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THE COLLAPSE OF THE EVOLUTION THEORY. Dr. Simiat O. Elias Senior Lecturer Department of Physiology Lagos Sate University College of Medicine (LASUCOM), Ikeja. THE EVOLUTION THEORY.
THE COLLAPSE OF THE EVOLUTION THEORY Dr. Simiat O. Elias Senior Lecturer Department of Physiology Lagos Sate University College of Medicine (LASUCOM), Ikeja
THE EVOLUTION THEORY • All life is related and has descended from a common ancestor: the birds and the bananas, the fishes and the flowers -- all related • Charles Darwin's general theory presumes the development of life from non-life and stresses a purely naturalistic (undirected) "descent with modification“ • Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
EVOLUTION • "a gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form" • The process of change in the inherited traits of a population from one generation to the next • As it is most famously used, "evolution" is the process by which an organism becomes more sophisticated over time and in response to its environment
History of Evolution Theory • Ancient Greek philosophers such as Anaximander postulated the development of life from non-life and the evolutionary descent of man from animal • Charles Darwin simply brought something new to the old philosophy -- a plausible mechanism called "natural selection”
ESSENCE OF DARWIN’S EVOLUTION THEORY • (SPECIES: A population of organisms that interbreeds and has fertile offspring) • Living organisms have descended with modifications from species that lived before them • Natural Selection explains how this evolution occurred:
Natural Selection and Evolution • More organisms are produced than can survive because of limited resources • Organisms struggle for the necessities of life; there is competition for resources • Individuals within a population vary in their traits; some of these traits are heritable…. • Some variants are better adapted to survive and reproduce under local conditions than others
Better adapted individuals (the “fit”) are more likely to survive and reproduce, thereby passing on copies of their genes to the next generation vi. Species whose individuals are best adapted survive; others become extinct
NATURAL SELECTION • Natural selection acts to preserve and accumulate minor advantageous genetic mutations and “Survival of the Fittest” • If a member of a species developed a functional advantage, its offspring would inherit that advantage and pass it on to their offspring • The inferior (disadvantaged) members of the same species would gradually die out, leaving only the superior (advantaged) members of the species
Evolution • New or inherited traits are said to arise from two processes: • Mutation in genes • Transfer of genes between populations as in migration or between species as in horizontal gene transfer
Mutation - From Ape to Man? • Mutations are rare, occurring about once in 10 million duplications • Usually result in abnormalities that may be injurious or fatal • There are 100 trillion cells in the human body: • If a couple mutate, the effect may not be noticeable
Ape to Man?? • From ape to Man requires only 1% of the ape’s DNA to mutate • 1% means 1million direct mutations, along the same line, no change • To get 5 direct mutations alone involves a chance of 10, 000 000 000 000 000 000 000! • How then could Ape have become Man???
Common Ancestry? • The theory of transmutation of species is a scientific mistake, untrue in its facts, unscientific in its methods and mischievous in its tendency – Prof J. Agassiz, Harvard • Is it really credible that random processes could have constructed a reality, the smallest element of which – a functional protein or gene – is complex beyond ------ anything produced by the intelligence of Man? Michael Denton, Molecular Biologist
Common Ancestry?? • That a mindless, purposeless, chance process such as Natural Selection, acting on the sequels of recombinant DNA or random mutation, most of which are injurious or fatal, could fabricate such complexity and organization as the vertebrate eye, where each component part must carry on its own distinctive task in a harmoniously functioning optical unit, is inconceivable - H.S. Hamilton
THE RETINA SEES ALL • The absence of transition forms between the retina of invertebrates and that of vertebrates poses another difficulty. Here there is a great gulf which remains inviolate. • The total picture speaks of INTELLIGENT, CREATIVE DESIGN OF AN INFINITELY HIGH ORDER” – H.S. Hamilton (Author – The Retina of the Eye equals An Evolutionary Road Block
Fallacies of the Evolution Theory • Evolution is the core of non-religious education • Defined as a slow process of upward change in which matter and energy become a living substance that eventually becomes Man, • It diminishes the significance of Man • It defies Intelligent Design & Plan (Allah) • It is a disguised religion
Evolution is not Scientific • It is not testable: it can not be measured or verified (unless someone has seen a fish-lizard?) • It is not repeatable: scientific results are usually reproducible • It has no integrity: not dependable, reliable or trustworthy (witness Kellenworth experiments on the Melanin Moths)
ERRORS IN THE EVOLUTION THEORY • 1. Following a long voyage on the Beagle, Darwin explained the myriad of organisms he saw with his theory of Natural Selection • The questions then arose: Who or what does the selection? How is the selection done? 2. When Darwin could not provide an answer to the questions, he went on to his “Survival of the Fittest” theory
Survival of the Fittest Theory • When there was no knowledge of DNAs and GENES CELL BIOLOGY, • Darwin was able to convince people of his Survival of the Fittest theory: Persons with weak traits die off while those with stronger traits survived • OR Monkeys evolved into Man because Man is more FIT for survival in this universe
Survival of the Fittest • According to Darwin, Apes and Chimpanzees evolved to Man because Man is more “fit” and therefore more able to survive • Question: • How come there are still apes and monkeys? • How come there are no half Ape-half Man organisms around?
