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Unit 4. In-house Correspondence Lesson 17 Minutes. Section 2 Sample Study. Section 1 Getting Started. Section 3 Composing Your Message. Section 4 Writing Your Message. Section 5 Minutes Practice. Section 6 Supplementary Materials. 返回. Contents. General Introduction.
Unit 4 In-house Correspondence Lesson 17 Minutes
Section 2 Sample Study • Section 1 Getting Started • Section 3 Composing Your Message • Section 4 Writing Your Message • Section 5 Minutes Practice • Section 6 Supplementary Materials 返回 Contents
General Introduction • The basic purpose of minutes is to provide an historical account of official business conducted during a meeting and supporting the group as it carries out its responsibilities. Although there is flexibility when writing minutes there are also some basic guidelines and tips that add cohesion(凝聚力) and clarity while capturing the gist of the meeting.
Tips of it • Put the date, time and place of the meeting at the top of the page. This enables others to look up a particular meeting if they need to refer back to earlier business. The date and time also links a particular meeting to its minutes.
Follow with the organization's title, and frequency of the meeting--weekly, monthly or quarterly. If the minutes are for a special meeting that was called, be sure to capture this as well.
Make sure you include the names of the members who were present and whether the previous minutes were approved. You may include the titles of the officers, whether the attendee was a voting or non-voting member, or an Ad Hoc member and any guests who are at the meeting.
The body of your minutes summarize what took place at the meeting. You need to include all main motions and who made the motion, the number of yes and no (or yea and nay(优柔寡断)) votes, any requests for an appeal or for a motion to be tabled in separate paragraphs. New and old business would be nested here as well.
Conclude with the time the meeting was adjourned, who moved and seconded the motion, and your signature as the secretary. Your signature validates the integrity(completeness) of the minutes and the meeting content.
Submit completed minutes for approval, whether it is by email, fax, mail or at the next meeting. It is always preferable for the members of the group or organization to receive the minutes before the next meeting so they can read over them.
At the next meeting the chairperson or president calls for the minutes to be approved, asks if any corrections need to be made, accepts any valid corrections and announces that they have been approved.
Format • Meeting Minutes • Type of Meeting: Happy Days Board Meeting • Date: • Minutes taken by: • Attending: • Notes: • 1. Agenda(议事日程) item: • Decision: • Who will take responsibility, and when they will get it done by:
2. Agenda item: • Decision: • Who will take responsibility, and when they will get it done by: • 3. Agenda item: • Decision: • Who will take responsibility, and when they will get it done by:
SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 5 SEC 1 SEC 6 返回 Section 1 Getting Started 1 Read the following dialogue and answer questions below. (1) Miss Lin (A), a senior secretary, is going to attend a meeting,so she asks Miss Gao (B), a junior secretary, to look after the office. A: How long have you been working here now, Miss Gao? B: I’ve been working here for three months since May. A: Well, do you think you can look after the office on your own now? B: Yes. I think I can. Why? Shall I have to? A: Yes, you’ll have to look after the office on your own this afternoon because I have to take the minutes for Mr. Smith. B: Take some minutes? How can you take minutes? A: To take minutes means to make notes at a meeting so that afterwards you can write a record of what has happened.
SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 5 SEC 1 SEC 6 返回 Section 1 Getting Started 1 Read the following dialogue and answer questions below. (2) B: So you go to the meeting, make notes, and then type out the minutes from your notes. A: That’s right. And while I’m taking the minutes, you have to look after the office. B: This meeting that you have to take minutes at this afternoon—is it a big meeting? A: Oh yes, it’s a very big meeting. All the branch managers will be there. It’s a formal meeting. B: A formal meeting? A: Yes, meetings are either formal or informal. B: What’s the difference?
SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 5 SEC 1 SEC 6 返回 Section 1 Getting Started 1 Read the following dialogue and answer questions below. (3) A: Well, an informal meeting usually takes place on the spur of the moment to discuss a special point. It isn’t planned in advance. B: Like the drivers’ meeting last week? A: Yes, that’s right. B: Mr. Smith suddenly called the meeting when he heard a driver had been fined for parking his car in Peace Square. A: Yes. Mr. Smith was very cross. As soon as he heard about it, he called all the drivers to his office for a special meeting, an informal meeting. B: Did you have to take minutes at that meeting?
SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 5 SEC 1 SEC 6 返回 Section 1 Getting Started 1 Read the following dialogue and answer questions below. (4) A: Yes, but brief ones. B: Was it difficult? A: No, not really. B: Could you show me a copy? A: Yes, here you are. You see you must make sure that you include everything. First, the time and the place. B: (Reading voice) Report of meeting held in Mr. Smith’s office at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, August 4th, 1999. A: Second, who was there. B: Present: Mr. Smith and the names of the drivers. And then there’s the subject heading: “Parking Regulations”.
SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 5 SEC 1 SEC 6 返回 Section 1 Getting Started 1 Read the following dialogue and answer questions below. (5) A: Yes, and then last of all a summary of what Mr. Smith said. (Reads) Mr. Smith said that all drivers must obey city car parking regulations. He said that in future any parking fines would have to be paid by the drivers themselves. B: Whew!That’ll make them careful about parking in future. Questions: (1) Why does Miss Lin ask Miss Gao how long she has been working in the office? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Because she wants Miss Gao to look after the office on her own in the afternoon.
SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 5 SEC 1 SEC 6 返回 Section 1 Getting Started 1 Read the following dialogue and answer questions below. (6) (2) What will Miss Lin do in the afternoon? She will take some minutes for Mr. Smith. ____________________________________________________________ (3) What is the difference between formal and informal meetings according to Miss Lin? An informal meeting takes place on the spur of the moment to discuss a special point. An formal meeting is planned in advance. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (4) What are included in the minutes according to the conversation? Time, place, who are present, subject headings and the summary of the points. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 2 Discuss in groups: What else should be included in the minutes the ones mentioned above?
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 2 Sample Study Sample 1 (1) OF A MEETING OF PLEASURE TOY COMPANY HELD ON NOVEMBER 10, 2002 AT 10:00 PRESENT Mr. Martin Washington (Chairman) Mr. Westerland Mr. George Mr. Anderson 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE No apology was received from Mr. Wallace. 2. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING These were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. MINUTES 会议记录
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 2 Sample Study Sample 1 (2) 3. REPORTS FROM THE SALES SECTION ● THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: The international conference would be held on November 11, 2002. ● THE PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY: The promotional activity would be held on next Saturday, April 19, 2003. 4. ANY OTHER BUSINESS It was decided that next meeting would be held on Saturday, August 2, 2003. Alice Nelson Secretary November 10, 2002 Translate
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 2 Sample Study Sample 1 Translate 出席:马丁·华盛顿(主席) 威斯特兰德先生 乔治先生 安德森先生 缺席:瓦利斯先生(无故缺席) 上次会议记录主席通过并签字 销售部的报告国际会议:会议将在2002年11月11日举行。促销活动:活动将于2003年4月19日 (星期六)举行。 其他事项会议决定下次会议将在2003年8月2日(星期六)举行。 记录:爱丽丝·尼尔森(秘书) 2002年11月10日
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 2 Sample Study Sample 2 (1) INVESTMENT CLUB MEETING June 21, 2003 Present Absent Gary Bruno Leif James Mary Ann Kristin Bill Ken Jon Susan Bob Kim Debra Mary Michelle 1. The meeting was called to order by President Susan. 2. The minutes from the last meeting were read by Secretary Kim. a. A motion was made by Bob to accept the minutes as read. b. Motion was seconded by Bill c. Motion was approved.
