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Learn about Psychosocial Development Stages 3 & 4, Initiatives and Industry vs. Inferiority, fostering skills, and teaching life skills based on Islamic principles. Offers insights, discussions, and activities for parents.
ALI 385 Nurturing your child’s Spirit in Islam: Session 3 Shahnaaz Alidina March 2017
Agenda • Psychosocial stages of Development • Stage 3: Initiative period • Educating through play • Quran Exploration
Stages of Psychosocialcrisis and traits of character development
Stage 3 (3-6yrs) Initiative versus Guilt • Possess surplus energy • Forget failures and quickly move on • Eagerness to learn and experiment • Work co-operatively with other children • Enjoy taking responsibilities • Open to learn form other adults such as teachers
Video clip Initiative vs Guilt • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvmwdN3qwX8
Discussion On Stage 3 • 1 How do you channel surplus energy? • 2. How can you develop responsibilities? • 3. Willing to learn from other adults. How can this quality be enhanced and to what advantage? • 4. Experiential nature is indeed an asset. Discuss how this can be stretched to develop higher thinking. • 5. Discuss the impact of criticism and control on a child.
Delaying Gratification • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sc4EF3ijVJ8
Stage 4: Industry vs Inferiority • Social world expands • Feel valued and pride in their accomplishments • Feeling of competence and belief in skills • Observes how things are done and are learning • Attitudes and Opinions become important • Peer group significance • Discussion: How do these characteristics impact their nature? • Common Question: Am I capable?
Nurturing the right environment for this stage • If unable to develop a specific skill that society demands, sense of inferiority develops. Positive reassurance • Offer support and encouragement • Providing an environment that provides creativity and opportunity to produce. Developing beneficial skills. • Productive Stage. Use to the best of its ability. • With these qualities in mind how does the second phase of Islam’s developmental criteria of being a ‘slave to the master’ apply?
Developing the attitude of service • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qQApICCALo
Dealing with Failure • Q.1 What is your opinion of school’s policy against selecting classmates for party? • Q.2 Avoiding to play musical chairs as it practices exclusion. • Q.3 Not keeping scores in leagues to prevent teams feeling as losers. • Learning to deal with setbacks helps children to develop key characteristics needed to succeed such as coping skills, emotional resilience, creative thinking and ability to collaborate. • Seeing failure as an opportunity for the child instead of seeing it as a source of pain.
Building community spirit and nurturing responsibility • Volunteering • Service to others • Planning sadqa for various causes • Choosing the best of their stuff to give away • For parents: PLANNING the quality you want to develop
Learning from Quran • Discussion: How does the Syrian crisis relate to Quran?
Let us stop and think • What were these children thinking as they walked these streets? • What were they feeling? • What is it like to be in that situation? • How would you discuss this topic with 3-6yrs old and 6-12 yrs old? • How does this situation affect our lives.
Refugees in advent of Islam • Indeed, those who have believed and emigrated and fought with their wealth and lives in the cause of Allah and those who gave shelter and aided - they are allies of one another. 8:72 • The vanguard (of Islam)- the first of those who forsook (their homes) and of those who gave them aid, and (also) those who follow them in (all) good deeds,- well-pleased is Allah with them, as are they with Him: for them hath He prepared gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein for ever: that is the supreme felicity.(9:100)
Points to consider • What can children do for Syrian refugees? • What would this engagement do for the children ?
In summary: Dev the spirit Stage 3: Initiative Stage ; Key terms • Opportunities to learn, investigate, experiment • Finding ways to channel the surplus energy • Provide responsible tasks Stage 4: Industry • Dev skills in being competent among peers • Providing support and encouragement • Training in Life skills