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KDNet European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence

KDNet European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence. European Project Presentation Day PKDD Helsinki, 20.08.2002. KDNet is the European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence the largest European Network for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

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KDNet European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence

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  1. KDNet European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence European Project Presentation Day PKDD Helsinki, 20.08.2002

  2. KDNet is the European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence the largest European Network for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery including 60+ partners from industry, the public sector, universities and research organizations lasting from January 2002 – June 2004 funded by the European Commission under contract number IST-33086 with a budget of 888,000 € started on February 2002 further information: www.kdnet.org KDNet at a Glance

  3. KDNet – Objective 1 To identify and anticipate new emergent technologies and trends in KDD: • A roadmap on knowledge discovery research and technology • Application and vendor guides for industry and public sector • Identifying and supporting emerging research areas by organizing or supporting workshops

  4. KDNet Online Information Service www.kdnet.org Access to information & training material Workshops targeting the industry and the public sector KDNet – Objective 2 To provide a forum for academic, industry and public sector to establish collaborations and to transfer knowledge from research to industry

  5. Organizing forum for European funded Data Mining research (e.g. at PKDD) Providing virtual project exhibition at OIS Expression of Interest for European Commissions’s 6th Framework Programme KDNet – Objective 3 Avoiding fragmentation of Data Mining research in the IST program 

  6. Adapting training materials to the need of neighboring disciplines, e.g. bioinformatics and medicine, economics, (multimedia) information retrieval and CL geographic information systems (GIS) cognitive sciences pattern recognition Organizing joint workshops KDNet – Objective 4 Interdisciplinary integration

  7. KDNet - Activities Passed Activities: • 20.03.02: Re-using experience workshop, Vienna • 23.04.02: STT project presentation – Rotterdam • 26-28.06.02: Data Mining Cup, Chemnitz • 15.06.02 Summer school SAMO, Venice Upcoming Activities 2002: • 20.08.02:(PKDD) EU Project Presentation Day • 20.08.02:(PKDD) Mining Official Data • 20.08.02:(PKDD) Semantic Web Mining [S+P]:  KDNet Web Mining Forum • 20.08.02:(PKDD) Discovery Challenge • PKDD Best Paper award [S+P] • 22/23.10.02 “Knowledge Discovery Meets Drug Discovery”, Leuven, Belgium

  8. V. KDNet Activities 2003 Workshops (an extract): • Information Mining for Intelligent Transportation Systems Workshop (Automotives), DaimlerChrysler • KD meets Drug Discovery (Bioinformatics), PharmaDM • Statistics Workshop (Uni. Bari, EUROSTAT, …) • KD from Spatial Databases, AIS • Multi-media and Web Intelligence (AIS, JSI, Web Minig Forum

  9. Basic requirements: To actively contribute to one of the work packages, e.g. chairing/co-chairing a forum, interest group, etc, contributing to scientific, technology, industry roadmap providing information for Online Information Services offering courses or training material organizing workshops, conferences participating in project clustering activities KDNet funding Personnel costs for work package chairs Travel costs on a case by case basis Other costs (workshop organization, newsletter, solution guides) KDNet – How to join ?

  10. Chair: Myra Spiliopoulou Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Germany Gerd Stumme, Andreas HothoUniversity of Karlsruhe (AIFB), Germany Bettina BerendtHumboldt University of Berlin, Germany Dunja Mladenic, Marko GrobelnikJosef Stephan Institute, Lubljana, Slovenia Knowledge Discovery Team (Michael May)Fraunhofer Institute for Autonomous Intelligent SystemsSankt Augustin, Germany ……… Web Mining Forum – Founding Members

  11. KDNet Office Michael May (project responsible) michael.may@ais.fraunhofer.de Codrina Lauth (coordination) codrina.lauth@ais.fraunhofer.de Contact KDNet website unterhttp://www.kdnet.org

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