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International Conference of Innovative Cities - CICI. May 07 th , 08 th , 09 th 2014 – Brazil, Curitiba/Paraná. w e are just, 40 minutes flight São Paulo 1 hour flight Iguassu Falls 1 hour drive Atlantic Ocean. Universidade Positivo Campus. What is the CICI?
InternationalConferenceofInnovative Cities - CICI May 07th, 08th, 09th2014 – Brazil, Curitiba/Paraná
we are just, 40 minutes flight São Paulo 1 hour flight Iguassu Falls 1 hour drive Atlantic Ocean
What is theCICI? The International Conference of Innovative Cities (CICI) was created in 2010aiming to stimulate economic development through a series of lectures and panel discussions, focusing on the urgent need to transform our urban environment into spaces of innovation and creativity, resulting as well in the creation of sustainable enterprises and businesses through a set of solutions and actions the conference would unravel and disseminate. 1st edition: 2010 2012: iCities3rd edition: 2014: May, 7th ,8th ,9th 2nd edition: 2011 2013: iCities
Whatwillbefeaturedatthe CICI2014 In thiscomingediton, theCICI2014proposesto... givea followup to thedreamsthatsprouted, grewandweremultiplied in thepreviouseditions, ... promotingtheco-creationofideasandactivities in whicheveryone is able to move freelythroughaninteractiveenvironmentthatbreathescreativityandinnovation, thusexperiencingfirsthandthepossiblesolutionsthatwillbepresentedanddiscussedduringtheconference. Anotherimportantaspectwillbethetalksanddialoguesamongexpertsand scholars ofdifferentsciencesandfromdifferent countries andnationalities, whotogetherwill inquire, discussandcontribute to expandtheknowledgeonissuesatstake.
The CICI Festival “InnovativeSolutions for Cities” -#cici2014 Collecting Ideasfor Cities that are Innovative
CICI Festival 2014 As a matteroffact, thethemeInnovativeSolutions for Cities - #cici2014 is a hugechallengeand it comes to pairwiththe search for solutionsthatimprovethequalityoflife in cities atallscales. Thisyear, therefore, the CICI willfocusonsixbroadthemesinvolvingtheentireexistingcontext in any city.
UrbanMobility Living in the City Infrastructure Social Technologies Entrepreneurship Efficiency
CultureofTransportation Urban Mobility UrbanIntegration Time / Quality InternalPriorities
UrbanEcology Living in the City Qualityoflife Leisure Security Culture
Transportation System Acessibility Infrastructure SustainableConstruction UrbanInfrastructure
Social Inclusion Green Economy Social Technologies SustainableEconomy SolidaryEconomy
NewEnvironment for Business Entrepreneurship Startups Financial Services CreativeEconomy
Productivity New Technologies UrbanIntegration Efficiency NewEducation Digital Cities Energy
Schedule ofthe Festival “1000 InnovativeSolutions for Cities ofthe XXI Century”
Invitation • to attendtheconference (free) • to help disseminatetheconference • to help build theconferencewithsuggestions
Thankyou!!! Sandro Vieira IBQP – The Brazilian Institute for QualityandProductivity sandro.vieira@ibqp.org.brorcontato@cici2014.com
Schedule Firstday - May 07th 07:00pm – ReceptionofParticipants / WelcomeCoffee 07:30pm – Welcome (IBQP – City of Curitiba – Positivo University) 08:00pm – Magna Lecture (CheckKeynote Speaker) 09:00pm – Endofthefirstday
Schedule Second Day – May 08th 09:00am – UrbanMobility 10:30am – Coffeebreak 10:50am – Living in the City 12:30pm – Lunch time 14:00pm – Infrastructure 15:30pm – Coffeebreak 15:50pm – Social Technologies 17:30pm – EndoftheSecond Day Ideas Festival #cici2014 (simultaneously)
Schedule Thirdday – May 09th 09:00am – Entrepreneurship 10:30am – Coffeebreak 10:50am – Efficiency 12:30am – Lunch time 14:00am – 21 Ideaspresentation 18:00am – EndoftheEvent Ideas Festival #cici2014 (simultaneously)