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All about Me

All about Me. By: Danielle Ziolkowski. Basic Information. 18 years old Born October 3 rd , 1991. Grew up in Dearborn Heights, Michigan One sister Has boyfriend of 1 & ½ years Dog named Dixie. Mom’s Side Family Tree. Dad’s Side Family Tree. Favorite things to do. Watch Movies

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All about Me

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Presentation Transcript

  1. All about Me By: Danielle Ziolkowski

  2. Basic Information • 18 years old • Born October 3rd, 1991. • Grew up in Dearborn Heights, Michigan • One sister • Has boyfriend of 1 & ½ years • Dog named Dixie

  3. Mom’s Side Family Tree

  4. Dad’s Side Family Tree

  5. Favorite things to do • Watch Movies • Hangout with boyfriend & friends • Read books & magazines • Text • Go to the beach • Camping • Facebook • Walk my dog • Travel • Learn about things that interest me • Drive around with no where to go • Have/go to bonfires • Swim • Laugh

  6. Important People in My Life • My Dad- he has always been there for me and has never let me down. • My Mom- she always cheers me up when I am upset. • Logan- my best friend & boyfriend. • Jackie- my best friend & cousin. • Anjilla, Dorothy, & Alyssa, my best friends from high school • Stephanie- my amazing sister.

  7. Major/Career When I came to Western I wasn’t sure at all what I wanted to do with my life. But since I have been here, I have enrolled in the pre-business program here. I am sure that business is right for me, I am just unsure of what category of business I would like to be involved in. I am thinking about majoring in finance or personal financing because I feel like I am good with that area. I am still unsure though, but I have another year before I have to decide what major to apply to. I know this sounds weird to some people but when I “grow up” I would like to be working in a cubicle. I just like the idea of the same thing everyday, and being organized.

  8. Dream in life My dream in life is to graduate college with a bachelors degree, find a good paying job that I enjoy, marry Logan, have three to four kids, raise them well, retire one day & relax until I die. My overall goal in life is to be genuinely happy every day.

  9. Facts • I was on the varsity swim team in high school. • My parents have been divorced since I was 7. • I have had a total of 8 step siblings in my life. • Ludington, Michigan is my favorite place to go camping. • I lucked out this year & I don’t have a roommate or a suitemate, which means my own room & bathroom. • My sister fell 35 feet from hotel balcony last year & survived. • My favorite food is seafood

  10. The End

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