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“A Quantitative Analysis of the Gnutella Network Traffic”

University of California – Riverside Department of Computer Science & Engineering . “A Quantitative Analysis of the Gnutella Network Traffic”. cs204 Final Project by Demetris Zeinalipour & Theodoros Folias < csyiazti@cs.ucr.edu , folias@cs.ucr.edu > Advisor: Michalis Faloutsos .

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“A Quantitative Analysis of the Gnutella Network Traffic”

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  1. University of California – Riverside Department of Computer Science & Engineering “A Quantitative Analysis of the Gnutella Network Traffic” cs204 Final Project by Demetris Zeinalipour & Theodoros Folias <csyiazti@cs.ucr.edu , folias@cs.ucr.edu> Advisor: Michalis Faloutsos Online Resources: http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~csyiazti/cs204.html

  2. Presentation Outline • Motivation. • Gnutella Protocol in a nutshell. • Related Work. • gnuDC – Gnutella Distributed Crawler. • Experiments. • Conclusions & Future Work. Online Resources: http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~csyiazti/cs204.html

  3. 1. Motivation • P2P file-sharing systems, such as Gnutella, Napster and Freenet realized a distributed infrastructure for sharing files. • Traditionally, files were shared using the Client-Server model (e.g. http, ftp). Not scalable (centralized) • P2P systems have shown that distributed file-searching is feasible! …and yes that they may change the way we interact on the Internet. • Why Gnutella? • It is a Pure P2P protocol in contrast with e.g. Napster • It is an open protocol which allows its investigation. • It is a large community 250,000 peers at any given moment. • It is a truly international phenomenon with a world-wide community. • It is still not clear what kind of traffic is traversing the network

  4. 1. Motivation • Questions : • How do these systems really look like? • What kind of traffic are these systems carrying? • What is the communication overhead of P2P? • Where are file-searchers coming from and what are they looking for? • Our contribution : • We make a quantitative analysis of the Gnutella Network Traffic at a large-scale (17 machines, 85 nodes, 700MB log traces in 5 hours) • To our knowledge such a large-scale measurement is not presented in any publication. • We describe design and implementation issues of a large-scale distributed Gnutella Crawler.

  5. 2. Gnutella Protocol v0.4 (1/5) • One of the most popular file-sharing protocols. • Operates without a central Index Server (such as Napster). • Clients (downloaders) are also servers => servents • Clients may join or leave the network at any time => highly fault-tolerant but with a cost! • Searches are done within the virtual network while actual downloads are done offline (with HTTP). • The core of the protocol consists of 5 descriptors(PING, PONG, QUERY, QUERHIT and PUSH).

  6. Gnutella Network N Servent p 2. Gnutella Protocol (2/5) • It is important to understand how the protocol works in order to understand our framework. • A Peer (p) needs to connect to 1 or more other Gnutella Peers in order to participate in the virtual Network • p initially doesn’t know IPs of its fellow file-sharers

  7. Gnutella Network N Servent p 2. Gnutella Protocol (3/5) a. HostCaches – The initial connection • P connects to a HostCache H to obtain a set of IP addresses of active peers. • P might alternatively probe its cache to find peers it was connected in the past. H Request/Receive a set of Active Peers 1 2 Connect to network

  8. Servent p 2. Gnutella Protocol (4/5) b. Ping/Pong – The communication overhead • Although p is already connected it must discover new peers since its current connections may break. • Thus, it sends periodically PING messages which are broadcasted (message flooding). • If a host e.g. p2 is available it will respond with a PONG (routed only the same path the PING came from). • P might utilize this response and attempt a connection to p2 in order to increase its degree. Gnutella Network N PING 1 PONG 2 Servent p2

  9. Servent p 2. Gnutella Protocol (5/5) c. Query/QueryHit – The utilization • Query descriptors contain unstructured queries e.g. “celine dion mp3” • They are again, like PING, broadcasted with a typical TTL=7. • If a host e.g. p2 matches the query it will respond with a Queryhit descriptor d. Push – Enable downloads from peers that are firewalled. • If a peer is firewalled => we can’t connect to him. Hence we request from him to establish a connection on us and to send us the file. Gnutella Network N QUERY 1 QUERYHIT 2 Servent p2

  10. 3. Related Work (1/3) a. Simulating Peer-to-Peer Systems • Most researchers use simulation Testbeds (e.g. Anthill) to validate the performance improvement they gain from new ideas (routing algorithms etc.) • Initial assumptions (e.g. degree of nodes, graph type “random”, power-law”, “tree”), might be wrong though! • Visualizations might also not be very helpful. • What we would need instead are real network metrics from a large P2P Network such as Gnutella.

