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What can NRL do for you? (And what can you do for NRL?) presented by Shannon Mensi, Public Affairs Officer & Kathleen Chapman, Patent Attorney. The Navy’s corporate research laboratory. Research Development Technology. UNCLASSIFIED. Topics of our Talk Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
What can NRL do for you?(And what can you do for NRL?)presented byShannon Mensi, Public Affairs Officer& Kathleen Chapman, Patent Attorney The Navy’s corporate research laboratory. Research Development Technology UNCLASSIFIED
Topics of our Talk • Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) • Structure, Funding • NRL-Stennis Space Center (NRL-SSC) • Mission, research • Available NRL Technology • How to work with NRL and NRL-SSC
Collocated Research and Operational Centers Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Operations Research Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition) U.S. Fleet Forces (USFF) Oceanographer of the Navy Office of Naval Research Chief of Naval Research Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (CNMOC) Universities Naval Research Laboratory NRL-MRY NRL-SSC Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO) Naval Oceanography Operations Command (COO) Anti-Submarine Warfare Center (NOAC) Fleet Survey Team ISR Component Naval Ice Center Key Special Warfare Comp. Monterey, CA Washington, DC Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) Mine Warfare Center (NOMWC) Stennis Space Center Norfolk, VA NAVSCIATTS* SBT-22*
Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command “Responsible for command and management of the Naval Oceanography Program, utilizing meteorology and oceanography, GI&S, and precise time and astrometry, to leverage the environment to enable successful strategic, tactical and operational battle space utilization across the continuum of campaigning and at all levels of war – strategic, operationalandtactical.”
Naval Research Laboratory To conduct a broadly based multidisciplinary program of scientific research and advanced technological development directed toward maritime applications of new and improved materials, techniques, equipments, systems and ocean atmospheric and space sciences and related technologies.
Why is the Navy interested basic research and development (R&D)? • To maintain the competitive scientific, technological and innovative advantage of our Navy and Marine Corps warfighters. • Examples: • GPS—developed by NRL. • Sonar—developed by NRL. • Radar—developed by NRL.
Naval Research Laboratory PATUXENT RIVER VXS-1 Squadron NRL D.C MONTEREY, CA Atmospheric Weather Chesapeake Bay Div Tilghman Is. Midway Res Ctr Blossom Point Pomonkey * Additional sites based on sponsor research STENNIS SPACE CENTER, MS MOBILE, AL Ex-USS Shadwell KEY WEST, FL Marine Corrosion Facility
NRL Personnel FY 11 (Full-Time) * other includes: Geologists, Operations Research Analysts, Health Physicists
Working Capital Fund • NRL is a Navy Working Capital Fund activity • (vice an appropriated fund activity or mission-funded activity) • The Navy Working Capital Fund is a Revolving Fund: • (Operates similar to a private business model) • Buyer-seller relationship with customers • Charged fixed prices (stabilized rates) with goal to break-even • No lump sum pot of money or federal budget line item to fund NRL. • Therefore, NRL charges customers/sponsors for all costs.
Lines of Business • Sensors, Electronics & Electronic Warfare • Materials/Processes • Battlespace Environments • Air / Surface / Undersea Warfare • Information Systems Technology • Space Platforms • Technology Transfer
Undersea Warfare (13%) Materials & Chemistry (25%) Information Technology (4%) Space Res. & Space Tech (8%) Battlespace Environments (16%) Electronics (18%) Science and technology for communications, information security, decision support, and autonomous systems. Development of advanced functional and structural materials Research and advanced technologies for undersea sensors for ASW/MW Research leadership on new electronic and electro-optic phenomena, materials, theory and techniques for future Naval forces and avoid technological surprise Barny and Long Ranger ADPCs Understand the space environment and its effects on Naval Systems. Conduct unique experiments in space, specific to future DON needs Environmental processes and phenomena of the ocean, sediment near shore and marine atmosphere NRL “GelMan” developed and implemented to determine internal brain dynamic responses under blast conditions Electromagnetic Warfare (13%) Develops technologies for total electromagnetic battlespace awareness/dominance Mobile Networks / Personal Secure Phone Undersea Distributed Surveillance NRL S&T Base Program NRL S&T Base Program: $116.7M 6.1, $78.8M 6.2 in FY11 Results to advance Naval Systems and Capabilities
NRL Stennis Space Center • Acoustic Simulation, Measurements and Tactics Branch • Conducting basic and applied research in undersea physics. • Oceanography Division • Executing a research program to understand, define and predict dynamical, physical, bio-physical and optical processes of the open, coastal and littoral ocean. • Marine Geosciences Division • Conducting a multidisciplinary program of applied scientific research and technology development in marine geosciences, geospatial information and related technologies.
