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Central Michigan University School of Medicine Update

Central Michigan University School of Medicine Update. Cam Enarson, MD, MBA Interim Dean October 6, 2009. Stages of LCME Accreditation. Applicant Candidate Preliminary Provisional Full. Timeline. Fall 2012 100 students per class M.D. program. I. Institutional Setting.

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Central Michigan University School of Medicine Update

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  1. Central Michigan University School of Medicine Update Cam Enarson, MD, MBA Interim Dean October 6, 2009

  2. Stages of LCME Accreditation • Applicant • Candidate • Preliminary • Provisional • Full

  3. Timeline • Fall 2012 • 100 students per class • M.D. program

  4. I. Institutional Setting • Formal delineation of the relationship between the medical school and university (bylaws) • Governance structure • Appointment of the Founding Dean • Appointment of the senior leadership within the dean’s office: education, student affairs, hospital affairs, administration & finance • Appointment of administrative leadership for academic units with major instructional responsibilities • Chartering of standing committees: admissions, curriculum, faculty promotion & tenure, student advancement 

  5. II. Educational Program • Program objectives (competencies) • Detailed layout of first year of study • Specification of teaching and evaluation methods to facilitate achievement of program objectives • System for curricular management and review • System for educational program evaluation

  6. Curriculum • Minimum of 130 weeks of instruction • Opportunities for active learning and independent study • Laboratory or other practical opportunities to apply scientific method • Current concepts in basic and clinical sciences • Behavioral and socio-economic subjects

  7. Curriculum continued • Clinical instruction to include preventive, acute, chronic, continuing, rehabilitative, and end-of-life care • Clinical experience in primary care • Clinical experiences in in-patient and out-patient settings • Communication skills • Ethics and human values • Clinical and translational research • Service learning opportunities

  8. III. Medical Students • Admission policies and selection criteria • Resources for academic counseling, financial aid, health services, personal counseling • Written standards and procedures for evaluation, advancement, and graduation of students and for disciplinary action • Standards of conduct for the teacher-learner relationship

  9. IV. Faculty • Written policies and procedures for faculty appointment, promotion, and tenure • Hiring of sufficient faculty for year one of instruction and as needed for implementation of plans for admissions, curricular planning & management, and student support • Recruitment plan and timeline for hiring of faculty for second year of the educational program

  10. V. Educational Resources • Budgets and supporting financial resources for the first five years of operation • Classroom space and supporting educational infrastructure for the first year of instruction • Plans for classroom space and supporting educational infrastructure for the second year of study • Library and technology resources • Identification of clinical teaching sites

  11. Status of CMU School of Medicine Development • Clinical affiliations • Facilities • Budget • Fundraising plan

  12. Clinical Affiliations • Support a distributed clinical education model • Central Michigan Community Hospital • Mid-Michigan Health • Covenant Health Care, St. Mary’s of Michigan, Synergy Medical • Other regional affiliates

  13. CMU Health Professions Building Addition

  14. CMU Health Professions Building Addition First Floor Kitchen Lounge Library Faculty Offices Student Affairs office Suite Group Study Restrooms Quiet Study Large Lecture Hall Small Group Study Rooms Lecture Room First Floor Axonometric View

  15. CMU Health Professions Building Addition Second Floor Simulator Room Lecture Room Faculty Offices Student Study Area Dean’s Office Suite Restrooms Exam Rooms Resource Lab Anatomy Labs 3D View of Second Floor

  16. School of Medicine Facility • Approx. 60,000 gr. sq. ft. addition to HP Building • Teaching Space: 20,905 sq. ft. • Lecture Hall (125 person) • Small Group Rooms (11) • Discussion Rooms (2) • Cadaver Lab (2)/Resource Room • Simulation Rooms (2) • Clinical Skills Exam Rooms (12) • Faculty/Administrative Space: 6,770 sq. ft. • Student Affairs (admissions/financial aid) • Faculty Offices (25) • Dean’s Office • Student Services Space: 7,200 sq. ft. • Library – Collection/Reserves • Learning Commons • Quiet Study • Lounge/Kitchen • $24M total cost (University Reserves, Gifts ( 10M), Grants) • School of Medicine initial use then revert to College of Health Professions

  17. Finances • Diverse sources of revenue : • Tuition (student debt) • Grants and contracts • Practice plan income • Gifts/endowments • University support • Capital Campaign: $ 25 M • Mount Pleasant facility • Saginaw facility • Scholarships • Operations

  18. Student Debt • Mean Debt, Indebted Graduates 2008: • Public: $143,140 (10 % increase) • Private: $173,304 (11 % increase) • Students with Debt Greater than $200,000: • Public: 18% • Private: 41% • Cost of Medical School, M1 In-state Tuition: (2008-09): • Median: Public: $24,809 ( increase 8%) Private: $43,360 (increase 3%) Source: AAMC

  19. Benefits to the University Enhance the University’s regional and national reputation and increase the prestige of a CMU degree. Promote increased undergraduate interest in CMU particularly in the biomedical sciences. This is of particular importance given projections about high school graduate numbers in Michigan over the next 5-10 years. Attract even more qualified students to CMU. Enhance the University’s ability to obtain extramural finding for research and academic programs. Promote development of new doctoral programs. The development of the School of Medicine will create opportunities across campus for existing programs in addition to creating new programs that will enhance CMU’s academic portfolio.

  20. Benefits to Community and Region • The medical school will enhance CMU’s interactions and relationship with the community and region. • The CMU School of Medicine will facilitate improved health care in central and northern Michigan. Recruitment and retention of physicians is enhanced by the opportunity to be involved in medical education The curriculum is being designed to train physicians who want to live and practice in this region once they complete residency training. • The CMU School of Medicine will be a factor in attracting new faculty to CMU and trained and highly skilled persons to this region. Access to high quality medical care is often an important determinant of where to relocate.

  21. Questions

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