEM • SIM Chapters donated over $250,000 for scholarships and STEM Outreach activities including: • Teen Tech Camps • IT Career Days • YearUp • GenesysWorks • Technology Goddesses • Black Girls Code • Many more • SIM members donated thousands of volunteer hours mentoring, speaking and teaching.

  11. 2013 Key Accomplishments - SIMposium SIMposium 2013 in Boston attracted the highestnumber of attendees in the history of the conference! In 2014, SIM is working with a new conference producer, Premier Event Management, to deliverthe best SIMposium experience to date.

  12. 2013 Program Updates – Advanced Practices Council The APC is the only program of its kind that combines the benefits of leading-edge practical research, global and strategic perspectives of peers across multiple industries and an intimate network of trusted advisors.  • 33 member companies • Three in-person meetings held – topics included: • Big Data Capability Mapping • Business Analytics Social Technologies • Digital Data Streams How CIOs Create & Communicate Value • Enterprise Crowdsourcing Intrapreneurship • Research released to APC members: • Achieving Repeatable Team Performance • Anchored Agility • Creating Capital Out of Chaos: Social Media Strategy • Harvesting External Data • Separating Signal from Noise • Maximizing Value Through Business Analytics • Leading Innovation Through Business Lifecycle

  13. 2013 Program Updates – Advanced Practices Council • Engaged SalesStaff to help recruit new APC members • Mentor program • Five APC members mentored each other's direct reports with outstanding results • Caselets • Published two caselets of successful change initiatives in APC member companies, as part of a series continuing into 2014 • Webinars • Conducted webinars after each APC meeting highlighting key messages from presentations for APC members who missed the meeting • SIMposium • Conducted a session at SIMposium highlighting findings from APC research and their implementation in APC member companies

  14. 2013 Program Updates - Regional Leadership Forum SIM's Regional Leadership Forum (RLF) is an intensive, ten-month leadership development program focused on creating authentic leaders. Since 1992 over 3,000 graduates and more than 300 sponsors have found RLF the key to developing leadership effectiveness. Leadership Development: Now More Than Ever • Began the planning stages for an advanced RLF Graduate Program which is expected to launch in the fourth quarter of 2014 • Began planning for an international RLF offering in the Netherlands which is expected to launch in the fall of 2014 • Three RLF Apprentice Facilitators graduated and are currently facilitating in 2014 • 12 forums held in eight regions • 233 attendees in eight regions • 222 registrations in 2012 • Over 175 RLF attendees at SIMposium 2013 • Formalized partnership with AITP (Association of IT Professionals) to promote 2014 RLF to AITP members

  15. 2013 Key Accomplishments - Members-in-Transition The Members In Transition (MIT) group was developed to assist SIM members in need by providing a forum to share leads, opportunities and advice. It gained much attention and traction in 2013 due to the formation of a chapter governance group and marketing support for the chapters. Online Collaboration Yahoo group participants (members looking, and members looking to help) grew by 21%, increasing the network and overall collaborative efforts of the group. LinkedIn group participants grew by 30%. Free Career Portal Participation grew by 40%. Helping Hands Program SIM members-in-transition who are available for part time or contract work while they plan their next career move. Participation grew by 50%. Resume Forwarding Service Initiated in 2013, this service was created for companies looking to post open positions anonymously to our job board. Interested SIM members can forward their resume to staff who then forward it to the company.

  16. 2013 Strategic Plan The SIM International Board met in February 2013 to map out a multi-year strategic plan. Interviews with key stakeholders including Board members, Management Council members, and Chapter Leaders were conducted prior to the retreat to gauge the perception of the society and rate the overall status, operations and programs. A SWOT analysis was performed and other information critical to formulating the plan was gathered.

  17. Reengineer and simplify the membership process Develop and launch a SIM Brand Architecture Develop and implement Chapter Playbooks to enhance overall governance, opns and fundraising Refine and enhance the SIM National Marketing and Social Media Strategies Leverage the Chapters to promote RLF, APC, STEM Create and promote a portfolio of core SIM offerings (i.e. RLF, APC, etc.) Partner with local universities to strengthen STEM (increase enrollment) Provide framework for partnering with national student organization SIM Strategy on a Page Investigate new sources of funding through national grants and others Our Vision:To be the most respected society of IT leaders Our Mission: SIM brings together IT leaders to share, network and give back to their communities through the collaboration of local chapters. Evaluate the hiring of fulltime National Membership Director Top 4 Reengineer SIMposium to maximize member value Strategy Define standard criteria for vendor involvement Strategy is driven by Committed, actively engaged Chapters focused on leveraging the legacy of SIM to promote exceptional leadership at all levels of the IT industry Develop a SIM Partners/Sponsors program to benefit National/ Chapters Increase collaboration, learning and sharing across Chapters Develop and clarify the path for SIM membership Strengthen SIM Board partnership with Chapters Strengthen the alliances with similar organizations to benefit Chapters Create a comprehensive and actionable SIM Communication Plan Strategic Imperatives Community Outreach Chapter Engagement Operational Excellence Strategic Imperatives which reveal CSFs… Exceptional Branding & Marketing Continuous Member Development & Growth Redesign and enhance the SIM Website including personalization Evaluate online delivery of SIM programs and offerings Strategic Objectives Areas of Focus for Society Benefit which is input to… Chapter Growth Membership Retention Membership Satisfaction Financial Viability Strategic Measures Measuring the progress of SIM

  18. 2013 SIM Back Office Improvements • YourMembership, the SIM website CMS, is constantly improving its interface and bringing new features. Some new features/upgrades in 2013 included: • Simplified event registration functionality • Chapters have control over their own web pages (updates are live) • Improved membership reporting: • Dashboard at-a-glance • Summary of membership types • Number of applications, declined and qualified • An additional staff member joined the team to further improve member and chapter satisfaction with SIM support.

  19. 2013 New Resources for Chapter Leaders • SIMnet.org • Live training and support for chapter admins available M-F, 8-5 EST • Custom golf event registration and sponsorship pages available • Chapter Leader Resources on SIMnet.org • A wealth of resources for all chapter leaders. New in 2013: • Board & Committee Management Playbook • Board Responsibilities Playbook • Volunteer Recruitment and Management Playbook • Financial Responsibilities Playbook • Membership Recruitment and Retention Playbook • Chapter Presidents Playbook • Marketing Toolkit • Chapter Board Training Available • SIM staff will travel to your chapter and present on a variety of topics (Board and Committee management, Volunteer Management, Governance, Policies, etc.)

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