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Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting

Attachment 4 STIPIP-power point. Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting. 2014-15 San Diego Unified School District. Agenda. What is Title I? Parent Rights under Title I Parent Involvement School Achievement Data Single Plan for Student Achievement Title I Funds

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Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Attachment 4 STIPIP-power point Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting 2014-15 San Diego Unified School District

  2. Agenda • What is Title I? • Parent Rights under Title I • Parent Involvement • School Achievement Data • Single Plan for Student Achievement • Title I Funds • Title I Parent Involvement Policy • Home/School Compact

  3. What is Title I? Title I is a program that provides additional academic support and learning opportunities for students at schools with high percentages of socioeconomically disadvantaged children. The program is intended to help ensure that all students meet state academic standards.

  4. Increase academic achievement Provide direct instructional support to students Provide professional development for teachers Promote parent education and involvement Goals of Title I

  5. Parent Rights • Ask for meetings and trainings. • Review the results of annual parent involvement effectiveness survey. • Review the school’s achievement data. • Review the parent involvement plan in the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). • Review and modify the site Title I Parent Involvement Policy and Home/School Compact.

  6. Parent Involvement The School Site Council (SSC) provides parents with an opportunity to be involved in the academic program of the school. The SSC develops, monitors, and evaluates the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) to implement programs and services that support students.

  7. Parent Involvement at Our School

  8. School Achievement Data • Schools use data to align curriculum to state and district academic standards. • Schools adjust instructional practices based on the findings of the assessment data.

  9. ELA & Math CST Results

  10. Our SchoolPerformance Data *Without test scores, not sure how API is going to be determined or affected.

  11. % of Total AP Students with Scores of 3+

  12. 2014 Grade 8 Science Results

  13. 2014 Grade 10 Science Results

  14. Average Yearly Attendance

  15. 34 returning SCPA student Progress from 2013 to 2014

  16. Graduation Rate

  17. Single Plan for Student Achievement or SPSA • Students will meet Common Core Grade-Level Standards in English/Language Arts • Students will meet Common Core Grade Level Standards in Mathematics • English Learner students will meet one year’s growth in English Proficiency or reach Early Advanced in CA English Language Development Test • Increase in Graduation/Promotion Rate to 98.2% • Parents/Guardians of San Diego SCPA will volunteer in Parent and Community Engagement

  18. Title I Funds Federal Funds: • Schools are allocated Title I funds on the basis of the percentage of students eligible for free/reduced lunch. • Schools in SDUSD receive Title I funds if forty percent (40%) or more of the student population is eligible for free or reduced lunch.

  19. Title I Funds[Federal Funds]

  20. Continued - Title I Funds Federal Funds: • One percent (1%) of a school’s total Title I budget is for parent involvement activities (Resource 30103). • Schools in Program Improvement must set aside a minimum of ten percent (10%) for professional development. • Funds must supplement, not supplant, district funds.

  21. Title I Funds • Title I Basic Program $100,710.00 • Title I Parent Involvement $ 3,481.00 • Title I Supplement Program $ 17,389.00 Improvement

  22. The Site Title IParent Involvement Policy Every Title I school, in collaboration with parents, MUST prepare a site level Parent Involvement Policy by: November 3, 2014.

  23. Our Title IParentInvolvement Policy The Parent Involvement Policy is distributed every year via the students and at the Title I Meetings. It is also posted on our school’s website www.sandi.net/scpa

  24. The Home/School Compact The Home/School Compact describes the responsibilities of the school, the parent, and the student for improved student achievement.

  25. Continued – the Home/School Compact

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