You need Gmail SMTP server settings if you want to send email from your Gmail account through an email software program.SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), while necessary for all email clients, is not the same for every email provider.
Gmail Default SMTP SettingsGmail SMTP server address: smtp.gmail.com Gmail SMTP username: Your Gmail address (e.g. example@gmail.com) Gmail SMTP password: Your Gmail password Gmail SMTP port (TLS): 587 Gmail SMTP port (SSL): 465 Gmail SMTP TLS/SSL required: yes
You can configure Outlook to handle your Gmail account as a POP3 account by enabling the related account option in your Gmail account. The Gmail POP3 server settings for accessing incoming messages in any email program are:
Gmail POP3 SettingsGmail POP server address: pop.gmail.com Gmail POP user name: Your full Gmail address Gmail POP password: Your Gmail password Gmail POP port: 995 Gmail POP TLS/SSL required: yes
With IMAP, you can read your Gmail on multiple devices, and messages as well as folders are synced in real time.Gmail IMAP settings Gmail IMAP server address: imap.gmail.com Gmail IMAP user name: Your full Gmail address Gmail IMAP password: Your Gmail passwordGmail IMAP port: 993Gmail IMAP TLS/SSL required: yes
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