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Charlotte Kristiansson, PhD student

This study focuses on developing an entertaining and educational intervention for primary school children regarding the rational use of antibiotics. The intervention includes a creative photo novel and teacher-led activities to improve children's understanding of bacteria, antibiotics, and hygiene. Results show improved knowledge in intervention groups compared to control, emphasizing the efficacy of edutainment in health promotion.

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Charlotte Kristiansson, PhD student

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  1. Children as Health Information Carriers: An “Edutainment” Intervention Concerning Rational Use of Antibiotics Charlotte Kristiansson, PhD student Div. of International Health (IHCAR), Karolinska Institute, Sweden STRAMA-project

  2. Study objective: To develop and evaluate a primary school–based health promoting intervention including entertainment-educational material addressing children.

  3. Children as partners in health promotion Number of important existing initiativesChildren as agents of change in the familySchools – existing infrastructure, teachers as resourceUse material that is adequate, children are not small adults – ex edutainment (educational content presented in an entertaining format)

  4. Study design • Teacher-facilitated lecture (45 minutes) about management of common cold, hygiene etc • Reading of the photo novel • Intervention group 1: • 4 schools (170 children) • Classteacher teaching • Questionnaires • FGDs with children • Interviews with teachers. • Intervention group 2: • 4 schools (146 children) • researcher teaching • Questionnaires • FGDs with children • Interviews with teachers. Control group: 5 schools (152 children) only questionnaires

  5. Material used • Photonovel – edutainment material – soap opera in print • Manual for teachers

  6. Development of the photo novel Literature review Input stakeholders Health message design by health professionals Draft cartoon outline FGD children 1 year Pre-testing Detailed cartoon outline Cartoon draft Final cartoon

  7. Penicillin and other types of antibiotics kill the bacteria that helps protecting you. Yes, all humans have bacteria in their bodies even when they are not sick. These bacteria usually doesn’t harm you, they help you. What do you mean? Bacteriathat helps protecting me??

  8. Results • Children’s knowledge was surprisingly high even before the intervention • The knowledge of the children in both intervention groups improved compared to that of the control group • Differences between the two intervention groups.

  9. Mean of score on questionnaire assessing childrens knowledge 10 9 8 7 6 Questionnaire 1 Mean of questionnaire score 5 Questionnaire 2 4 3 2 1 0 Intervention group 1 + 2 Control group N=5 + 4 schools N=5 schools

  10. Teachers • Found the material easy to use. • Could address all children regardless of previous knowledge, “edutainment” aspect caught the children’s interest. • ”Noone left the photo novel or threw it away - that is a good sign...”

  11. Children • Elaborated descriptions of infections spread + bacteria “both bad bandits and good cops”. • Previous knowledge come from TV • The Intervention deepen the knowledge from before: difference between bacteria and virus, antibiotic resistance. • Important to cooperate with the children in the production of the material • Sense of identification is crucial for the edutainment approach.

  12. Conclusions and • recommendations • Edutainment is a suitable method for Primary school-based health interventions. • However, material had to be improved and extended after input from children and teachers – to facilitate even more for teachers • Much effort spended on production of the material – with involvement of children. • Help the children to transfer the knowledge to their parents – design the material to invite the parents

  13. STRAMA project(Swedish Strategic Programme for rational Use of Antibiotics)Contributors: Eric Thorell, Fredrik Sund, Otto Cars, Per Hartvig, Ann Tammelin, Annika Mellquist, Malin Englund, Karin Flensburg, Charlotte Kristiansson.Children, teachers, parents in Gotland and in Stockholm.

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