  11. 3. Related Work (2/3) a. Obtaining data from different physical locations “Tracing a large-scale Peer to Peer System : An hour in the life of Gnutella”, E. Markatos, CCGrid 2002 • They Obtained traffic log traces from 3 different physical locations (Norway, Greece, USA). • The collected data from all three locations are almost identical. • They found that the gnutella traffic is bursty and remains bursty over several time scales. • The results also show that there are high locality patterns in QUERY messages. This observation might lead to better caching policies at peers • Their study also reveals that there is topology mismatch between the physical topology and the virtual gnutella topology, since collected data are identical among their 3 different crawlers.

  12. 3. Related Work (3/3) b. Obtaining real network data • Limewire shows that there are averagely 250,000 hosts at any given moment. • They also show that only a small fraction of these hosts accept incoming connections. • GnutellaMeter.com also monitors the network by attaching itself to well positioned peers (i.e. high degree) in the network. They present top queries. • Clip2 showed that the network diameter in 2000 was 22 indicating that some regions of the network were not communicating with others. • Clip2 also showed that most Gnutella searchers are seeking for video/audio media. How have these trends changed?

  13. 4. gnuDC – Gnutella Distributed Crawler (1/6) • gnuDC is a Large Scale distributed Gnutella Crawler which monitors the network by attaching itself to it with large numbers of peers. • A determinant factor between a WWW Crawler and a P2P Crawler is that the latter needs to obtain results (snapshot) in a relatively short amount of time. • Design Issues and an architecture for a Distributed P2P Crawler were not described in any other publication. • What should be the responsibilities of a P2P Crawler and how should we design it?

  14. 4. gnuDC – Gnutella Distributed Crawler (2/6) Design Issues of a Distributed P2P Crawler • Obtain Network Statistics in a small Interval. • A P2P network might be very large which implies that sequential discovery won’t return expected results. • Parallelizing the discovery process might be easy by partitioning the hosts to be discovered among K parallel crawlers. • Scale with the Network Size. • A few years ago Gnutella had a few thousands hosts. Today 250,000 at any given moment. Distributed Discovery is a must. • What is desirable? • purely distributed approaches ? • Distributed approaches with centralized indexes (e.g. SETI@Home)? • gnuDC is based on a hybrid approach were each crawler runs in its own memory space, logs information on local disks and notifies a central index when new IPs are found

  15. 4. gnuDC – Gnutella Distributed Crawler (3/6) Design Issues of a Large Distributed P2P Crawler (cont’d) • Maintain Network Health. • The Crawlers should not affect the regular operation of the network. • Typically a message’s TTL is decreased when it traverses a Crawler. This shouldn’t happen! • Platform Independence. • Our distributed crawler is aimed to run on a NOW. • Network of Workstations are typically heterogeneous (Linux, SunOS, Unix). • Java is based on a “write once, use everywhere” philosophy. • It also provides a strong core for networking, Threads, RMI and others. • It makes it an ideal language for our purpose.

  16. 4. gnuDC – Gnutella Distributed Crawler (4/6) gnuDC Architecture. • It consists of an IP Index Server, several distributed gnuBricks, a Log Aggregator and a Log Analyzer. • Components operate asynchronously and independently. • The whole system is bootstrapped by 1 Unix script

  17. 4. gnuDC – Gnutella Distributed Crawler (5/6) • IP Index Server • Multi-threaded Engine which maintains and indexes IP addresses of active Gnutella peers. • Uses double buffering for flushing results to secondary storage. • Sustains high loads and indexes at a rates Avg:2,500 IPs/sec with a Peak: 5,000 IPs/sec. • The cost for the in-memory data structures is 300MB for 240,000 IPs.

  18. 4. gnuDC – Gnutella Distributed Crawler (6/6) • gnuDC Bricks • Configurable and self-adaptive Gnutella clients. • Implementation based on the Jtella API • gnuDC bricks are independent from each other and run in different memory spaces. • Log Aggregator • Collects and Aggregates data that is dispersed on the remote disks of the gnuDC bricks. • Uses ssh along with bash scripts to make the harvesting process easy. • Log Analyzer • Combination of bash scripts, C++ routines and Java programs for analyzing the harvested data based on various criteria. • Aggregating and Analyzing takes approximately 7-10 minutes for 700MB of log traces.