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 2 Sample Study Sample 2 (2) 3. The Financial Report was given by Ken. The net market value of the club’s stocks on December 31, 2002 was $36,618.00. We have $1,250 in our money market account. Total assets are $37,868.00. a. A motion was made by Debra to accept the Financial Report. b. Motion was seconded by Mary. c. Motion was approved. 4. Stock holding updates. Update reports, using SSG’s, were given by James, Bob, Mary Ann, Bill, Gary, Susan, and Ken on the various stocks that they . A discussion followed each report. followed 研究,跟踪调查
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 2 Sample Study Sample 2 (3) 5. New investment. After discussing 3 potential stock purchases (presented using SSG’s by James), Bruno the motion. The motion was passed. 6. Education chair, Michelle, gave a 30-minute presentation on the topic of the night: “How to Read the Value Line Reports.” 7. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. The December meeting will be held on December 10 at the Baldwin Library. Lindsay Mandella Secretary Gary moved to purchase 50 shares of XYZ Company. 加里提议购买50股XYZ公司的股票。 seconded 赞成,支持 Translate
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 2 Sample Study Sample 2 Translate 投资俱乐部会议记录 2003年6月21日 出席人缺席人 加里布鲁诺列夫 詹姆斯玛丽·安克里斯汀 比尔肯乔恩 苏珊鲍勃 克姆黛布拉 玛丽米歇尔 会议内容 1.会议由苏珊总裁宣布开会。 2.秘书克姆宣读了上次会议的记录。 a.鲍勃提议通过宣读的会议记录。 b.比尔赞成该项提议。 c.提议被通过。 3.肯做财务报告。俱乐部股票市场净值截止到2002年12月31日是36618美元。货币市场帐户上有1250美元。资产总额是37868美元。 a.黛布拉提议通过财务报告。 b.玛丽赞成该项提议。 c.该项提议通过。 4.股份最新报告 詹姆斯,鲍勃,玛丽·安,比尔,加里,苏珊和肯利用SSG’s,分别就他们调查的股票作出了最新报告。每个人汇报之后都进行了讨论。 5.新投资 在讨论了是否购买3种股票之后(詹姆斯用SSG’s做的介绍),加里提议购买50股XYZ公司的股票。布鲁诺赞成该项提议。提议通过。 6.教育主席米歇尔针对当晚会议的主题“如何解读投资调查报告”做了30分钟的讲话。 7.会议于晚上8点45分结束。 12月的会议将于12月10日在鲍德温图书馆举行。 记录:林赛·曼德拉(秘书)
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 3 Composing your Messages Template Meeting Title/Name Location/Address MEETING MINUTES Date (month/date/year) 1. CALL TO ORDER (Record call to order here) 2. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: 3. PREVIOUS MINUTES SUMMARY Main Issues: 1. 2. 4. ADJOURNMENT This meeting was adjourned at (time) 5. NEXT MEETING (date, place) of next meeting Signature Date
SEC 2 SEC 5 SEC 6 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 返回 Section 3 Composing your Messages Practice 1 (1) Complete the following chart according to the information given in the samples. INVESTMENT CLUB MEETING _________________________ _________________________ _______________________ November 10, 2002 _________________________ June 21,2003 Mr. Martin Washington, Mr. Westerland, Mr. George, Mr. Anderson; Mr. Wallace was absent _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Gary, Bruno, James, Mary Ann, Bill, Ken, Susan, Bob, Kim, Debra, Mary, Michelle; Leif, Kristin, Jon were absent
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 3 Composing your Messages Practice 1 (2) _________________________ President Susan _________________________ December 10, 2003 Alice Nelson _____________________ _________________________ Lindsay Mandella the international conference and the promotional activity _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ the Financial Report, stock holding updates, new investment, presentation _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 3 Composing your Messages Practice 2 (1) Read the following minutes and fill in the chart below. Write Y in the box if the item is mentioned in the minutes and N if it is not mentioned. Minutes of the 1st Meeting of ISTU Board Venue: Conference Center, Marriot Hotel, Chongqing, China. Date: May 10th, 2001 09-12 p.m. Chairperson: Dr. Gail Haar Attendance: Dr. Lawrence Crum Dr. Gail Haar Dr. Kullervo Hynynen Dr. Timothy Mason Dr. Ian Rivens Dr. Luo Feng Dr. Wang Zhibiao
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 3 Composing your Messages Practice 2 (2) 1. The meeting was opened by Dr. Haar who welcomed the participants. 2. Prof. Wang described the organization for the 1st International Workshop on the Application of HIFU in Medicine being held in Chongqing (May 10-12). Ninty-six papers had been received, of which fourty-five had been accepted. One hundred fifty delegates were attending the meeting from nine countries. Prof. Wu was congratulated on the work he had done. 3. There was a discussion about the possibility of establishing an international society for HIFU. Prof. Mason suggested that the remit should be broadened to include all aspects of therapeutic ultrasound. It was agreed that such a society should be formed, and that it should be called the International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound (ISTU).
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 3 Composing your Messages Practice 2 (3) Dr. Harr was proposed and accepted as President. Prof. Wu agreed to be the secretary and to hold the Society’s secretariat in Chongqing. Prof. Wang agreed to be the treasurer. It was agreed that the Society’s activities would include: 1) organization of meetings; 2) organization of an abstract service via its website; 3) the setting-up of a member’s mailing list whereby questions of mutual interest may be aired.
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 3 Composing your Messages Practice 2 (4) A number of immediate tasks were identified: 1) to identify further potential members of the Board to represent further aspects of Therapeutic Ultrasound; 2) to set up a website for the Society; 3) to circulate a draft constitution; 4) to compile an e-mail list of potential members. 4. Prof. Crum offered to host the 2nd meeting of ISTU in Seattle, USA, July 29- August 1. His offer was gratefully accepted. He said that he hoped to keep this meeting small (100-150 participants).
