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World War II

World War II. Axis Powers Germany Italy Japan. Allied Powers United States Great Britain France Soviet Union China. Who Would You Vote For?. Contestant #1 I am a womanizer, criticized for controlling the gov’t, and unfortunately suffer from ailing health.

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World War II

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  1. World War II

  2. Axis Powers Germany Italy Japan Allied Powers United States Great Britain France Soviet Union China

  3. Who Would You Vote For? Contestant #1 I am a womanizer, criticized for controlling the gov’t,and unfortunately suffer from ailing health. Contestant #2I have a drinking habit and a rebellious mouth or attitude Contestant #3I am a decorated war hero, do not drink and want to create a stable economy

  4. Who Did You Vote For? Contestant #3 Hitler Contestant #1 Roosevelt Contestant #2 Churchill

  5. Rise of Dictators • A dictator has absolute rule of a nation. • Dictators with evil plans took charge of some countries in Europe. • Dictators often used harsh treatment for those who disagreed or were considered undesirable.

  6. Mussolini In Italy, the dictator who rose to power was Benito Mussolini

  7. CAUSES Event EFFECTS In 1922, about 30,000 Fascists marched on Rome demanding Mussolini be put in charge of the government • Mussolini • abolished democracy; • outlawed all political • parties but his own • Fascist party-based on loyalty to the state and obedience to the leader. • imposed Censorship; • had opponents jailed; • outlawed strikes; • made allies with • the rich industrialists. Fearing a Communist Revolution in Italy… The King of Italy believed Mussolini and his “Far Right” was the best hope for his own troubled dynasty to survive. King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy After Mussolini took power, a foreign diplomat returned to England and remarked, “He’s an actor, a dangerous rascal, and possibly slightly off his head.” Il Duce “the leader” King Victor Emmanuel III puts Mussolini in charge of the government

  8. Hitler In Germany, the dictator who rose to power was Adolf Hitler

  9. CAUSES Event EFFECTS Hitler is tried for treason and sentenced to prison. In jail, Hitler writes “Mein Kampf” (which means My Struggle) This book became the plan of action for the Nazis. Inspired by Mussolini’s march on Rome, Hitler & the Nazis decide to overthrow the government & seize power in Munich Germany The MunichBeerHallPutsch November 9, 1923 Hitler, at 34, entered a Munich beer-hall calling for a revolution against the Weimar Republic by his Nazi followers. When faced with the opposing Army, Hitler and the Nazis made a quick retreat, in which 16 Nazi’s died. For this attempted overthrow of the government, Hitler received a 5 year prison sentence in a tightly controlled minimum-security prison; after 9 months, he was set free on good behavior. Hitler put his jail time to good use, finally sharing his ideas with the world by writing Mein Kampf.

  10. When the Great Depression hit, the German economy collapsed and people began to look to Hitler for security and leadership 1932 German leaders think they can use Hitler for their goals. They name him Chancellor, or president, giving him legal power in Germany. 1932 Hitler calls for new elections and turns Germany into totalitarian state. He arrests anyone who opposes him and develops the SS (Schutzstaffel – protection squad.) 1936 Hitler put millions to work and decreased the unemployment rate from 6million to 1.5million

  11. CAUSES Event EFFECTS Hitler has books burned in huge bonfires. Hitler gained totalitarian control – he silenced his opposition & forced people to accept only Nazi beliefs. Books were burned, Churches could not say anything negative about the Nazi Party, anti-Semitism (hatred of Jews) increased. Hitler wanted to control every aspect of German life and shape public opinion through propaganda. Boys were forced to join Hitler Youth. Girls were forced to join the League of German Girls. Under the order of Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Minister of Propaganda, Nazi gangs (“Brown Shirts”) entered all libraries and gathered books that didn’t support the “family values” of the Fatherland, including books by Thomas Mann, Jack London, H. G. Wells, Charles Dickens, Emile Zola and those of Jewish writers. Hitler Youth march through Nuremberg, Germany past Nazi officials.

  12. CAUSES Event EFFECTS Nazis used the Jews as the reason for Germany’s troubles. Anti-Semitism was an important part of Nazi ideology. Violence against Jews increased. Kristallnacht signaled the real start of the process of eliminating Jews from German life. In 1933, the Nazi-controlled German government passes the “Nuremburg Laws” -laws depriving Jews of their rights. A synagogue is set fire the night of Kristallnacht. Above: Jewish citizens being “relocated” to the ghetto. Right: Germans pass by damaged Jewish shops the morning after Kristallnacht – Night of the Broken Glass, Nov. 9, 1938. Nazi groups attacked Jews in their homes and their businesses.

