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The Divided Kingdom II

The Divided Kingdom II. Amaziah , Uzziah , and Introduction to Amos. Quick Review of Divided Kingdom. Israel Jeroboam – 22 yrs – Evil 922-901BC Nadab – 2 yrs – Evil 901-900BC Baasha – 24 yrs – Evil 900-877BC Elah – 2 yrs – Evil 877-876BC Zimri – 1 wk – Evil 876BC

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The Divided Kingdom II

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  1. The Divided Kingdom II Amaziah, Uzziah, and Introduction to Amos

  2. Quick Review of Divided Kingdom Israel Jeroboam – 22 yrs – Evil 922-901BC Nadab – 2 yrs – Evil 901-900BC Baasha – 24 yrs – Evil 900-877BC Elah – 2 yrs – Evil 877-876BC Zimri – 1 wk – Evil 876BC Omri – 12 yrs – Evil 876-869BC Ahab – 22 yrs - Evil 869-850BC Ahaziah – 2 yrs – Evil 850-849BC Jehoram – 12 yrs – Evil 849-843BC Jehu – 28 yrs – Evil 843-815BC Jehoahaz – 17 yrs – Evil 815-802BC Jehoash – 16 yrs – Evil 802-786BC Jeroboam II - 41 yrs - Evil 786-745BC Judah Rehoboam – 17 yrs – Evil 922-915BC Abijah – 3 yrs – Evil 915-913BC Asa – 41 yrs – Good 913-873BC Jehoshaphat – 25 yrs – Good 873-849BC Jehoram – 8 yrs – Evil 849-843BC Ahaziah – 1 yr – Evil 843BC Athaliah – 6 yrs – Evil 843-837BC Joash – 40 yrs – Evil 837-800BC Amaziah – 29 yrs - Good 800-783BC

  3. Review of Amaziah • Who is king in Israel when Amaziah begins his reign in Judah? • Who is Amaziah’s father? • What was the character of Amaziah’s father? • What happened to Amaziah’s father? • What did Amaziah do about this when he became king? • Is there a contrast between this transition and the transitions in Israel?

  4. Review of Amaziah • Describe the character of Amaziah • Compare this to the character of his father • Is there a lesson in this? • Describe the war between Judah and Edom during Amaziah’s reign • What happened in Judah while the war was going on in Edom? • Whom did Amaziah go to war with next?

  5. Review of Amaziah • Who was king in Israel when Amaziah went to war with Israel? • Who became king next in Israel? • What dynasty was this king in Israel from? • Why does this matter? 2 Kings 10:30 • What was happening in Assyria during this time? • What happened in Israel as a result? 2 Kin. 14:25 • Review Jonah’s prophecy

  6. Death of Amaziah • Let’s read 2 Kin. 14:18-20 and 2 Chron. 25:26-28 • There was a conspiracy against Amaziah in Judah • This conspiracy was a result of his apostasy • Exactly when Amaziah fled to Lachish is difficult to pinpoint • What lesson can we learn from this story?

  7. Azariah (Uzziah) Becomes King • It appears that there were 11 years between the death of Amaziah and the beginning of Uzziah’s reign • 2 Kin. 14:1, 17, 23; 15:1 • Uzziah is made king in Judah when he was 16 years old and he reigned 52 years • He was a good king (2 Chron. 26:4-5)

  8. Successes of Uzziah • Uzziah built and controlled Eloth • Uzziah made war against the Philistines • Uzziah controlled the edge of the desert to the east, with victories against the Arabians • Ammonites paid tribute to Uzziah • Uzziah fortified the wall of Jerusalem and built towers in Jerusalem and in the desert • Uzziah dug wells all over to support his livestock. • Uzziah loved to farm and had farmers and vinedressers

  9. Uzziah’s Army • Uzziah had a great army that fought in companies • He had 2600 “chief officers” in his army • He had 307,500 mighty men under them • He provided the men of the army with their weapons, and advanced weapon technology • Read 2 Chron. 26:11-15

  10. Background of Amos • It is while Israel and Judah are prospering that Amos does his work • Amos prophesied during the reign of Uzziah and Jereboam II • Amos is a man who had flocks of sheep and lived in the wilderness • Amos lived in Judah and prophesied in Israel

  11. Intro to Amos • The message that Amos delivers is that judgment is certain for Israel • Some key verses in Amos: • 2:6-7 • 3:11-15 • 4:11-12 • 8:4-6 • 8:11

  12. Prophets of the DK • The prophets during the Divided Kingdom • Obadiah • Joel • Jonah • Amos • Hosea • Isaiah • Micah

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