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 3 Composing your Messages Practice 2 (5) Y Answer Y Answer Y Answer Y Answer Y Answer
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 3 Composing your Messages Practice 2 (6) N Answer Y Answer Y Answer N Answer Y Answer N Answer
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 4 Writing Your Message Practice 3 (1) Complete the following sentences with the proper form of the words given in parentheses. ______________ were received 1. Apologies for absence (receive) from Miss Wang Lifang and Miss Gong Rongrong. 2. The minutes of the third meeting held on Wednesday, June 8, 2001 (read) and approved. 3. The Secretary (report) that Xinhua Bookstore has donated one hundred books to the Association. 4. The next meeting (agree) to be held in Kunming in 2003. 5. Miss Sally Morris and Mr. Owen Ma (request) to form a sub-committee and work out a plan for the next meeting. ___________ were read ___________ reported ____________ was agreed _______________ were requested
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 4 Writing Your Message Practice 3 (2) _____________ were closed 6. There being no other business to discuss, the meeting (close) at 7:30 p.m. 7. It (suggest) that more regular activities would be beneficial. 8. Dr. Lawrence Crum (propose) and accepted as President. 9. Barry Noller and John Webb (elect) to manage the meeting with arrangements for the following meeting to be decided at the conclusion of this meeting. 10. Dr. Le Van, Secretary of the Chemical Society of Vietnam, (introduce) the five Vietnamese delegates. _______________ was suggested was proposed ______________ ______________ were elected ___________ introduced
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 4 Writing Your Message Practice 4 (1) Correct any errors in number usage in the following sentences by writing the correction to the left of the sentence. If the sentence is correct, mark C on the line to the left. 1. 351 people attended the performance. 2. There were 135 pieces in the puzzle. 3. Class started at eight-thirty a.m. in Room 20. 4. In the sixties there were sit-ins at 100’s of colleges. 5. Every afternoon at two o’clock the chimes rang. ______________________________ 351→Three hundred and fifty-one C ______________________________ eight-thirty→ 8:30 a.m. ______________________________ ______________________________ 100’s→ hundreds ______________________________ C
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 4 Writing Your Message Practice 4 (2) 6. The stock deal, which involved $4.5 billion, paid a twelve and a half percent dividends. 7. The Hong Kong Phoenix TV station is Channel Eighteen. 8. They needed 8 10-foot poles for the construction. 9. The vote was 126 in favor of the action and only sixteen opposed. 10. Only fifty percent of high school students go on to college. A twelve and a half percent→12.5% ______________________________ Eighteen→18 ______________________________ 8→eight ______________________________ ______________________________ sixteen→16 ______________________________ Only fifteen percent→About 50%
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 4 Writing Your Message Practice 5 Give the abbreviation form of the following words in the chart. The first one is done for you. eftvns ___________ ___________ ___________ frdm asmg gvs ___________ cald ___________ isltn cnst ___________ ___________ ___________ reman ___________ dfnd ___________ rltnshp ___________ dstrbg ___________ sgnft ___________ smpl valu systm ___________ ___________
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 5 Minutes Practice Practice 6 (1) Choose proper heading for each part of the following minutes. Approval of Agenda Officer’s Reports Adjournment Committee Reports Student Lounge Proposal Attendance Student Faculty Board Minutes December 5, 2002 1. Call to Order: 6:03 p.m. 2. Members Present: Bill Ganzlin, Pamela Archer, RaeLynn Jones, Ann Ollila, Andrea Fierst, Tom Slalin, Tali Schulz, Andy Birkey, Jack Carey, Eric McFee, Mike Bates, Leah Donrfeld, Jon Drimel, Sean Maiers, Lars Loberg, Mel Baughman, Rachel Walker, Eileen Carey __________________ Attendance
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 5 Minutes Practice Practice 6 (2) Members Absent: Lean Bernsten, Mike Sombrio, Shannon Waslo, Tim Smith, Susan Stafford 3. Approval of Minutes Previous meeting’s minutes were approved. 4. Approved. We are starting to use a new format for our meetings, slightly more formal but official and used by SAO (Student Activities Office). 5. Pam: SAO registration went through. Twin Cities Board of Governors—we need a representative; Bill will put an announcement in the weekly update. __________________ Approval of Agenda __________________ Officer’s Reports