  13. Militarists In Japan the group who rose to power were the Militarists

  14. 20th c. begins with Militarists Taking over Japan This Military-Industrial establishment pursues Imperialism in Asia. 1920 – Japan becomes democratic 1929 – The Great Depression leads Japanese to blame the government for their economic troubles and begin to support the military leaders. They want to solve their country’s problems by expanding and taking control of China. The Militarists keep 24 year old Emperor Hirohito, as head of state but he is a puppet of the military. • 1931 – Japanese military fully invades Manchuria despite objections from Japan’s own Parliament. Why did the Japanese invade Manchuria? • To solve its economic problems (need for oil) • 2. The army sets up a “puppet” govt. and begins to provide military protection to Japanese business interests who arrive to build mines / factories. • This was the first direct challenge to the League of Nations. • 1933 - Japan ignores the protests of the League of Nations & withdraws from the League • 1937 Japan invades and conquers large parts of China.

  15. 1937 – Japan invades China What were the immediate results of this invasion? The Chinese retreated and set up a new capital in the south; Chinese guerilla fighters continued to fight in the northern occupied area. Japanese military killed tens of thousands of captured soldiers and civilians in Nanjing. The gruesome rapes and killings of thousands in the city of Nanjing by the invading Japanese military were well-documented by invited photographers.

  16. Chinese civilians at Nanking are buried alive by Japanese troops. Japanese invaders Buried alive more than 1,000 elderly women and children in a huge pit. All their hands were tied behind their backs. Japanese commanders used killing competitions as a way to boost morale. They organized visiting and news reporters to appraise the "winner". One killing competition was reported by newspapers all over the world. Heads of female victims in Nanking.

  17. Europe Attacks Because the League of Nations did not stop the Japanese, other leaders began to plan attacks of their own.

  18. 1935 – Mussolini invades Ethiopia…Why? - PROFIT: Mussolini wants to develop an Italian Empire in Africa - REVENGE: Bitter memories of Ethiopians defeating the Italian army in the Battle of Adowa in 1896. - WHY NOT? League of Nations had done nothing to stop Japan Ethiopian ruler Halllie Selassie inspects his men. Why did Britain and France take no action against Italy? Both hoped to “keep the peace” in Europe – dreading another War. Ethiopian EmperorHallie Selassie asked the League of Nations: "What answer shall I take back to my people?" He said, "It is us today, it will be you tomorrow." He ended by telling them, "God and History shall remember your judgment." It was a historic speech applauded around the world. The League of Nations wanted to keep the peace in Europe so they did nothing and allowed Mussolini to take control in Africa.

  19. 1935 - Hitler is cheered after telling the Nazi-controlled Parliament that Germany would no longer follow the Treaty of Versailles’ restrictions. He had already begun rebuilding Germany’s military. The League of Nations issued only a mild warning. Banners throughout Germany read, “Today Germany! Tomorrow the World!” 1936 – German troops move into the Rhineland (land on either side of the Rhine River between Germany and France.) What were some of the effects of appeasing Hitler after his invasion of the Rhineland? - Strengthened his power among the Germans; - Tilted the balance of power in Europe in Germany’s favor; - Encouraged Hitler to speed up his military and territorial expansion.

  20. Spain had been a monarchy until 1931, when it then became a republic. Like all European nations, Spain’s economy suffered during the Depression. In 1936, army leaders supported a Fascist-styled leader in Spainnamed Francisco Franco. Civil War started. 1936 – Hitler & Mussolini lend troops, tanks, planes to helpSpain’s Fascist leader Francisco Franco and his Nationalists in Spain’s Civil War. The liberal Republican government received little help from western democratic nations. In fact, only the Soviet Union sent equipment and advisers to try to negotiate the conflict in Spain. 1939 – Franco becomes Spanish dictator.

