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Forum KMSI April 2011 K MSI – K M F ramework

Forum KMSI April 2011 K MSI – K M F ramework. Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja Haitan Rachman. KMSI - KM Framework KMSI - KM Implementation Process KMSI - Knowledge (Development) Process. KM Definition.

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Forum KMSI April 2011 K MSI – K M F ramework

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  1. Forum KMSI April 2011KMSI – KMFramework Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja Haitan Rachman

  2. KMSI - KM Framework KMSI - KM Implementation Process KMSI - Knowledge (Development) Process

  3. KM Definition KM is an integrated approach for indentifying, classifying, storing, sharing, applying and creating knowledge to enhance organizational productivity, quality, and sustainability.

  4. KMSI - KM Framework www.mobileskynet.com

  5. KM Framework - Purpose • To emphasize the importance of KM for organizational success • To provide an easy-to-understand introduction to KM • To highlight critical factors for the successful implementation of KM

  6. KMSI - KM Framework Sources: Knowledge Management Asian Productivity Organization

  7. KMSI - KM Framework • Starting point of the KM framework is the Vision and Mission of the organization • KM meets the organizational objectives of the organization • There are fiveFACTORS in the KMSI-KM Framework: • Enablers • Knowledge Process • Capabilities • Values • External Factors

  8. KMSI - KMImplementation Processes

  9. PHASE – 1 KM PROJECT PHASE -2: KM ASSESSMENT PHASE -6: KM EVALUATION PHASE -5:KM IMPLEMENTATION PHASE -3: KM PLANNING PHASE -4: K-DEVELOPMENT Change Management SIX PHASES: Setting up a KM Project KM Assessment KM Planning Knowledge (Development) Process KM Implementation KM Evaluation KMSI - KM Imlementation Process www.mobileskynet.com

  10. KMSI - Knowledge (Development) Processes www.mobileskynet.com

  11. KMSI - Knowledge (Development) Process • Refers to knowledge development and conversion processes

  12. Knowledge (Development) Process The Knowledge (Development) Process, embedded in the work practices, transforms the organization…from “episodic” learning and innovation;…to “continues” learning and innovation.

  13. KMSI - KM Framework Factors www.mobileskynet.com

  14. KMSI - KM FRAMEWORK 14 14

  15. Enablers • Enablers help to propel and speed up the KM initiative in the organization • Five enablers were identified: • Leadership • Learning • People • Organization • Technology

  16. 1st Enablers - LEADERSHIP • Drives the KM initiative in the organization • Ensures alignment of KM strategies and projects with the mission and vision of the organization • Provides support and resources for the implementation of KM projects

  17. 2nd Enablers - LEARNING • Learning culture/spiritand learning capability at all levels and areas in the organization • Build new products, new services, new processes, new markets, new technologies, and new business models depending on the learning and innovation capability • Build individual, team and organizationallearning capability leading to societal learning capability

  18. 3rd Enablers - PEOPLE • People are users as well as knowledge generators • They create, develop and possess intangible assets • Trust is a prerequisite for knowledge sharing

  19. 4th Enablers - ORGANIZATION • Guided people behaviors and attitudes • External motivation of the people • Increase certainty and accountability • Product and process standardize

  20. 5th Enablers - TECHNOLOGY • Accelerates the knowledge process through effective tools and techniques • Tools such as groupware and collaborative workspaces enable participation across time and distance • Provides a platform for retention of organizational knowledge


  22. KMSI - Knowledge (Development) Process www.mobileskynet.com

  23. Knowledge IDENTIFY • Initial crucial step of the knowledge process • Critical knowledge needed to build the core competencies of the organization is identified • The knowledge gaps in the organization are identified in this step

  24. Knowledge CLASSIFY • Knowledge identified should be classified in clusters • Mind-mapping can be used for classifying knowledge • Classified knowledge can be easily stored and shared

  25. Knowledge Store • Collection and preservation of organizational knowledge • Various forms of storage • Organized for easy retrieval

  26. Knowledge SHARE • Regular and sustained exchange of knowledge • Fosters continuous learning to achieve business goals • Mutual trust and benefit help foster a culture of sharing • Technology can be used to enhance knowledge sharing

  27. Knowledge APPLY • The use and reuse of knowledge in the organization • Translates knowledge into action (from tacit to explicit knowledge) • Knowledge only add values when it is used to improve products and services (explicit knowledge)

  28. Knowledge CREATE • Addresses knowledge gaps through knowledge conversion and generation of existing and new/future knowledge needs • The Level to create new knowledge • Individual level • Team level • Organizational level


  30. KM OUTCOMES • Expected KM CAPABILITY: • Individual capability • Team capability • Organizational capability • Societal capability • Leading to KM VALUES: • Productivity • Quality • Sustainability

  31. Terimakasih

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