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Teachings of Psalm 1

Teachings of Psalm 1. Hebrew Poetry. So much of their ancient society was dominated by religious overtones. This poetry is real, but “inspired”. Didactic in nature. A contrast of the righteous and the unrighteous. The Righteous Person.

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Teachings of Psalm 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Teachings of Psalm 1

  2. Hebrew Poetry • So much of their ancient society was dominated by religious overtones. • This poetry is real, but “inspired”. • Didactic in nature. • A contrast of the righteous and the unrighteous.

  3. The Righteous Person • “Blessed” because he doesn’t walk in the counsel of the ungodly. • I Kings 12:12-14; Rehoboam’s advisers. • Exodus 18-19; Moses’ counsel from his father-in-law. • Prov. 1:8; Counsel of parents. • We all need good advise from wise friends.

  4. Does Not Stand With Sinners • Who do you “hang out” with? And what is going on? • Acts 7:58 – Saul stood by while Stephen was stoned to death. • Prov. 7:1-25 • Too many stand by while God is demeaned. • Choose friends carefully.

  5. Does Not Sit With Scornful • “To treat with contempt, to scoff, to mock.” • I Cor. 15:33 • Note the progression here. We walk, then stand, then sit. We aren’t willing to leave.

  6. He Delights In The Law of the Lord • Acts 20:32 • How can we “delight” in law? • It protects us from others, and from our self. The law of salvation; the law of marriage; the law of worship. • Do you frequent places where this law is revered? Like the church?

  7. He Meditates Day and Night • Meditate comes from a word that means to mutter or chatter as those in deep thought sometimes do to themselves. • Joshua 1:8; Psalm 119:11, 97

  8. Righteous People Bear Fruit • Just as a result of being Righteous. • It’s not difficult for one who is spiritual • Gal. 5:22f; 6:1-2 • And yes, they attempt to bring other souls to the Lord.

  9. The Ungodly Person • “Chaff” – trash. • Not in the sense that they have no soul. But for good purposes they are useless. Titus 1:16 • Winnowing grain. Some parts we save because they sustain life. Some parts serve no life saving purpose.

  10. In Judgment • V. 5 – The ungodly - Matt. 7:23; 25:41 • V. 6 – The righteous – Matt 25:34; Rev. 22:14 • What should be our reaction when we learn the lessons here? Rom. 1:16-17. • Would you allow God to save you?

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