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GRM VHF Data Process

GRM VHF Data Process. SHI Haoli IHEP, CAS 2019/03/14. Outline. GRM VHF flow chart GRM VHF data structure GRM VHF data product algorithm GRM VHF pipeline D iscussions. GRM burst mode GRB_G GRM auto trigger telemetry command

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GRM VHF Data Process

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  1. GRM VHF Data Process SHI Haoli IHEP, CAS 2019/03/14

  2. Outline • GRM VHF flow chart • GRM VHF data structure • GRM VHF data product algorithm • GRM VHF pipeline • Discussions

  3. GRM burst mode • GRB_G • GRM auto trigger • telemetry command for both cases, GRM generates 4 trigger pkts, 64 LC pkts and 1 recurrent pkt(every 30 seconds). • GRB_E • Eclairs trigger information • telemetry command(command) for both cases, GRM generates 64 LC pkts and 1 recurrent pkt(every 30 seconds)..

  4. VHF packet structure

  5. VHF trigger packet General trigger information(1stpkt)

  6. VHF trigger packet Grd1/grd2/grd3 trigger information(2nd, 3rd, 4th pkts)

  7. VHF light curve packet 64 packets/GRB, 4 samples/packet, 2 energy channels/GRD 4 bytes/channel for the first sample, 2 bytes/channel for 3 other samples

  8. VHF Recurrent packet structure GRM generates 1 recurrent pkt every 30s

  9. VHF data product algorithm TT_GRM, QCL_GRM • Using LC packets • Calculate the significance level of every time bin, if the value exceeds the threshold, record the time point as TT_GRM • Calculate the significance level of every time bin, find the maximum value as QCL_GRM QPO_GRM • Using LC packets, recalculate GRM location • Using 1st trigger packet: satellite attitude • Convert the above data to RA and DEC in J2000 system of coordinate OBLC_GRM_ij • Using LC packets • Extract LC data of every grd(j) for two different energy bins(i)

  10. VHF data product algorithm QHR_GRM • Using LC packets • Fit the background LC, using the bkg-subtracted LC count(two different energy bin), calculate the ratio as QHR_GRM • Gerenated after QLC_GRM QLC_GRM • Using LC packets • Fit the background LC, calculate the bkg-subtracted LC (two different energy bin) as QLC_GRM QT90_GRM • Using LC packets • Fit the background LC, using the bkg-subtracted LC counts(two different energy bin), calculate the time point duration of 90% of the total counts as QT90_GRM

  11. VHF data product algorithm QPF_GRM_i • Using LC packets • Fit the background LC, calculate the bkg-subtracted LC for two different energy bins of every time bin(100ms/1s/8s), calculate the maximum value of counts/second/square as QPF_GRM_i QHR_ECLGRM • Eclairs and GRM trigger simultaneously • Using LC packets of both • some questions need to be discussed with French side • How to get the Eclairs VHF file quasi-realtime • How to select the high & low energy bins • The algorithm QSP_PARAM_GRM • Using GRM trigger packets(2nd, 3rd, 4th) • Extract the GRDi spectrum data(12 energy bins) • DRM • With different spectrum models, fit the extracted spectrum data, and get the parameters of spectrum as QSP_PARAM_GRM

  12. GRM VHF pipeline diagram

  13. discussions GRM VHF pipeline will be deployed in FSC? Questions in Page 13.

  14. Thanks for your attention!

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