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 5 Minutes Practice Practice 6 (3) The TCBG oversees all activities that go on with the unions; issues about financing, space, etc. are brought to this board. Scott: Our balance is $923.23 minus $65 for pizza tonight. 6. Professor of the Semester It was a close vote. Dorothy Anderson won. We will possibly have electronic votes next year. Proposal was made to Dean. The Dean agreed in principle with the proposal but gave some recommendations: Refrigerator—either buy new or get a used refrigerator for around $600 (get estimate). We can put bulletin boards on the closet doors and repaint the area behind the mailboxes __________________ Committee Reports _______________________ Student Lounge Proposal
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 5 Minutes Practice Practice 6 (4) (Bill will contact facilities management for estimates). The empty file cabinet will be used for club mailboxes once the current mailboxes are removed. Once all estimates are available, Dean will review and make final recommendations on funds available for the project. 7. The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. _____________ Adjournment
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 5 Minutes Practice Practice 7 (1) Complete the following minutes by translating the Chinese into English. Meeting Minutes Nottingham Chinese School (1) (年会) Date: Sunday Oct. 8th, 2000 Venue: Beeston Youth Community Center Chairman: Dr. Zhang Qingping (2) (财政报告) The balance of the school account on the September 13, 2000 is £297.56 in credit. _____________________ Annual Meeting _____________________ Financial report
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 5 Minutes Practice Practice 7 (2) Teachers arrangement (3) (任命两名教师); Ms. Shao Ping is in charge of the lower class and Ms. Ji Shuyan (4) (负责高年级). School fee The school fee was discussed and it was decided that the fee for each session rises to £3 to balance the spending of £12.50 for the venue and £10 each for the teachers. ______________________________ Two teachers have been appointed _________________________ is in charge of the upper class
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 5 Minutes Practice Practice 7 (3) Extension of the standing committee The following people were added to the standing committee: Huang Nan, Zhao Xudong, Sun Xuezhong Teaching assistant (5) (认为是有用的) for a parent to stay in turn with the classes as the teaching assistant. Suggestions and recommendations for the school’s future work It was suggested that (6) (更多定期的活动是有益的). ____________________________ It was considered to be useful _____________________________________ more regular activities would be beneficial
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 5 Minutes Practice Practice 7 (4) It was suggested that the teaching for the lower class (7) (集中在) recognizing/memorizing Chinese characters/words. (8) (建议作出更大的努力鼓励学生们说和使用汉语). It was suggested that different loads of homework may be given to (9) (不同水平的学生). It was considered that following the textbooks (though some of its context is not appropriate) as a guideline is useful for the teaching. It was suggested that parents may exchange or lend videos/VCDs to school so that the school may show them to the pupils. should be focused on ___________________ It was suggested that more effort should be made to encourage the pupils to speak and use Chinese ______________________________________________________________ _______________________ pupils at different levels ______________________
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 5 Minutes Practice Practice 7 (4) Activities Based on the nice memory from the last summer BBQ, (10) (将举行圣诞晚会), possibly at the beginning of December. Next AGM: September 2001 Attendees: Yan Yuying, Zheng Qingping, Wang Yi, Sun Xuezhong, Long Deliang, Wang Qiang, Zhang Fan, Zhao Xudong, Huang Nan, Zuo Xiaofang, Shao Ping. Wang Yi a Christmas party will be held ____________________________
SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 SEC 6 SEC 5 SEC 2 返回 Section 5 Minutes Practice Practice 8 As a secretary of the Labor Grievances Committee of the Slate and Johnson Luggage Company, you must prepare the minutes of the monthly meeting held on September 23, 2006. Use the following notes you took at the meeting to write the minutes. 1. Called to order 4 p.m., employees’ cafeteria, by Mr. Falk. 2. Presiding: Mr. Falk; Present: Mr. Baum, Ms. Dulugatz, Mr. Fenster, Ms. Liu, Ms. Sun. Absent: Ms. Ren. 3. Correction made in the minutes of previous meeting (August 21): Ms. Dulugatz, not Ms. Ren, to conduct a study of employee washroom and warehouse; approved and corrected. 4. Mr. Fenster presented the results of survey of employees; most frequent complaints agreed on; Fenster to arrange to present these complaints to Board of Derectors. 5. Report on condition of warehouse and employee washrooms presented by Ms Dulugatz; accepted with editorial revision. 6. Adjourned 5:15 p.m., next meeting at the same time and place on October 22.