Acoustic Simulation, Measurements and Tactics Branch Acoustic Modeling and Uncertainty • How will the undersea environment affect a sound we make underwater? • How long does it take for a sound to dissipate at 100-m depth with a rocky seafloor? • What happens if we make a high-pitched sound at the surface of the ocean? • Let’s develop a way to find out.
Oceanography Division Waves, tides, circulation, ice, clarity, chemistry, currents • How does the thickness of ice at the Arctic Cap this summer compare to last summer? • How do water turbidity affect how well divers see underwater? • How high will the waves be tomorrow off Cape Town, South Africa? • Let’s develop a way to find out.
Marine Geosciences Division Seafloor Characteristics/Processes & GIS • How strong is the layer of slime on the floor of the Bay of St. Louis? • Can we capture methane from the seafloor and use it as a viable energy source? • How does the grain size of sand affect sand ripples and how do those ripples impact the movement of sand bars? • Let’s develop a way to find out.
World Class ScienceU.S. Scientific Research & Patents Top 10 (of 430) U.S. Institutions in Rank Order (an NSF Study Research Policy)
Top Ten Institutions for US Patents in Nanotechnology (1976-2006)Nature Nanotechnology, Vol. 3, March 2008
NRL Partnerships • Partnerships with Industry • Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) • Sale to Third Parties (non-Federal Government) • Licensing/Sublicensing • Partnerships with Universities • 1,000 collaborations with 250 institutions in 50 states • 198 collaborations in 34 foreign countries • International Agreements/Committees • Involvement with 44 nations • Joint Programs • MOA/MOUs
What can NRL do for you? • What technology does NRL have that you might be interested in? • What would you like to work on with NRL? • How can you make money teaming with NRL? • What is the first step? • Who do you contact?
Available NRL Technology “NRL Technology” (noun): a product or process that • has been created by an NRL employee to fill a Navy/sponsor need, • has been issued a U.S. patent (or is pending), • does not currently exist in the marketplace, • has commercial uses, and • can be licensed by an individual or business to further develop or manufacture for commercial sales/profit.
NRL Technology Example No. 1River Simulation US Patent Application # 2012/0101795 • Potential Customers/ • Non-Navy Applications: • Risk assessment • Mission planning systems • Port security • Environmental monitoring • Disaster Response Professionals What makes it unique: - Any type of imagery can be used - Missing data OK
NRL Technology Example No. 2Microbial Fuel Cell US Patent # 8,012,616 US Patent # 8,148,019 US Patent Application # 2011/0104518 US Patent Application # 2010/0081014 • Potential Customers/ • Non-Navy Applications: • Environmental sensors • Wastewater treatment and purification • Bioremediation and waste reduction • Renewable electricity from biomass What makes it unique: -- No active pump required -- High power density -- Passive nutrient diffusion
NRL Technology Example No. 3Tide and Current Prediction US Patent # 7,283,908 US Patent # 7,251,564 • Potential Customers/ • Non-Navy Applications Include: • Oil/Gas drilling companies • Commercial fishermen • Recreational divers, surfers • Sport fishing • Offshore construction and infrastructure planning and maintenance operations • Military planning, operations and training What makes it unique: -- Tide and current predictions anywhere in the world -- PC or Linux platform: completely portable --Well-developed software in use by the U.S. Navy
Let’s Talk Money • Broad Agency Announcement (BAA): Businesses submit proposals in identified research areas. Recipients receive funding to follow through with the research. (We give you money.) • Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA): Businesses team with NRL scientists to develop a technology. (We work together to save money.) • License: Businesses commercialize their own product they build using NRL-developed technology. (You give us some money to make more money.)
BAA – Oceanography Division • NRL requests proposals for basic and applied research of ocean dynamics and prediction, including computer modeling, data assimilation, and much more. • NRL-SSC BAA Announcement # 73-11-01 • http://heron.nrl.navy.mil/contracts. Click on “General BAA”
CRADA • Cooperativeresearch between a federal laboratory and a non-federal party • Non-federal party receives a license to use the developed technology, and has the option to negotiate a commercial license for the technology • www.nrl.navy.mil/techtransfer/crada_faq.php
License Information • Since 1980, federal laboratories such as NRL have been required to actively transfer their technology to foster economic growth • How? By licenses, patents, and trademarks • NRL technologies available for licensing: www.nrl.navy.mil/techtransfer
What’s the first step? • Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs): heron.nrl.navy.mil/contracts/baa/index.htm • Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) or technologies available for licensing: www.nrl.navy.mil/techtransfer
Who do you contact? Cameron Childs NRL Technology Transfer 202-767-0947 Cameron.Childs@nrl.navy.mil Us Today! Booth #10