  21. 1935 – U.S. Congress passes first ofWhy did isolationists want these laws? three Neutrality Acts. They hoped to keep the U.S. out of another European War. “Let it be resolved that upon the outbreak or during the progress of war between, or among, two or more foreign states, the President shall proclaim such fact, and it shall thereafter be unlawful to export arms, ammunition, or implements of war to any port of such beligerent states… nor shall these United States feel compelled to intercede in such international tensions as they unaffect us.” - U.S. Neutrality Act, 1935 T.W. Loessin, Akins H.S.

  22. 1935 – U.S. Congress passes first of Why did isolationists want these laws? three Neutrality ActsThey hoped to keep the U.S. out of another European War. Americans in the United States preferred Isolationism – choosing to “stay out of the tensions between other countries” RESULT: This official policy prevented the U.S. from taking an immediate stand against the Aggressors which might have prevented war. Britain and France chose Appeasement– choosing to “give in to an aggressor in order to keep the peace” RESULT: This policy only encouraged Japan, Italy, and Germany to keep taking more…“give ‘em an inch; they take a mile” Hitler’s growing military strength convinced Mussolini to seek an alliance with Germany 1936 – The two dictators sign the Rome-Berlin Axis agreement. A month later Germany reaches an agreement with Japan. Axis Powers – Germany, Japan, Italy RESULT: Strengthened by their alliance, further aggression was sure to happen. T.W. Loessin, Akins H.S.

  23. 1937 – Hitler plans to absorb Austria and Czechoslovakia into the Third Reich – or, the new Germany Empire. Pic below: Hitler's car passes through a triumphant crowd assembled in Vienna to celebrate the Anschluss, March 1938. lebensraum(living space) for the German people “The Treaty of Versailles prohibited Anschluss(union of Austria and Germany). However, many German-speaking Austrians supported the idea. In March, 1938 Hitler sent his army into Austria and annexed it. France and Belgium ignored a former pledge to protect Austrian independence.

  24. Followers of former Austrian chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg wait to be transported to a German concentration camp during the mass round-up that followed the Anschluss of March 1938. They were never seen again. Schuschnigg and his followers had tried to prevent the annexation. Immediately after the Anschluss, Nazis began a brutal crackdown on Austrian Jews, arresting them and publicly humiliating them. At right -- Austrian Nazis and local residents watch as Jews are forced to get on their hands and knees and scrub the pavement.

  25. 1937 – Hitler plans to absorb Austria and Czechoslovakia into the Third Reich. Since WWI, Czechoslovakia had developed into a prosperous democracy with a strong army and a defense treaty with France. But 3 million German-speaking people lived in the Sudetenland- a western border region of Czechoslovakia. T.W. Loessin, Akins H.S.

  26. 1937 – Hitler plans to absorb Austria and Czechoslovakia into the Third Reich. “Since WWI, Czechoslovakia had developed into a prosperous democracy with a strong army and a defense treaty with France. But 3 million German-speaking people lived in the Sudetenland- a western border region of Czechoslovakia. This heavily fortified area also formed the Czech’s main defense against Germany. Anschluss had only increased pro-Nazi feelings among the Sudeten Germans. In September, 1938 Hitler demanded the Sudetenland be given to him. The Czechs refused and asked France for help. France and Britain were preparing for war when Mussolini decided to play negotiator and proposed a meeting….in Munich Germany. • Why was the Munich Conference unsuccessful? • The Czechs were not even invited; • Britain’s Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain >> • thought he could appease Hitler and keep the peace; • After Hitler was given Czechoslovakia he began • demanding Poland. T.W. Loessin, Akins H.S.

  27. An historic example of the failings of appeasement is that of the British prime ministerNeville Chamberlain, shown here upon his return from Munich with the scrap of paper that was to ensure "peace in our time!” One member of British Parliament was furious at what had happened to the Czechs at the Munich Conference: “You had a choice between war and dishonor and you chose dishonor. You shall have war." That Parliament member was Winston Churchill who will become Britain’s next Prime Minister and carry the country through WWII.

  28. When the German tanks rolled into Czechoslovakia… the Czech majority mourned as it was forced to offer up the Nazi salute, “Heil Hitler!” …while the Sudeten Germans cheered. At the end of WWII, no Jewish life in Bohemia and Moravia was left. Out of the 90,000 Czech Jews more than 72,000 were deported to Auschwitz immediately. 1938 - Ecstatic Sudeten girls in traditional local costumes join in welcoming the German soldiers. T.W. Loessin, Akins H.S.