  19. 5. Experiments 1/6 • We deployed gnuDC on 85 nodes running on 17 AMD Athlons 4, 1.4 GHz with 1GB RAM running Mandrake Linux 8.0 interconnected with a 10/100 LAN connection. • On the 1st of June 2002, we performed our first "long" crawl. • We also performed several other small scale experiments to gather data on specific issues. Technical Difficulties. • We were crawling only during early morning hours (i.e. 1:30 a.m. - 6:30 a.m.) because during weekdays the machines were used by students. • Huge amounts of log traces. e.g. 700MB log traces in 5 hours, so we had problems due to quota limitations. • Department's Administrators blocked any remote access (i.e. establishing a TCP connection on any port number of a lab machine). •  the crawler couldn’t accept any incoming connections. •  the degree of a gnuBrick decreased in this way from 100 to 30 connections

  20. 5. Experiments 2/6 • Analysis of Gnutella Messages (ALL) • Our sample includes 56 million messages. • The communication overhead (ping/pong) of Gnutella is 63% • The utilization of the network (query/queryhit) is only 37% • The huge communication overhead might be due to the fact that Gnutella network connections are highly unstable. • The proportion of queries with queryhits is satisfactory, although we can’t say if users are satisfied by the actual query results. • General queries such as ”mpeg video” may increase this number.

  21. Ping Query Pong Queryhit 5. Experiments 2/6 • Analysis of Gnutella Messages (ALL) • We observed a correlation between the flow of Ping/Pong and Query/Queryhit pairs although there is formally no relation. It is interesting to investigate this further. • Ironically although a Ping message generates many Pong messages (~4x) a query message generates a queryhit only 1/8 of the time.

  22. 5. Experiments 3/6 b) Analysis of Query Messages • We analyzed 15,153,524 query messages. • High locality of specific queries. Might enable better caching policies. • Gnutella users are looking for Video > Audio > Images > Documents • We observed three classes of Searchers • Seasonal-Content Searchers – search patterns depend on time of crawling • Adult-Content Searchers – constant search patterns over time. • File Extension Searchers - constant search patterns over time. a) Ranking By query. b) Ranking By file extension.

  23. 5. Experiments 4/6 c) Analysis of Gnutella IP Addresses • We analyzed 294,000 unique IP Addresses (the initial number was larger but we filtered out IP addresses designated for private networks (i.e. 192.x.x.x, 172.16.x.x and 10.x.x.x). • We implemented MRDL – Multithreaded Reverse DNS Lookup Engine which resolves in parallel 100 IP/second. • MRDL resolved 244,522 IP Addresses. 16,92% were not resolvable. From which domains are Gnutella Users coming from?

  24. 5. Experiments 5/6 c) Analysis of Gnutella IP Addresses (cont’d) Which ISPs are paying the price of the Gnutella Infrastructure? • US, German, Canadian, French and English ISPs are dominating. • We haven’t validated if this rank reflects the actual size of each ISP. • Interestingly Asian ISPs (e.g. from Japan) are listed very low in this rank although they are technologically advanced.

  25. 5. Experiments 6/6 d) Analysis of Hop Count found in IP Addresses (cont’d) Gnutella clients are conforming to the Protocol specifications • Only a few queries are coming from father than 7 hops. • The protocol thwarts excessive network resources consumption. • The bar graph presents a bimodal distribution with 2 peaks. at hopcount 1 and 7. It is interesting to investigate why so many queries are coming from so close (i.e. 1). It is probably connections are weak. log/normal scale normal/normal scale

  26. 6. Conclusions and Future Work Summary of main observations 1. The Gnutella communication overhead is huge. Ping/Pong: 63% | Query/QueryHits: 37%. 2. Gnutella users can be classified in three main categories. Season-Content, Adult-Content and File Extension Searchers. 3. Gnutella Users are mainly interested in video > audio > images > documents. 4. Although Gnutella is a truly international phenomenon its largest segment is contributed by only a few countries. 5. The clients started conforming to the specifications of the protocol and that they thwart excessive network resources consumption. • We are interested in examining more carefully other data (e.g. User-Agents) that we have collected but which we haven’t analyzed due to time shortage. • Our metrics might facilitate thedevelopment of more advanced P2P protocols which might take into consideration various bottlenecks and characteristics ofcurrent solutions, such as Gnutella. Online Resources: http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~csyiazti/cs204.html

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