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Explore the European perspective on healthy and active aging at the event in Genova on May 21, 2018, highlighting the role of ICT, prevention strategies, and digital transformation in healthcare systems. Learn about public consultations, priorities, and initiatives driving the Digital Single Market strategy for health in the European Union.
Silver Economy. Liguria: laboratorio europeo tra opportunità ed innovazione Genova 21 Maggio 2018 Il punto di vista europeo sull’invecchiamento sano ed attivo Maddalena Illario U.O.D. 14 Promozione e Potenziamento programmi di Health’s Innovation - Regione Campania AOU Federico II & DISMET, Unina Reference Site Collaborative Network A3 Action Group
Comunicazione sui sistemi sanitari efficaci, accessibili e resilienti COM(2014) 215 final
Public expenditure on active and healthy ageing should also be considered an investment as well as a cost
Treatment Role of ICT to prevent disease and promote health Health promotion PrimaryPrevention SecondaryPrevention TertiaryPrevention • Susceptibility • Risk factors • No signs • No simptoms • Clinical • Manifestation • Signs • Symptoms • Presimptomatic • disease • Signs • No simptoms Health Disability
Role of ICT across the continuity of care Horizontal Hospital Structured data Structured data Dispersed data Semi-structured data Territory Vertical Social services Home Dispersed data
Digital Single Market COM(2015) 192 final La strategia per il mercato unico digitale intende trasformare la società europea mettendola in condizione di affacciarsi fiduciosa al futuro: • migliorando l'accesso ai servizi digitali in tutta Europa per i consumatori e le imprese • creando un contesto favorevole affinché le reti e i servizi digitali possano svilupparsi • massimizzando il potenziale di crescita dell'economia digitale europea
Digital Society for Health Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union • Il suo obiettivo principale è legato alla società digitale e al flusso libero di dati nell'Unione Europea. • Obiettivi specifici: • Un maggiore accesso e sicurezza dei dati sanitari attraverso cittadini responsabilizzati e adeguata disponibilità di dati; • La sostenibilità dei sistemi sanitari supportata da un approccio value-based; • Nuove opportunità economiche, posti di lavoro e investimenti attraverso l'innovazione digitale dei servizi per la salute.
Public consultation on Transformation of Health and Care in the Digital Single Market Questa consultazione ha contribuito a definire la necessità e l'ambito delle misure politiche che promuoveranno l'innovazione digitale per migliorare la salute delle persone e affrontare le sfide dei sistemi socio - sanitari. Prioritiesidentified by respondents: • Development of EU-wide standards for data quality, reliability and cybersecurity; • EU-wide standardization of electronichealth record; • Betterinteroperabilitythrough open exchange formats
Il Consiglio dell’Unione Europea sulla Salute nella Società Digitale 8 Dicembre 2017 • Favorire l’interoperabilità tra le infrastrutture informatiche degli Stati Membri; • Sviluppo di norme comuni per la condivisione e l’analisi dei dati clinici; • Favorire l’accesso ai database di grandi dimensioni per finalità di ricerca e innovazione. • Promuovere l’adozione di soluzioni digitali nei sistemi sanitari, sostenendo la ricerca e l'innovazione nel campo della salute digitale
Comunicazione della Commissione Europea sulla Trasformazione Digitale della Salute e delle Cure in the Digital Single Market 25 April 2018 The uptake of digitalsolutions for health and care remains slow and variesgreatlyacross MS and regions. Furtheractionat EU leveliscrucial to accelerate the meaningful use of digitalsolutionsin public health and healthcare in Europe. In itsmidtermreview on the implementation of the digital single market strategy the Commission set out itsintention to take furtheraction in threeareas: • Citizenssecureaccess to and sharing of health data acrossborders; • Better data to advanceresearch, diseaseprevention and personalisedhealth and care; • Digital tools for citizensempowerment and person-centered care.
