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Area of Interest. Effect of Tax Policy on Consumer ChoiceCompare Tax Policies:Tax on Nonrenewables (punishment)
1. Influence of Tax Policy on Green Power Utilization:An Empirical Investigation of Consumer Choice
Wendy Wilhelm, Julie Lockhart, TJ Olney
Western Washington University
Bellingham, Washington
2. Area of Interest Effect of Tax Policy on Consumer Choice
Compare Tax Policies:
Tax on Nonrenewables (punishment)
“Green Tax” (Polluter Pays)
Subsidy on Renewables (reward)
Income Tax Credit (Taxpayer Incentives)
Could Tax Policy Motivate Consumers
to Switch to “Green” Utility Providers? Our recent interest in environmental accounting involves how tax policy can be used to persuade consumers into a greater utilization of environmentally-friendly products.
Specifically, we want to test the relative effectiveness of 2 different tax policies in persuading consumers to switch their electricity provider to one that utilizes more renewable fuels.
This is really an evaluation of whether punishment, in the form of a tax added to a consumers monthly electric bill, is more or less effective at motivating the switch to green products than is a reward in the form of a tax credit applied to the consumers yearly income tax.
--Can tax policy pursuade consumers to switch?
--Test 2 different policies on choosing electricity from renewable sources.
--Best motivator: punish (tax on electric bill) vs reward (income tax credit)
OTHER CHOICE IS JUST TO LOOK AT SLIDE AND USE IT AS PROMPT.Our recent interest in environmental accounting involves how tax policy can be used to persuade consumers into a greater utilization of environmentally-friendly products.
Specifically, we want to test the relative effectiveness of 2 different tax policies in persuading consumers to switch their electricity provider to one that utilizes more renewable fuels.
This is really an evaluation of whether punishment, in the form of a tax added to a consumers monthly electric bill, is more or less effective at motivating the switch to green products than is a reward in the form of a tax credit applied to the consumers yearly income tax.
--Can tax policy pursuade consumers to switch?
--Test 2 different policies on choosing electricity from renewable sources.
--Best motivator: punish (tax on electric bill) vs reward (income tax credit)
3. Focus: Electrical Utilities Restructured electricity markets = residential customers can choose to purchase a green power product
Low penetration rate (1-2%): WHY?
Premium price of green product
No financial incentives at consumer level
Little customer knowledge about important product attributes
Need for renewable fuel sources
Consumption of electricity is expected to increase by 2% per year from 2000 to 2020. (Energy Information Administration 2001)
Dependence on fossil fuels has made North America the top polluter in the category of toxic air emissions (Commission for Environmental Cooperation 2002)Consumption of electricity is expected to increase by 2% per year from 2000 to 2020. (Energy Information Administration 2001)
Dependence on fossil fuels has made North America the top polluter in the category of toxic air emissions (Commission for Environmental Cooperation 2002)
4. Key Product Attributes in Consumer Choice of Electricity Products Price
Financial incentives
Brand name of product
Reliability of Supplier
Ease of participation
Fuel mix
Emissions profile
5. Goals of Our Study Identify relative importance of product attributes and attribute levels
Explore role of one particular attribute - Tax Policy – in encouraging switching to renewable power sources
Environmental Tax on nonrenewables (punishment) versus Tax Credit on renewables (reward)
Expect Tax Credit to be more effective
6. Methods
7. Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis Validated Model for Assessing Consumer Preferences: Realism of Choice Task
Combines Experimental Design Methods and Multivariate Analysis
Based on models of discrete choice (logit)
Interaction of product attributes is measured
Results (part-worth utilities) can be used to:
Determine attribute/levels importance
Identify “ideal” product
Simulate share of preference (market share) for a specified set of products
9. Methods: 5 Product Attributes Fuel mix (% electricity from renewable fuels)
5%; 25%; 50%; 75%; 95%
Renewable Fuel Type
Solar; Wind; Biomass; Hydro; Geothermal
Emission profile (nonrenewable, vs. regional avg.)
no change; 25% or 50% more or less
Cost: Avg. monthly electric bill (before tax/credit)
$40; $60; $80; $100; $120 (4-12 cents/kWh)
Tax Policy:
10% or 20% Tax on nonrenewable fuel
10% or 20% Income Tax Credit, renewable fuel
No Tax or Tax Credit
10. Methods:Respondents Asked to Assume May choose any offered electricity product
6 month trial period
By current supplier
May switch supplier after 6 month trial
All sources highly & equally reliable
11. Methods: Sample Selection Pilot Study (2001)*
CBC analysis
Homeowners in WA
Survey Sampling, Inc
Probability Sample
Owned PC/Windows 98
Disk by mail
1000 Disks Sent
228 responses (23%) Current Study
CBC analysis
Nationwide (USA)
Survey Sampling, Inc
Probability Sample
Utility Bill payers
Opt-in email panel
3000 emails sent
355 responses (12%)
13. Methods: Quantitative Analysis Choice Data:
Multinomial Logit
Hierarchical Bayes
Part-worth utilities = importance “weights”
Market Simulations
Share of preference for various market scenarios:
Scenario = set of products on market
Share of Preference = Market Share
14. Results and Discussion
15. USA Sample
Income $41,994 $45,500
High School 29% 33%
College 16% 19%
Female 51% 70%
Causasian 75% 95% Results: Sample Demographics
16. Relative Importance of 5 Product Attributeson Choice of Electricity Product ? The relative importance of each attribute reflects how large an influence a product attribute has on choice of an electricity product. Importance weights are calculated by computing the difference between the largest and smallest part worth for each respondent for each attribute, summing the differences, and normalizing to 100. Attribute importances are ratio data.
