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G r ade

G r ade. 9. Science. Unit. 3:. Electri c ity. Chapter produced. 7 : Static electricity. is. b y electron transfer. Static. Electri c ity. • Refers to electric char g es that c a n be c ollected and held in one p lace. • It is t h e temporary transfer of el e ctrons.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Grade 9 Science Unit 3: Electricity Chapter produced 7:Static electricity is byelectron transfer.

  2. Static Electricity •Refers to electriccharges that can be collected and held inone place. •Itis thetemporary transfer of electrons.

  3. Charges on objects… : Remember 1. Protonshaveapositive charge Electrons havea negativecharge 2.

  4. •Whenthenumber of protonsequalsthenumberof electrons,theatom isneutral.

  5. •Ifelectronsareremoved froma neutralobject, object will become positivelycharged. •Ifelectronsareadded the to a neutral object, theobject will become negatively charged.

  6. Activity 7-1B Visualizing Charge Transfer Pg. 231

  7. Electricity Video.google.com (23min) Static

  8. Electric Discharge •The removal of charge from an •Ex. Lightening “shocks” electric object.

  9. Electric Discharge

  10. The Coulomb (C) •The unitof electriccharge. •It takestheadditionor 1018 removal of 6.25x electrons to produce 1C charge. of

  11. Laws of Electric Charges: 1. 2. 3. Likecharges repel Unlike charges attract Charged objects attract some neutralones.

  12. Laws of Electric Charges

  13. Technologies Electricity and Static Lighteningrods

  14. Photocopier

  15. Electrostaticaircleaner

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