  29. Why did Stalin sign an agreement with Fascist Germany, once a bitter enemy? Stalin felt Russia’s former allies – Britain, France, U.S. – had snubbed him again and he resented having been left out of the Munich Conference; He also wanted to avoid another war in Germany since the Soviet Union was in no way prepared for one. 1939 – Germany and Russia sign a Nonaggression Pact. The Secret Protocol was the agreement between the Nazis and Soviets about what would take place the moment Hitler invaded Poland. For the Soviets, for agreeing to not join the possible future war, Germany was giving the Soviets the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania). Poland was also to be divided between the two. The new territories gave the Soviet Union the buffer (in land) that it wanted to feel safe from an invasion from the West. For the Nazis, when attacking Poland on September 1, 1939, the Soviets promised not to interfere. This was the first time the Nazi’s had used blitzkrieg “lightning war”. It used fast moving planes and tanks, huge amounts of soldiers, and surprise attacks to overwhelm the enemy. T.W. Loessin, Akins H.S.

  30. On September 3, 1939, France and Great Britain declared war on Germany and World War II had begun. On September 17, the Soviets rolled into eastern Poland to occupy the land given to them in the secret protocol with Germany.

  31. The Fall of France • On June 22, France signed a treaty with Germany, agreeing to German occupation of northern France and the coast. • The French military was demobilized, and the French government, now located at Vichy, in the south (and headed by Marshall Henri Philippe Pétain), would collaborate with the German authorities in occupied France. • Refusing to recognize defeat, General Charles de Gaulle escaped to London and organized the Free French forces. • Britain now stood alone against Germany.

  32. The Battle of Britain • Hitler expected Great Britain to make peace, however, led by a new Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, they refused to surrender. • Hitler proceeded with invasion plans. The Luftwaffe (Germany’s air force) began bombing Great Britain to destroy its air defenses. • Britain stayed strong despite horrible destruction to English cities. • The British resistance convinced Hitler to postpone the invasion but he continued the bombing attacks.

  33. Erwin Rommel: “Desert Fox” German General who led the Axis attack on North Africa. Bernard Montgomery – British commander who launched Battle of El-Alamein, in which Rommel’s army was defeated. Battle of El Alamein – Forced Rommel’s forces to retreat westward from Egypt. Allies safeguard the Suez Canal.

  34. Invasion of the Soviet Union • It was then that Hitler made his big mistake. He invaded the Soviet Union. • The end of Bolshevism was a key part of Hitler’s ideology; but, it was a gigantic military mistake. • On June 22, 1941, Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa, which included an army of 4 million men spread out along a 2,000-mile front in three huge groups. • The German army quickly advanced, but at a terrifying cost. Over the next 3 years 500,000 German soldiers would die here.

  35. JAPAN SEEKS A PACIFIC EMPIRE • 1920s : A country overcrowded and short of resources • Military Leaders begin to seek an Empire • : Japan takes over Manchuria • 1937 : Japan invades China – Chinese resistance causes prolonged war; • Plan to pursue resources in European colonies of Southeast Asia 1940 : U.S. cracks Japanese secret code and discovers plan to attack Southeast Asia; fears loss of U.S.-controlled Philippines & Guam 1941 : January - U.S. begins toaid Chinese June – Japan moves into French Indochina July – U.S. President Roosevelt cuts off oil shipments to Japan T.W. Loessin, Akins H.S.

  36. CH 32: Section 2 – “The Surprise Attack on Pearl Harbor” Text p. 827; Packet p. 4 Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, Japan’s great naval strategist, argued that the U.S. fleet in Hawaii was “a dagger pointed at our throat,” and must be destroyed. Although Yamamoto argued for the attack on Pearl Harbor, he held no illusions about the war’s final outcome. He admitted to an aide, “In the first six to twelve months of a war with the United States and Britain, I will run wild and win victory after victory. After that, I have no expectation of success.” Video clip,America in the 20th Century: World War II: The Road to War / Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor T.W. Loessin, Akins H.S.

  37. Japanese  Approach to Pearl Harbor: Dec. 7, 1941The Imperial Japanese Navy fleet attacking Pearl Harbor launched a total of 423 aircraft in two waves against American military targets on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu. T.W. Loessin, Akins H.S.

