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Virtual Collaboration and Online Education Innovations

Explore the interactivity, mobility, and innovative research directions in the online frontier. Discover the impact of virtual collaboration, online education, and distance engineering education on global industries and socio-economic landscapes.

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Virtual Collaboration and Online Education Innovations

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  1. Interactivity, Mobility, and the Online Frontier: Innovations and Research Directions in the ‘Virtually’ Flat World Tarek Sobh UNIVERSITY OF BRIDGEPORT WITSCS ‘07 Conference 9th July 2007 Cairo, Egypt

  2. Introduction • With the advent of the Internet: • The World today is a ‘Global Village’ • Facilitating Collaboration for Innovation & Research • E – learning and education • E – Conferencing • Interaction with far removed environments • Enabling real-time distributed/scattered work environments

  3. Virtual Collaboration • Strategic Sourcing/Outsourcing • Global Supply Chains • Virtual Scattered Teams • Socio-economic Impact

  4. Population Impact • On the fly media/news postings/downloads • Voice over IP – VoIP • Algorithmic Trading • Atom feeds / RSS • Blogs, Instant Messaging, Global Video • Impact on democracy, political movements, diplomacy & global economics

  5. Population Impact (Contd...) • Global industries & outsourcing • Wireless impact – individuals as sending/receiving mobile centers anywhere on the globe • Tele-automation, Tele-robotics, Tele-control, Tele-commerce

  6. Online Distance Education • Online Distance Education is a major part of the current education system • Started as an internal exercise to share and discuss ideas • Ever growing need for part-time education • 213 Universities offering online courses at various levels and disciplines in the US • Majority of the online courses are non-technical • Lacking laboratory based courses

  7. Need for Online Education • Part time course work • Working class willing to pursue higher education • Social responsibilities • Current socio-political situation • National and International demand

  8. Distance Engineering Education • Accredited engineering degrees • Under-graduate and Graduate level • Computer Engg, Electrical Engg & Mechanical Engg • Comprehensive laboratory based courses.

  9. Partnerships • Great value of American Engg. degrees overseas • Partnership with foreign University/Institution providing • Infrastructure • Teaching support • Examination facilities • Closer to the student concentration • Helps in better delivery of courses

  10. Online Distance Laboratories • Using Automation and Telerobotic (controlling devices from a distance) systems • Real-time laboratory experience via the internet • Tele-operation of Mitsubishi Movemaster • RISCBOT – A Web Enabled Autonomous Navigational Robot • Tele-operation of the FESTO Process Controller

  11. 1. Tele-operation of Movemaster • Can be used in 3 modes • Evaluation mode • Teacher mode • Student mode

  12. 1. Tele-operation of Movemaster (Contd...)

  13. 2. RISCBOT • Modular 802.11b – enabled mobile autonomous robot • Navigation based on a visual recognition algorithm • Controlled via the internet to navigate to desired destination • Online users receive real-time video feedback from the robot

  14. RISCBOT • Waits for command from the server. • Wall clinging robot. • Image processing program checks for doors. • Uses Ultrasonic sensors for obstacle avoidance. • PC acts as central decision maker.

  15. RISCBOT In Action

  16. RISCBOT Control Website

  17. FESTO Process Controller • Providing telerobotic operability of the FESTO process control machine by interfacing it with the Mitsubishi Movemaster robot.

  18. E - Conferences • CISSE – International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, Systems Sciences, and Engineering ( http://www.cisse2007.org ) • The world’s first Engineering / Computing e–conference • Completely conducted Online in Real-time

  19. E – Conferences (Contd...) • Eliminates the need for travel time out of office • Authors present their papers online using a micro-phone • Lessens the economic burden on Institutions & Researchers • Participants can select presentations they would like to attend from the schedule ahead of time

  20. Conclusion • On the fly communications • Real-time anywhere and anytime updates • Distance learning • Remote business operations and management • Global implications on population, commerce and governments


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