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REVITALIZING CATHOLIC CULTURE AND IDENTITY. SYNOD 2009. Jesus has called us to follow Him to loved as he loved, to see things as he saw them, to share his worldview. The incarnation is God plunging himself into our world, living life fully in the world.
Jesus has called us to follow Him to loved as he loved, to see things as he saw them, to share his worldview.
The incarnation is God plunging himself into our world, living life fully in the world.
While in the world Jesus used the ordinary things around him – bread and wine.
He used ordinary wood to shed his blood in order to redeem us.
The Church continues this tradition and uses ordinary things to point us to Jesus.
Our world view dominates all our celebrations as we use the things that have been redeemed by Jesus.
Therefore our dances, fetes, Carnival celebrations are all part of our Catholic world view. • How do we celebrate?
In our religious celebrations we must use the things that God has made and redeemed.
God said: Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and conquer it. Be masters of the fish of the sea, the birds of heaven and all the living animals on the earth. (Genesis 1:28).
Saints Benedict and Francis of Assisi moulded the Church’s way of relating to nature. Nature has been redeemed and is therefore holy.
The priority of the celebration of the Eucharist on Sunday – every Sunday is a solemnity, the highest level of celebration in the Church.
We are an Eucharistic people. This is Catholic culture and identity doing everything in memory of Jesus.