  38. Attack on Pearl Harbor: Dec. 7, 1941Commander Fuchida led the first wave of torpedo bombers against the US Pacific Fleet ships at anchor in Pearl Harbor. Their first objective was to strike at the battleships. T.W. Loessin, Akins H.S.

  39. “The Surprise Attack on Pearl Harbor” Bombing of Pearl Harbor U.S. Casualties: 2,400 killed 1,100 wounded a. Japanese launched a surprise attack, sinking or damaging almost the entire U. S. Pacific fleet. b. U.S. declares war on Japan. CONNECTING PAST & PRESENT Following the Terrorist Attack of September 11, 2001, many in the United States found obvious comparisons with the attack on Pearl Harbor sixty years earlier. In both instances, the United States admitted knowing from coded messages that such an attack might come But they did not know when or where it would occur. T.W. Loessin, Akins H.S.

  40. “December 7, 1941… A Day That Will Live in Infamy.” ~ President Franklin D. Roosevelt declaring War on Japan before the U.S. Congress December 8, 1941. T.W. Loessin, Akins H.S.

  41. “The Tide of Japanese Victories” Fall of Southeast Asian colonies. Hong Kong, Malaya, Dutch Indonesia, Singapore, Burma a. Through a planned series of attacks in the Pacific, Japan seized control of rich European colonies. b. Helped Japan replenish depleted resources and cut China off from its supply route through Burma. Before they moved in and conquered, the Japanese dropped leaflets proclaiming their anti-colonialist message, “Asia for Asians.” After victory, however, the Japanese quickly made it clear that they had come as conquerors…in fact, native Asian people often received the same treatment as western POWs…such as those taken on the Bataan Death March. Textbook, p. 828 T.W. Loessin, Akins H.S.

  42. CH 32: Section 2 – “The Tide of Japanese Victories” Text p. 828; Packet p. 4 Bataan Death March Known as “The Rock,” the island fortress of Corregidor in Manila Bay was the last U.S. position in the Philippines to surrender to the Japanese. For a month after the fall of Bataan, 13,000 American and Filipino troops held out in a concrete cave called Malinta Tunnel. Video clip, teacher’s personal library, “The Bataan Death March” T.W. Loessin, Akins H.S.

  43. . . . Bataan Death March At dawn April 9, 1942, Major General Edward P. King, Jr., surrendered more than 75,000 starving and disease-ridden American soldiers, sailors, and Marines and their Filipino allies, to overwhelming Japanese forces. He asked the Japanese colonel to whom he surrendered his pistol whether the Americans and Filipinos would be well treated. The Japanese colonel replied: “We are not barbarians.” The next 14 days would prove otherwise.

  44. . . . Bataan Death March August, 1942 The men were marched 65 miles into Japanese Prisoner-of-War camps. The 75,000 prisoners of war were bound, beaten, or killed by their Japanese captors. Some were stabbed when they fell from exhaustion. Some were forced to dig their own graves and were buried alive. Only 56,000 prisoners reached camp alive. Thousands of them later died from malnutrition and disease. In August, 1945, the Russian Army liberated the prison camp. T.W. Loessin, Akins H.S.

  45. “The Allies Strike Back” Doolittle’s raid on Japan. April, 1942 a. As revenge for Pearl Harbor, U.S. sent sixteen B-25 bombers to bomb Japanese cities. b. Showed that Japan could be attacked and raised American morale. James H. Doolittle1896–1993, American aviator, from Alameda, Calif. Doolittle commanded the first bombers that raided Tokyo and other Japanese cities (Apr. 18, 1942) from the aircraft carrier Hornet. He later headed the North African Strategic Air Forces and led the 8th Air Force in its massive attacks on Germany. T.W. Loessin, Akins H.S.

  46. “The Allies Turn the Tide of War” May, 1942 An American fleet with Australian support intercepts a Japanese strike force on its way to Port Moresby in the Coral Sea… …the United States had installed a critical Allied air base here… should the Japanese take it, they could easily take Australia. CORAL SEA T.W. Loessin, Akins H.S.

  47. “The Allies Turn the Tide of War” Battle of the Coral Sea. May, 1942 a. Following an interception of Japanese attack on Port Moresby, Japanese and American naval fleets fought to a tie. b. US introduced a new kind of naval warfare, using only airplanes taking off from huge ships. The Americans lost more ships than the Japanese, but successfully stopped Japanese expansion southward. T.W. Loessin, Akins H.S.

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