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“Four Core” Plan
“Four Core” Plan Parents/Guardians, Remember to check your child’s point sheet in the back of their agenda. Special rewards are coming soon! Have the points to earn the rewards for Good Grades, Good Behavior, Completing Home learning and wearing their Uniforms everyday. Our Next Blitz is Dec. 5th Sunshine State Reader Book of the Month These titles are Sunshine State Young Reader’s Award books. Students need to read at least three books and then they vote for their favorite book. Each student who reads one book gets their name on a star in the Media Center. If they read three books they pick out a poster from the book fair. For Grades 3-5 /The Blue Ghost by Marion Bauer For grades 6-8 / Shakespeare’s Secret by Elise Broach Special Testing Dates at Linda Lentin K – 8 Center Students who are taking special tests should complete the following tasks: Have clothes ready for the next school day. Go to bed early. Have a good breakfast. Be positive about the test they are taking! September 15, 2008 School wide Reading Test DIBELS begins! Student Agenda’s Ms. Powell the principal has purchase a student agenda for each child in grades 1 – 8. Each day it is your child’s responsibility to write the home learning assignments and notes into their agenda. Parents should be checking for the agenda each night. This is a great way for parents to communicate with their child’s teachers on a daily basis. What are the guidelines regarding cellular telephones? Sole possession of a cellular telephone is not a violation of the Code of Student Conduct (CSC). However, the possession of a cellular telephone which disrupts the educational process; the use of the cellular telephone during school hours; and the possession or use of a cellular telephone which disrupts or interferes with the safety-to-life issue for students being transported on a M-DCPS school bus, would be a violation of the Code Of Student Conduct. Cell phones that are turned on will be confiscated, locked up and a receipt will be given to the student. The Parent/Guardian will need to pick up the phone with the receipt. Keep the Promise! Speak with your child teacher at least once a month, through classroom visit, note, email or a phone call. Keep the Promise to your child and their teacher. Dear Parents (Guardians) “If you require translation of this document and need assistance please contact the school for help.” “This is a very important letter from the school. Please ask for assistance if you need help with translating this information. We will be happy to assist you.” Estimado padre o futor, “Si usted necesita traducir este documento y requiere asistencia, por favor comuniquece con la escuela a la brevedad possible. Muchas gracias.” “Esta carta contiene informacion muy importante refernte a la escuela de su nino/a. Si necesita ayuola para traducir la comuniquece con la oficina. Sera un placer ayudarla/o Cher Paran (Gadyen) Si ou bezwen yon kopi dokiman sa a an kreyol avek asistans silvou ple rele lekol la pou yo ede ou. Let lekol sa a tre important. Silvouple si ou bezwen ed pou tradui enfomasyon sa a mande ed. Nou va kontan pou nou ede ou. Meci. Home Reading Logs Our school continues to use the District’s Comprehensive Reading Plan. For the 2008 – 2009 school year. In grades 1 – 8 students are requiredto read at least five books each nine week grading period, participate in a designated 30 – minute independent reading period at school and read at home for 30 minutes each day. Parents/Guardians or family members may read to Prekindergarten and Kindergarten children and ask them questions about the stories to help reinforce comprehension. Ask your child’s teacher for a Home Reading Log. School Hours Prekindergarten – grade 1 8:20 – 2:00 Daily Grades 2 – 5 8:20 – 3:00 Mon. Tue. Thurs. and Fri. Wednesday’s Grades 2 – 5 8:20 – 2:00 for all students Grades 6 – 8 Middle School 8:20 – 3:00 Children in the Elementary Grades are not permitted to wait for older siblings in the Middle School. The YMCA is offering aftercare from 2:00 – 3:00. Sign your children up as soon as possible. Mandatory Uniforms At Linda Lentin K – 8 uniforms are mandatory for all students. All students should wear their uniforms daily. Elementary students wear teal and gray. The middle school students wear black and white. Girls must wear white polo type blouses. All boys shirts must be tucked into their trousers daily. Jeans are not accepted on any day and the parent will be contacted. Special Calendar Dates November 4th Election Day No students in School! Teacher Professional Development Day November 6th Bilingual Parent Outreach in the Media Center 8:45 A.M. November 10th PTA Executive Board Meeting November 11th Veteran’s Day November 17th Third Grade Mid-Year Assessment Test November 18th Hearing Screening Tests: grades K,1,2,3,6 November 25th Principal of the Day, Welcome! Khalid Salahuddin November 20th National Parent Involvement Day! Come and visit your child’s teacher. November 27,28 Thanksgiving Day -No Staff or Students in school Join the PTA Today $5.00 Per Year Be a card carrying member of the Linda Lentin K – 8 Center PTA. Parking Lot Parents Do not park in the faculty parking lot and do not leave your car in the school driveway area or the bus loop. Homework Your child should have homework everyday. Student Grades Online! Sign up today to see your child’s grades online. See the office staff for your pass code. Security Passes Parents always have a security pass while in the school. Linda Lentin K – 8 CenterNovember 2008Parent/Guardian Newsletter“Our School is a Safe Haven”