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Technology Talk to UTHM <br>Dec. 4, 2013
Future of Broadband in Malaysia Presentation by: Dr. Mazlan Abbas Technology Seminar – UTHM Dec. 4, 2013
+Summary n Introduction to the Malaysian Broadband n DNA - The Key Drivers n The Technology Trends n Summary
+The Birth of Internet in Malaysia 2012 17,700,000 Users / 29M Population 1995 25,000 Users / 20M Population JARING Introduced Malaysian Internet with 25 Subscribers
+Cellular Broadband [Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_in_Malaysia ]
+Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) 1. ADSL – Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 2. VDSL – Very high bit rate Digital Subscriber Line 3. SDSL – Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line 4. ETTH – Ethernet to the Home [Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_in_Malaysia ]
+Fibre [Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_in_Malaysia ]
+Wireless Broadband [Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_in_Malaysia ]
+Hotspot [Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_in_Malaysia ]
+Overview n Mobile broadband subscriptions n 3.3 M [Jan. 2013] n 3G Service n 14.6 M subscriptions [Dec. 2012] n 82% pop coverage [June 2012] n Broadband subscriptions n 6.2 M [Jan. 2013] n Cellular phone subscriptions n In 2013, our digital eco-system will welcome two new service, Hybrid TV – Digital Terrestrial TV with Internet and Mobile 4G-LTE n 41.1 M n 141.6% per pop [Dec. 2012] n Cellular coverage at populated areas n 96.8% [Dec. 2012] n Internet users n 17.7 M [June 2012]
National Broadband Initiative In 2005, Malaysia targets 50% Broadband Household Penetration by 2010 Growth: 10.6% (2006) to 53.5% (Oct. 2010) Target: 75% (2015)
+Global Innovation Index - Ranking Country USA Germany UK Sweden Singapore South Korea Switzerland Denmark Japan Netherlands 4.64 Canada Hong Kong Finland … Malaysia 2008-2009 5.28 4.99 4.84 4.82 4.81 4.73 4.73 4.69 4.65 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 … 25 Country Iceland Sweden Hong Kong Switzerland Denmark Finland Singapore Netherlands 4.62 New Zealand Norway USA Canada Japan … Malaysia 2009-2010 4.86 4.85 4.83 4.82 4.72 4.66 4.65 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4.60 4.59 4.57 4.55 4.50 … 3.77 10 11 12 13 … 28 4.63 4.59 4.57 … 4.06
+Importance of ICT Communications -> Information -> Knowledge -> Power
+What is Innovation? Unlike invention, which usually requires a flash of inspiration, innovation is a process of coordinated activities that, when linked with identified opportunities, generates new value for the organisation and the customer.
+ Prime Minister introduced 4 strategic thrusts to transform Malaysia towards Vision 2020
+ New Economic Model (NEM)as a framework to begin our journey
+ USD 15,000 RM 48,000 Per capita NKEA will boost our Gross National Income (GNI) by 2020 A National Key Economic Activities (NKEA) is a driver of economic activity that has the potential to directly and materially contribute a quantifiable amount of economic growth to the Malaysian economy USD 6,700 RM 23,770 Per capita [Source: PEMANDU http://www.pemandu.gov.my/]
+ 12 NKEAs [Sumber: PEMANDU http://www.pemandu.gov.my/]
+ CCI - 10 EPPs covering 3 major categories Serving Tomorrow ? (Platform, Applications, Content)? Pushing Boundaries ? (Industries Enablement) ? Enhancing Foundation ? (Next Generation Infrastructure)? MY Creative Content ? E-Learning ? Broadband for All ? 1a ? 2a ? 3a ? Local content hub to vitalise creative sector, reduce dependence on international connectivity, and export content ? Integrated approach to provide access, devices, and platforms/content/ applications to benefit the learning ? Rakyat ? Establishing broadband as an essential service to Malaysians on par with other utilities, e.g. water and electricity ? 1MY Payment ? E-Healthcare ? Extend Reach ? 1b ? 2b ? 3b ? Common standards, platforms and security protocols to cashless payment to masses in Malaysia ? Networked healthcare providers to each other and to their patients to improve productivity and information management ? Acceleration and expansion of broadband coverage in non-urban areas (e.g. to Zone 2 and ? Zone 3) ? Connecting 1MY ? E-Government ? Smart Network ? Next-generation services to provide ubiquitous connectivity and compelling services for the Rakyat at home, in the workplace, ? and ‘on-the- ? move’ ? 1c ? 2c ? 3c ? Increasing the accessibility, speed, and transparency of government services through communications technology ? Differentiated pricing to provide higher quality and more affordable service ? Regional Network ? 3d ? Capacity increase of Malaysia’s submarine cable network to lower international IP connectivity costs ? [Source: PEMANDU http://www.pemandu.gov.my/]
+Setting the Objectives - Challenges 50% Of services online (including school registrations and transfers, business permits and licenses. 700,000 Non-urban broadband users (Additional 2.1 Mil premises passed and 2,000 wireless sites) 4,500 Medical institutions connected (50% of total) 6,000 schools connected (60% of total) 150,000 Additional fixed broadband subscribers 860,000 Additional wireless broadband subscribers RM320 million (USD100 Million) Additional revenue from export of creative content 6 million Users on Internet and mobile payments [Sumber: PEMANDU http://www.pemandu.gov.my/]
