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Re-employment Assistance Program (REA) And Labor Market Information (LMI) Training 11/17/2014

Re-employment Assistance Program (REA) And Labor Market Information (LMI) Training 11/17/2014. Agenda. REA Challenge. Up to 2000. 1700. 300. 850 Enrolled in REA. 850 Not enrolled in REA. Profiled Group. Received notification letter. 60 Dayer’s. Received notification Letter.

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Re-employment Assistance Program (REA) And Labor Market Information (LMI) Training 11/17/2014

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Re-employment Assistance Program (REA) And Labor Market Information (LMI) Training 11/17/2014

  2. Agenda

  3. REA Challenge

  4. Up to 2000 1700 300 850 Enrolled in REA 850 Not enrolled in REA Profiled Group Received notification letter 60 Dayer’s Received notification Letter Control Group Must attend CCS within 3 weeks Attended a CCS within 3 weeks Attended a CCS prior to enrollment Must attend CCS within 3 weeks Measured against REA Auto populates after CCS Auto populates on date of enrollment If not - 1 week sanction No notification letter Completed REA Review by 5 weeks Completed REA Review by 5 weeks Meets program requirements Meets program requirements If not - 1 week sanction If not - 1 week sanction

  5. Side by Side Comparison

  6. Side by Side Comparison continued…

  7. Common Errors

  8. Common Errors

  9. Common Errors

  10. Common Errors

  11. Common Errors

  12. Common Errors

  13. Common Errors

  14. Common Errors

  15. Common Errors

  16. Common Errors

  17. Common Errors

  18. Common Errors

  19. Common Errors

  20. Common Errors

  21. Common Errors

  22. Common Errors

  23. Common Errors

  24. Common Errors

  25. Common Errors

  26. Common Errors

  27. Common Errors

  28. Common Errors

  29. Common Errors

  30. Labor Market Information (LMI)

  31. What is Labor Market Information? Q: Are my skills still in demand? Decision: Upgrade skills or market current skills Q: Do I need additional training or education? Decision: Explore training/education programs and funding sources Q: What jobs are growing or declining? Decision: Stay in current market or transfer skills in a Compatible growing market. Q: Are my wage expectations realistic? Decision: Re-evaluate my expectations or transfer to growing industry Make informed decisions Q: How do I identify my transferrable skills? Decision: Attend LMI or TORQ workshop Find the right job Q: Where are the jobs? Decision: May have to decide between commute and work/life balance *LMI is a requirement for REA participants


  33. Web Search Tools • JOB SEARCH • Industries • Wages • Occupations • Growth • Hiring practices • Related • occupations • Job Summaries • Job Trends • Job descriptions • Job alerts • Labor Market • research * • ASSESSMENTS • Skills • Values • Interests • Reality Check • KSAs • Comparison • Skills gap • Individual Needs • Assessment * • MARKETING • Resume • Cover Letter • Portfolio • Profile • Interviewing • 30 second • commercial • Thank You • letters • Networking • EDUCATION • MA schools • US Colleges • Programs of • study • Financial Aid • Skills gaps • Scholarships • Community • colleges • TRAINING • Short term • Professional • development • Professional • associations • Job corps • Certifications • Internships • Apprenticeship • Webinars • OTHER • Military • Self- • employment • Job retention • Youth • Employer • locater • Career Advice • Articles • JobQuest* • MassCIS* • TORQ* • O*NET* • LinkedIn* • CareerBuilder* • Glass Door* • HWOL* • Career One Stop* • Job Quest • MassCis • TORQ • O*NET • Career One • Stop • MassCIS • Career One Stop • LinkedIn • About.com • The Ladders • Vaforvets* • MassCis • Career One • Stop • O*NET • The Ladders • About.com • JobQuest • MassCIS • O*NET • TORQ • Career One • Stop • MassCIS • O*NET • TORQ • Career One • Stop What I Need to Get Started

  34. Labor Market Information Tools MassCIS* O*NET* Career One Stop* US Bureau of Labor and Statistics* MY Skills My Future* My Next Move* TORQ* Salary Information Assessment Training Job Outlook Resources Job Postings Salary Information Assessment Training Employer Locator Interview Tips Job Postings Salary Information Projections Statistics Inflation & Prices Databases Job Postings Salary Information Assessment Training Employer Locator Certification Job Postings Salary Information Occupation Description Job Matches Resources Education Job Postings Salary Information Assessment Training Job Outlook Education Job Postings Salary Information Skills Training PEP Plan Transfer of skills Job Postings

  35. Training Fall 2013 REA/LMI Review

  36. Work Search Tracking Document

  37. Human Business Model

  38. Human / Business Model HUMAN BUSINESS

  39. Regular REA Program Life-Cycle • State sends letters to enrollees who have not attended CCS • CC Staff contacts enrolled 60- dayers to inform of program requirements 60-dayers = Claimants who attended CCS within 60 prior to REA enrollment • Job Quest Registration • Work Search Activity • Discuss LMI By week 5 Claimants who are selected for REA are enrolled upon 1st UI payment Conduct REA review • Prepare for REA Review • Check Customer file in Moses • Check their Job Quest usage • Have list of upcoming events • Have jobs ready? By week 3 All other enrollees attend CCS RES • CAP • Job Search Inventory Schedule REA review

  40. REA Review

  41. What are your priorities when conducting a REA Review?

  42. REA Review Preparation • Review the Customers INA and/or CAP • Be prepared to address any services that may be available for or needed by the Customer • Review MOSES screen – always verify the information on the ‘Basic’ tab and the ‘Employment’ tab, update as needed and capture their e-mail address • Is the Customer registered on Job Quest and able to do ‘Job Matching’ • Where are the upcoming Job Fairs for the Customer • What Hot Jobs Listings are available for you to supply to this Customer • Did you add any additional goals for this Customer’s next steps

  43. What do Your Customers Expect from You During the REA Review?

  44. REA Review • Review the use of Customer Labor Market exploration (LMI) • Review of Customer Career Action Plan (CAP) • Review Work Search Activity • Notice trends in the activities, offer guidance, and next steps • Determine if UI eligibility criteria are met • Verify Customeris registered with and using Job Quest • Attain CCS/REA Review by Week 5 • Refer to additional Career Center Services • Referral to DUA when necessary

  45. REA Review Assessment Did you meet the Customers expectations during this review? Were you prepared? Where did you find yourself on the Human/Business Model? Did you accurately and timely document information in MOSES?

  46. Communicating With DUA

  47. Communicating with DUA • DUA Looks for: • A complete picture of Claimants’ REA or EUC-REA activities - CAP - MOSES Service Screens - MOSES Notes • All information must be documented in MOSES timely and accurately

  48. Communicating with DUA

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