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Max Bpo provides global BPO solutions for call center, back office operation, healthcare bpo, logistics bpo, finance accounting, digital publishing and much more. We deliver superior outsourcing services with 21 years of experience and 31 countries like USA, UK, Canada, Germany and Australia etc. For more details read this document.
ContactUs F-12 Sector 8 Noida,Uttar Pradesh,India Ph : +919718691959 https://maxbpooutsourcing.com Our QualityCertification ISO 9001:2015 ISO27001:2013
OurValues Fromthedayoftheinceptionofourcompany,thevalueshaveremainedthesame,anditinspiresustoachieve continuallyhighergoalseverytime.Wekeepourclientsfirstandtheyremainatthecenterofalltheprojectsthat we undertake. Job integrity matters much to us and we are committed, honest, and ethical in every way. We respect individual differences with dignity underlying all aspects of people dealings. MAXBPO believes in collaboration and everyone with us works as a team. We learn from experiences sharing best practices and knowledge for creation of incomparable solutions. In everything that we do, we emphasize on excellence outperforming at eachstage.
OurVision Ourvision is todeliverqualitycentricprocessandtechnologysolutionswithemphasisoncustomersatisfaction andcontinualimprovement.Wewanttogointothemosteffectivebusinessprocessoutsourcingcompany,your choicestpartnerthataddsvaluetothebottomlineofyourbusinessensuringsustainable,long-termgrowth.
OurMission Ourmissionistoenableclientsoutperformintheindustrymakingthemostofourinnovationandservices.We emphasize upon client engagement and spanning the business of our clients, create an impactful solution to drive excellence and agility into various business processes. Further we make the most of our in-depth domain expertise, network of global delivery, and partnership approach. Outperformance becomes the game changer for companies and makes all the difference between dramatic growth and survival. We want companies to adoptourproactivestrategieswithfocusonkeydifferentiatorsandvalueproposition.Thisensuresthatyourstay milesaheadinmarketpursuits.Withustheclientsoutperformmakingthemostofourpassionforexcellence. Wewanttogetanin-depthunderstandingofyourbusinesslearningeverythingaboutitinsideout.
Call CenterServices Happy customers will yield in generating more business, increasing brand loyalty; developing goodwill and most importantly lead to exceeding business success rate. To succeed and survive in this competitive market, one must possessanefficient,effectiveandreliablecustomercareservices as theseareequallyimportant as theproductsand services that one has to offer. Having said that, that’s where we at MAX BPO appear at center stage by providing state-of-the-artcallcenteroutsourcingservicesataffordableandcompetitiveprices. Weofferthefollowingsolutions: Inbound&OutboundCallCenterServices OrderManagement Email & ChatSupport Customer Care, Acquisition &Retention
Back OfficeServices Thebackoffice isaveryimportantpartofacompanyresponsibleforprovidingallbusinessfunctionsrelatedtoits operations.Acustomizedbackofficesolutionforabusinessclearlyreflectsitsstakeinthecorporateworld.Dealing with data seamlessly is a constant challenge because it keeps piling every day. There is data from different transactionalprocesseslikeapplicationprocessing,orderfulfilment,collections,billing,andtransactionprocessing. Withoutproperbackofficecapabilities,itwillaccrueandthesituationbecomesmorecriticalasthetimegoes. Weofferthefollowingsolutions: Data Entry &Processing Data Cleansing & Mining Logistics SupportServices CatalogManagement
Finance &Accounting MAX BPO is an expert outsourcing service provider which has 18+ years of experience in delivering finance and accounting services to clients. We at MAX BPO merge our domain skills with our extensive network and technology solutions have designedanddevelopedausefulBPOservicemodelthatassuresofdeliveringqualityresultsbyidentifyingourclientsbusiness transitions,andtransformingthemtoexecuteandaddvaluetotheirentirefinanceandaccountingservices.Westrictlybelieve in delivering the right information at the right time. We at MAX BPO offer Finance and Accounting Outsourcing Services worldwide including US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Dubai, Singapore, UAE, France, India and other major countries. We provide tailor-made solutions to our clients in industries like – Telecom, e-Commerce, Insurance, Real Estate, Manufacturing, Retail, Infrastructure, andHealthcare, etc. Weofferthefollowingsolutions: Account Payables &Receivables DebtCollection
Logistics SupportServices The advent of mobiles and e-Commerce globally has also given rise to businesses being browsed to buy products from internationalserviceproviders.Heavytradingofgoods is nowthenormofthebusinessacrosstheplanet.Asconsumersexpect faster deliveries, businesses are more and more dependent on logistics services to ensure timely delivery, customer communicationandsafearrivalofproductsatthecustomer’sdesireddestination. Weofferthefollowingsolutions: OrderEntry/Provisioning OrderManagement Customer Services & CustomerManagement Finance &Accounting FreightBillAuditing(InspectorateInvoice) Purchase OrderEntry DataEntry&;VerificationOfBillofLading
Healthcare SupportServices Healthcareisafastgrowingindustryandahighlycompetitiveoneforthat.Thereisincreasedemphasisonprovidingfastand superior customer service to the patients, while ensuring compliances and embracing the latest in medical and supporting technology alongside to ensure business growth plans stay in place. Challenges that hold back business leaders within the healthcareindustryincludeadministration,customercare,revenuecyclemanagementandadherencetocompliance. Weofferthefollowingsolutions: Medical Coding, Billing& Collection Charge EntryServices Medical RecordsIndexing Medical Claims ProcessingServices
DigitalPublishing Digital publishing allows you greater flexibility in having an inventory-free sales process, and being able to place updates as quickly as possible, including instant access to the knowledge resource albeit you may be anywhere in the world! MAX BPO OutsourcinghasprovideddigitalpublishingservicesgloballyincludingUS,UK,Australia,Canada,Germany,Dubai,Singapore, India,UAE,andFrance.Ourstaffiswelltrainedandhaveworkedacrossamultitudeofindustriesandformats. Wehavein-depthexpertiseinthefollowingformats EPUB2.0.1 EPUB 3.0 (HTML 5 withCSS3) FixedLayout Mobi PDF, HTML, XML &SGML WordFormatting
We are just a click awayto offer the consultation! India F-12, 3rd Floor Sector8, Noida Uttar Pradesh India info@maxbpooutsourcing.com https://maxbpooutsourcing.com/ +9101204322810 +919718691959 Skype:data.house.india