European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing • È un'iniziativa lanciata dalla Commissione Europea per promuovere l'innovazione nel campo dell'invecchiamento attivo e in buona salute • È stato concepita per collegare e coinvolgere stakeholder pubblici e privati in tutti i settori che costituiscono il settore dell'innovazione, ed accelerare il potenziamento dell'innovazione per un invecchiamento attivo e in buona salute • L'EIP persegue un triplice risultato per l'Europa
Gov/Health/Care Academic Industry Civil Society EIP on AHA: Reference Sites 74 Reference Sites from 24 Countries Committed to supporting the transfer and scaling up of Innovations across the EU
EIP on AHA: Action Groups TWO STREAMS FOR ACTION Action Groups Reference Sites Action Groups A3 Action Group on Lifespan Health Promotion & Prevention of age related frailty and disease”
Guidance Documents: the Blueprint The Blueprint journey to make the digital transformation happen Objective 1: "connects the dots" of a very complex EU policy landscape on digital health and care and active and healthy ageing. Create an overarching "political vision" that is aligned with the major priorities of the Juncker Commission.Objective 2: A Blueprint will establish a "common language" based on a shared and widely recognised impact assessment framework for digital health and care innovation.Objective 3: Inform the "direction of travel" of existing and future EU initiatives on digital health and care.Objective 4: A Blueprint will aggregate investments and commitments towards the goals identified in the "blueprint". Connecting people with digital innovation January 2017
2018: Four Priority Topic Areas • Each topic area provides a detailed picture about the situation in Europe with regard to • Needs addressed • Key ICT-enabling technologies available • Barriers and challenges to scaling up • Potential solutions available or in development that address these challenges • Recommendations and actions needed at different levels (EC, MS, EU regions) in order to promote innovation and achieve a triple win for Europe.
Tourismis the thirdlargestsocio-economicactivity in the EU • Demographically, tourists are olderthan in previousdecades • Geographically, a growingnumber come from emergingcountries • New forms of tourism are gaining in popularity, including • agro-tourism and healthtourism • Since the Lisbontreaty, the EC set up an EU tourismstrategy to retain • EU position as N.1 destination in the world Europe market share isforecast to drop from 60% in 1995 to 41% by 2030 http://proempower-pcp.eu/
Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU): Title XXII (Article 195): • Encouraging the creation of a favourableenvironment for the development of undertakings in thissector • Promotingcooperationbetween the MS, particularly the exchange of GPs Priorityareas for action: • Stimulatecompetitiveness in EU tourismsector • Promote the development of sustainable, responsible, high qualitytourism • Consolidate the image and profile of EU as a sustainable and high qualitytourismdestination • Maximise the potential of EU financialpolinies and instruments for developingtourism • Keyobjectives: • Help disadvantagedgroups • (seniors, youngpeople, people with lowmobility and low-income families) • to visit EU destinations • Promote off- season tourism and regionaldevelopment • Promote the involvement of SMEs, local and regionalauthorities Funding instruments: Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SME (COSME)
SILVER ECONOMY NEED-PATTERNS & PRIORITIES for an ageing population that can be: active, fragile and dependent • Potenziamento dei servizi alla persona integrati con • l’offerta turistica • Promozione multidimensionale della salute • Offerta di servizi inclusiva • Tecnologie digitali di supporto AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITIES Merrill Lynch estimates the Silver Economy at $7 trillion per year, which makes it the 3rd largest economy in the world. By 2020 the private spending power of the elderly generation will reach $15 trillion globally. As for public spending: in the EU it accounts for 25% of GDP or about 50% of general government expenditure and it is projected to grow by more than 4% of GDP until 2060.
Collaborative Work Transfer of Innovation Twinning Support Scheme 2016 Pilot TwinningOpportunity for Italian Reference Sites RSCN thematic Workshop Le opportunità di sviluppo sostenibile: “turismo in salute” Napoli, 15 Ottobre 2018