+Enhancing Foundation (Next Generation Infrastructure) [Sumber: PEMANDU http://www.pemandu.gov.my/]
+Extend Reach - Deployment Challenges [Sumber: PEMANDU http://www.pemandu.gov.my/]
+ B R I D G I N G THE DIGITAL D I V I D E Broadband – The Malaysian Approach
+Rural Subscriber Present an Unlocked Potential Close to 3.4 Billion people live in Rural Area (World population 6.7 Billion) In Africa about 70% and in Asia 60% Often there is NO communications service available Characteristics of a potential village subscriber • Income less than USD 3 per day • Awareness and education level is low • Lack of basic infrastructure such as power, roads, etc
+Zones Distribution Technology Choice Area Popula+on FTTH, ETTH, VDSL, HSPA+, WiMAX Zone 1 13,318,703 Zone 2 5,499,180 ADSL2+, HSPA+, WiMAX To-date: 53.5 % (Oct, 2010) Zone 3 8,911,813 ADSL, HSDPA, WiMAX, etc Total 27,729,696 Zone 1&2 : Broadband for General Population (BBGP) • Medium Impact Area (> 384 kbps < 2 Mbps) Zone 3 : Universal Service Provision (USP) • Telephone and Broadband (384 kbps) • Less than 80 people in 1 square km • Operators Contribution Zone 1 : High Speed Broadband (HSBB) • High Impact Area (>10Mbps) • Target to cover 50% of household Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3
+ Understanding the Bridging Digital Divide (BDD) Gap Social & economic impact of ICTs • Poor Value realization due to Insufficient value creating content Socio-economic value of ICTs 3 Value gap Intensity of ICT adoption 2 Adoption gap Diffusion of ICT infrastructure • Barrier to entry due to literacy level and language • Complexity of Computers 1 Access gap • Connectivity • Devices • High cost of Infrastructure deployment Time Knowledge comes from information Information is Power
+Digital Natives - Webciety “We create the Internet” “We use the Internet” “We live and breathe in the Internet” Create Use Live
+ Screen Evolution 5th 1st Screen Digital Native Screen Cinema Tablet 4th 2nd Screen Screen 3rd Television Screen Smartphone Computer
4G (LTE) +
+ Key Drivers of Broadband
+ Driver #1 MOBILE
+Future Wireless Access – Key Challenges
Data Tsunami is coming • Currently an exponential growth of mobile data is observed* • More advanced devices with more capabilities (smartphones, tablets, etc), as well as increased importance of machine generated data result in increased traffic generation • Multi-device ownership, resulting in synchronization of data between devices • Mobile Social Networking and User Generated Contents * The data amount is doubling annually resulting in 1000× increase in the current decade, for the individual devices this means performance will increase 100×
+ It’s Happening Fast ! First 20 Quarters Since Launch Subscribers (MM) 100 80 Mobile Internet 60 40 Desktop Internet 20 0 Q1 Q3 Q5 Q7 Quarters Since Launch Q9 Q11 Q13 Q15 Q17 Q19 Note AOL subscribers data not available before CQ3:94; Netscape users limited to US only. Source: Morgan Stanley Research Estimates, April 2010
+ The Trend is Irreversible Global Mobile vs. Desktop Internet User Projection, 2007 – 2015E Internet Users(MM) 2,000 1,600 Desktop Internet Users 1,200 Mobile Internet Users 800 400 0 2007E 2008E 2009E 2010E 2011E 2012E 2013E 2014E 2015E Source: Morgan Stanley Research Estimates, April 2010
+ Annual global IP traffic will surpass the zettabyte threshold (1.4 zettabytes) by the End of 2017
+ Global IP traffic has increased more than fourfold in the past 5 years, and will increase threefold over the next 5 years.
+ Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) will carry over half of Internet traffic in 2017.
+ Nearly half of all IP traffic will originate with non-PC devices by 2017
+ Beyond Email. Beyond Voice 10GB Average data usage per month 600 Concurrent users per site 548GB Highest user consump4on record in 1 month Over 57% Rich Media ac4vi4es on P1’s network 1,700TB Average monthly network traffic [SOURCE: Michael Lai Keynote Speech, WiMAX Forum SEA Regional Focus Conference 2010]
+ Mobile Data Crunch KDDI Confirms LTE Migration Plan But Will Use WiMAX and WIFI too KDDI’s President and Chairman, Tadashi Onodera stated at GSMA Mobile Asia Congress 2010. TeleGeography Comms Update Wed, 17 Nov 2010 AT&T's iPhone Mess The iPhone has swamped AT&T's data network and sparked a consumer rebellion. Cover Story February 3, 2010 LTE will not be sufficient to cope with such huge data demands so we also need to use other technologies such as WiMAX and WiFi A Network Optimized for Mobile Voice Cannot Handle High Numbers of Mobile Internet Users Traffic Equivalents* 1 Laptop= 15 Smartphones = 450 Voice Handsets [ Source: Cisco, 2009]
+Device Ecosystem Create Creator High-Performance Laptop UMPC Information Carry & Edit Laptop DIGI-Cam TV UMPC UMD eBook Consumer Navigation Dual Mode Handset PMP UMPC View Navigation Modem In-Car Entertainment Gateway Game PMP MP3 Player Fixed & In Vehicle Briefcase Handbag Backpack Palm Pocket Portability / Mobility 47
+The Habits of Online Newspaper Readers [http://online.wsj.com]
+What’s the Next UI? Leap Motion Air Gesture Moto-X Touchless Control