2 This attribute did not have a statistically significant influence on choice because it is a conditional attribute, and thus its levels varied as a function of the other attribute levels. This does not necessarily mean it has an unimportant influence on choice.
? The relative importance of each attribute reflects how large an influence a product attribute has on choice of an electricity product. Importance weights are calculated by computing the difference between the largest and smallest part worth for each respondent for each attribute, summing the differences, and normalizing to 100. Attribute importances are ratio data.
2 This attribute did not have a statistically significant influence on choice because it is a conditional attribute, and thus its levels varied as a function of the other attribute levels. This does not necessarily mean it has an unimportant influence on choice.
17. Discussion: Product Attribute Cost is 3 times more important
than the 2nd ranked attribute,
Emissions Level
Tax policy has a
statistically significant influence on choice.
18. Ranking of Attribute Level Preferences
19. Discussion: Preference Ranking Consumers strongly prefer
a Tax Credit on renewable sources
to either Status Quo or
to a Tax on nonrenewable sources.
Consumers do not significantly differentiate
between Solar, Wind, & Hydro sources.
20. Market Simulations:Two Products available: which preferred? Status Quo Green
Renewable Sources 5% 95%
Non-Renewable 95% 5%
Emissions Avg. 50% less
Cost (before tax/credit) $100 $120
22. Discussion: Effect of Tax Policy Certain fuel types may be insensitive to tax policy
For those fuel types – wind, hydro, biomass - sensitive
to tax policy:
At least half of customers will choose a GP
regardless of tax policy (even with a $20 premium)
Asymmetrical Threshold Effect:
20% Credit = 10% Tax
(GP=$97, SQ=$100) (GP=$120, SQ= $110)
Both equally effective in motivating consumers to
choose the green product (70-78% share)
23. Conclusions & Implications Cost remains most important consideration
Tax policy impacts choice of an electricity product
Effectiveness of tax policy varies with renewable
Income tax credits are viable tools
Encourages switching to green power products
More politically viable than Environmental Tax
Implications for government budgets
Threshold level is important to effectiveness of tool
Combination of policy tools
Green tax could fund income tax credit
Need education and awareness = relearn product category
No demographic or psychographic differences
24. Limitations of Study Impact of income tax credit is deferred
Tax would be applied to utility bill
Assumptions: reliability & credibility of supplier
Study sample: early adopters
Findings limited to electricity products
What about other green products?
alternative fuel automobiles?
25. Teaching Applications Use as a case study in courses on Environmental Tax (Lockhart) & Consumer Behavior (Wilhelm)
Use data in teaching conjoint analysis in Marketing Research course (Wilhelm)
Include students in projects as co-authors, beta testers, respondents
Promote discussion of how business concepts and tools can be applied to environmental and sustainability issues
27. Limitations of Green Tax Lobbying behavior
Fear of competitive disadvantage
Anti-tax sentiment
Taxes don’t correctly price externalities
Localized vs Pervasive (Daly & Cobb, 1989)
“State Failure” (Andersen, 1994)
Integrated pollution control strategies
Punishment Strategy
has Limited Efficacy
28. The Tax Credit Option Government must fund
Used in US by State & Local Gov’t
Shifts decisions to private sector
Stimulates innovative solutions
Not always appropriate
May be more acceptable politically
Reward Strategy
May Provide Better Results
Tax credits may not always be appropriate if they reward a behavior that is already controlled through regulation. However, this can stimulate business.Tax credits may not always be appropriate if they reward a behavior that is already controlled through regulation. However, this can stimulate business.
29. Hypotheses H1: Tax Policy is a significant factor in determining choice of a residential electricity product.
H2: An income tax credit on a green electricity product is preferred over an environmental tax on a non-renewable electricity product, all else being equal.
H3: Consumers are indifferent between a non-renewable electricity product with a 10% tax and a green product with a 20% tax credit.
30. Methods: Survey Choice-based conjoint Survey
Preference for various electricity products
10 randomized choice tasks
Importance of electricity product attributes
3 fixed tasks
Predictive Validity + 1st task = trial run
Other questions
Predictors of pro-environment behavior
Randomized for each respondent
33. Discussion: Power of Tax Credit When given a choice between status quo,
10% Tax, or 10% Tax Credit,
more than half of consumers choose Credit.
15% more consumers will convert
to Green electrical products
with a 20% Credit than with a 10% Credit.
34. Remarks Main effects model
Income tax credit preferred
Interaction effects
10% tax on nonrenewable
20% credit on renewable
For wind, hydro, biomass
Threshold implications
Overall finding—
green products preferred until they cost more!