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A good speaker is the one who can tell a story and get everyone in the room engaged. Having strong's communication skills is incredibly helpful and sometimes critical in the workplace. Below are the tips and techniques to develop communication skills.
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A good speaker is the one who can tell a story and get everyone in the room engaged. Having strong's communication skills is incredibly helpful and sometimes critical in the workplace. Below are the tips and techniques to develop communication skills. Listen: Being a good listener is important to be a good communicator. A person who pays attention to someone while speaking can
answer the questions in a meaningful way. Don't forget that communication is a two-way process. Know your audience: Knowing your audience is another important part to develop communication skills. The way you interact with your family is different from the way you interact with your manager at the office. Make sure you are using the type of communication relevant to your audience. Body Language: This plays a crucial role. Make sure to have eye contact while speaking or listening to the person, in this way you can make the interaction more successful. Use gestures while you are speaking. This may include gestures with your hand and face, making your whole body talk. How to develop communication skills at work No matter what industry you work in, you should have the ability to communicate effectively with your superiors, colleagues, and staff. In this digital age, you should know how
to effectively convey or receive the message through a phone call, emails, and social media. Learn to speak in public to a group: You will hinder your career if you are unable to speak in public or a group. Public speaking gets easier with practice, you just need to have a good practice and it gets easier. Listen to what people are not saying: Many times, what the employees won't say is as important as what they say. A manager can listen through what the employees or not say and dig to get the truth. Give positive feedback: Everyone is so quick to point out others when others make mistakes. Never underestimate the power of positive feedback, it can be a powerful tool for employee's motivation.
Have a good network: Having a good network plays a key role in the success of your business. Successful networking means it is being able to communicate with your employees, peers, and bosses. How to develop communication skills in students For better communication skills in students, teachers play an important role. The following steps give you an idea about it. Encourage students to initiate and engage in the conversations: Some candidates may not want to talk. This makes them reluctant in expressing their feeling. They should be engaged in low-stress activities. By doing this they can express what they feel and engage in the conversation. Roleplay in classrooms:
Give the students different situations and ask them to act out. By doing this they can think through the response that assists them in the situation before a stressful event occurs. Allow the students to share their opinions and vote in the classrooms: By doing this they will try to give a response and know-how to use phrases like’ I feel’ and’ I think’ to share their thoughts. By Possessing strong communication skills, you will master the art of having difficult conversations with ease, can negotiate for a promotion or salary hike skillfully, and can make a strong impression on everyone you meet. MBAtrek (Author) MBAtrek is India's best placement preparation and career guidance specialist for students and professionals, Here you can learn how to perform the best body language and stay confident. For more details, Visit: https://www.mbatrek.com/