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World-Ready Students: K-12 Tech & Curriculum Adoption

Join us at the K-12 Technology Curriculum Adoption Committee Meeting to enhance student achievement through technology standards and curricular materials. Our purpose is to prepare students for the future in a technological world. We aim to build deep theoretical knowledge of technology instruction, understand NSD needs, and identify essential standards grade by grade. Collaboration and communication are key as we make decisions on curricular materials. Through readings, note-taking, and discussion, we will synthesize research to benefit all stakeholders.

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World-Ready Students: K-12 Tech & Curriculum Adoption

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Technology K-12 Curriculum Adoption Committee Meeting #1 Shelley Bonds 10/20/16

  2. Welcome! Sign in Find a seat

  3. Setting the Stage: Our Group Take a bag of m&m’s Spread out on your napkin Separate out into colors Put your yellow and brown aside

  4. RED—something you can’t live without ORANGE—something you do well BLUE—something you learned last week GREEN—something you watch/listen to

  5. Setting the Stage: Share Out Introduce yourself to someone next to you and share one m&m’s fact (5 minutes) You will introduce your partner to the group and your partner will introduce

  6. K-12 Curriculum Adoption Committee Plan Purpose: To adopt K-12 technology standards and curricular materials that increase student achievement, enhance student experience, and support teaching of essential and Idaho State Standards. Essential Question: How can we make sure students are world ready for their futures in our technological world?

  7. Technology K-12 Curriculum Adoption Committee Plan Guiding Principles: Each committee member will commit to building: • Deep theoretical knowledge of technology instruction and digital citizenship for all students • Deep understanding of NSD needs • Capacity to identify the technology essential standards, grade by grade, and • Capacity to make the best possible decision about curricular materials for NSD students. The committee will provide clear communication, voice and choice at every opportunity to those who are not part of the committee, while maintaining their decision-making power and authority by virtue of their capacity building endeavors.

  8. Technology K-12 Curriculum Adoption Committee Plan

  9. Norms of Collaboration

  10. Two Types of Research

  11. Readings Note Catcher Read research Add notes to note catcher Discuss as a group

  12. Nampa Values

  13. When Will We Meet????

  14. Synthesis Together we will create a document to share out the research. Together we will review the notes from the meeting to share out to all stakeholders.

  15. Two Types of Research

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