Fallacy 2 • “Post hoc propter hoc” meaning “After this (therefore) because of this” • In other words, because event B occurs after event A, therefore A must have caused B! • There was an oil spill and a car accident therefore the spill must have caused the accident. Is it not possible that they are unrelated?
APE BECAME MAN BECAUSE • Darwin wrote: “In considering the origin of species, it is quite conceivable that a naturalist, reflecting on the MUTUAL AFFINITIES of organic beings, on their EMBRYOLOGICAL RELATIONS, their GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION, GEOLOGICAL SUCCESSION and other facts, might come to the conclusion THAT SPECIES HAD NOT BEEN INDEPENDENTLY CREATED but HAD DESCENDED like varieties from other species
Therefore • Amoeba is the ancestor of fish and then monkeys/apes and then Man: FROM THE GOO TO THE ZOO TO YOU • From flowers to flowers, monkeys to Man, all related because of their mutual affinities, embryological relations, geographical distribution and geological succession? • If Ape and Man are not found in the same geographical distribution, then they are not related? Alhamdulillah for little mercies!
EXPLAIN THESE PLEASE • EXTINCTION: If newer species develop from earlier ones, how come animals like DINOSAURS are extinct? • STATIS: There are long periods in the fossil record between the appearance of one species, its extinction and the lack of intermediate species i.e. there is no gradual modification of species unlike what Darwin & colleagues will have us believe
AND THESE • DIVERSITY: The ability of near identical species to co-exist for eons inspite of a very near identical conditions of life that should have ensured the transformation of the “less fit” to the “more fit”; specie identities remain unaltered • SURVIVAL OF THE “NON-FITTEST”: The ability of species to exist with less than optimal features
TALKING ABOUT DIVERSITY • Some vertebrates have 5 digit-limbs: Amphibians, Reptiles, Aves and Mammals too and are therefore supposed to evolve from a lower level of complexity to a higher one ?? But when have we seen a toad become a lizard or a crocodile a monkey and then become Man? • They all coexist!!
Natural Selection Theory • This is fallacious also in that it is an attempt to explain something that we do not understand i.e. creation • How do we explain that Drosophilia, even Mosquitoes are here with us while Dinosaurs are extinct? • Slums are characterized by poverty, hunger, disease etc so Get Rid of Slums, you’ll be rid of poverty, hunger, disease etc??? • Guns cause crime; Get rid of guns and be rid of Crime???
“We are like children (who are) looking at a complicated machine, the reason for which construction they do not understand and like children we constantly draw our own conclusions (erroneous or not) – Alfred Wallace (1854) • Darwin et al did not understand creation or were unwilling to accept its reality so they imposed Natural Selection and later Survival of the Fittest on us
He Goes On and On • Darwin wrote: “The most vigorous males, those which are best fitted for their places in nature will leave the most progeny”. So males that have less progeny are less fit? • Consider Drosophilia (Fruit Fly), it has never had the ability to penetrate fruits to get at the sugars that it needs to make its food yet it survives till today • Snakes have venoms to protect themselves as well as to aid them in preying on their preys, bats do not but still manage to survive
Irreducible Complexity Irreducible Complexity refers to the phenomenon in which “a single system composed of several well matched interacting parts that contribute to the basic function wherein the removal of anyone of the parts causes the system to effectively stop functioning” This could be a wristwatch, yours and mine
And Darwin says “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which couldn’t possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory (of evolution) would absolutely break down” • Even the human cell is an Irreducible Complexity on its own at least we now know so. It was not formed by numerous, successive slight modifications, it has always been like that
THE CELL IS A LTTLE CITY • CITY • Power Plant • Workers • Factories • Roads • Recycling Centres • Post Office • CELL • Mitochondria • Proteins • Ribosomes • Microtubules • Lysosomes • Golgi Apparatus
THE HUMAN EYE • Another Irreducible Complexity – the Human Eye • A perfect and interrelated system of about 40 interrelated subsystems • The retina has about 137million cells: • 130million are rods and handle black and white vision • 7 million are cones and are responsible for colour vision
SEEING OR VISION • When light impinges on the retina, it is converted to electrical impulses and transmitted to the visual cortex of the brain through the optic nerve. • The visual cortex interpretes all the nuances of an image – colour, texture, size etc- and these evolves into the final pictures we see • The retina, the optic nerve and the visual cortex are separate but collaborating entities that interprete over 1.5million messages per millisecond! • How did they come together to work together so we can see? There must be a master designer!
Darwin again • If there is an IRREDUCIBLE COMPLEXITY then it has to be the human eye! • Even Darwin confessed that the eye could not have been formed by his Natural Selection Theory, such an absurdity he said • But in what has now been recognized as a dubious way, Darwin went on to say that the human eye evolved from simpler eyes from lower forms!
Fossil Records & Evolution Theory • According to Darwin’s Theory, there is Macro-evolution: more complex organisms evolved from simpler ones • However, Darwin also said, “if macro-evolution were true, we would see a vast number of fossils at intermediate stages of development. In fact we should see more transitional forms than finished products” • In other words, lizards in the process of becoming crocodiles etc
Reality of Fossils • History of Fossils include two features that are inconsistent with gradualism: • Statis: Species exhibit no directional change during their tenure on earth – they appear in the fossil record much the same way as they disappear • Sudden Appearance: In any area, species do not arise gradually by steady transformation of its ancestors, it appears all at once and FULLY FORMED -Prof Gould, Prof of Geology & Palaeontology, Harvard
CAMBRIAN EXPLOSION • Excavation of the Cambrian Strata (dated 500-550million years) revealed the fossils of a myriad of organisms: snails. Trilobite, sponges, earthworms, jelly fish, sea hedgehogs, etc. • None of the fossils showed any half forms; all the organisms had been created as they were, no pre-ancestors • They all had complex systems like eyes, , gills, circulatory systems etc that did not differ from their present day counterparts
Intelligent Design Movement • Formed in early1990s by Prof. Philip E. Johnson • To save the world from Darwinists and the religion of ATHEISM that they were/are enjoining on Man • The Evolution Theory is not entirely about how we evolved, it is more about the denial of ALLAH, the Master Designer • It is inter-religious in that it allows members to decide what form the MASTER DESIGNER/CREATOR takes for them
ALLAH SAYS • With regard to those who query the beginning and the end of the world, • “I did not make them witnesses to the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor the creation of their own souls; nor could I take those who lead (others astray for helpers” • Q18:51
ALLAH SPEAKS “Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and earth were an integrate mass, but We have opened them up; and We have made of water every living thing? Will they not then believe?” Q21:30 “Then He (Allah) directed Himself to the heavens and to the earth and it was vapour (smoke), so He (Allah) said to it and to the earth: come both, willingly or unwillingly. They both said, “We come willingly” Q 41:11
Again, the Holy Qur’an “when your Lord said to the angels; “Surely I am going to create a mortal from dust: SO when I have made him complete and breathed into him my Spirit, then fall down making obeisance to him” Q 38: 71-72 @Have you considered the seeds? Is it you that create it or are We the Creators?” Q 56: 58-5
In the End, “Those on whom besides Allah you call, cannot create (even) a fly, if they all met together for the purpose! And if a fly should snatch away anything from them, they would have no power to release it from the fly. Feeble are those who petition and those whom they petition” Q 22: 73&74 “Wa ma taofiki ila billahi alaehi tawakaltu wa ilaehi uniib” Q 11:88