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Explore nonconsequentialist and consequentialist views on lying, cheating, breaking promises, and stealing while delving into ethical egoism, utilitarianism, and virtue ethics. Understand the impact of breaking promises on trust and relationships. Case studies and arguments provide insights into moral dilemmas.
Ethics: Theory and Practice Jacques P. Thiroux Keith W. Krasemann
Chapter Twelve C Lying, Cheating, Breaking Promises, and Stealing
Nonconsequentialist and Consequentialist Views • Rule nonconsequentialist views are opposed to any of the four acts at any time • Kant- if you universalize lying, cheating, breaking promises, stealing, then….. • Promises have no meaning, lie contradicts truth telling, treat humans as a means to an end. • Some cultures are next in severity to killing • Some cultures are worse
Nonconsequentialist and Consequentialist Views • Consequentialist and act nonconsequentialist views • Act nonconsequentialists (intuition) would not necessarily take a stand for or against these issues unless they felt like doing so
Nonconsequentialist and Consequentialist Views Consequentialist theories would accept any of the four actions if the greatest good consequences would result Ethical Egoists- if in best their interest Act Utilitarian- if they thought would bring best consequences for everyone affected by act Rule Utilitarian- would have rules, would have exceptions
Most see lying, cheating. Breaking promises, stealing as wrong in general • Destroys trust, relationships • People disappointed, angry, upset/ NOT happiness
Breaking Promises • A Promise is declaration, vow, agreement into which a person enters freely.
Breaking Promises • Implied agreements such as the following allow us to live safely and meaningfully with each other in society: • Not to do harm to one another • Not to lie or cheat • To obey laws imposed for the general good • To stop at red lights and stop signs • To treat each other with respect and dignity • To keep promises we make
Breaking Promises • Breaking promises is a form of dishonesty, as is cheating http://image.slidesharecdn.com/offersdecisionspromises-111216054617-phpapp02/95/offers-decisions-promises-12-728.jpg?cb=1324014956
Breaking Promises • In earlier days, a person’s promise or word was an integral part of reputation, but now many promises or agreements have to be written down for two reasons: • They are more complex • Fewer people actually honor their agreements http://www.atypicallyrelevant.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/sue-people.jpg http://divorcedocs.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/legal-doc-prep-300x199.jpg
Arguments Against Breaking Promises • Breaking promises destroys human relationships • Again, the Domino argument applies here http://www.strangenotions.com/wp-content/uploads/Dominos.jpg http://www.robertson.ms/promises.jpg
Arguments Against Breaking Promises • Breaking promises seriously affects people’s life choices • Breaking promises destroys general social trust • Loss of personal integrity may result
Arguments Against Breaking Promises • Breaking promises destroys human relationships • Again, the Domino argument applies here • Breaking promises seriously affects people’s life choices • Breaking promises destroys general social trust • Loss of personal integrity may result
Arguments for Breaking Promises • One should have the individual freedom to decide which promises to keep and which to break • Any rules against breaking promises are a denial of such freedom • Changed circumstances • I can’t afford to pay you back • I fell out of love
Arguments for Breaking Promises Breaking promises should be allowed when more important moral issues are involved, such as protecting and saving human life p250 It should be allowed when no harm is done to anyone by breaking the promise http://www.ericgarland.co/wp-content/uploads/pix/2012/07/bankers-hand-in-cookie-jar.jpg https://qph.is.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f8014a0dbcc8e82a49c2aad3fdb11561?convert_to_webp=true
Arguments for Breaking Promises • Promises made in unusual situations, for example, as to satisfy someone on his or her deathbed, can justifiably be broken later on, especially for good reasons • Just as we often say, “buyer beware,” recipients of promises also should beware – they shouldn’t count on promises being kept
Case Studies- Breaking Promises p251-252. • Ethical egoism- self interest • Utilitarianism- bring best good consequences for all involved • Divine Command theory • Kant’s Duty ethics- categorical imperative • Ross’s Prima Facie Duties- p54 • Virtue Ethics- virtuous character
Stealing • A basic assumption in most societies is that people are entitled to what they have inherited, invested, created, and earned • Therefore, stealing generally is considered to be immoral
Arguments Against Stealing • People have property rights, which are often considered as important or even more important than life itself • Stealing breaks down the trust people have in one another http://www.homeobook.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/copy-right.jpg http://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/everydayinspiration/files/2014/05/trust.png http://unitedcivilrights.org/images/fa-prprty.gif
Arguments Against Stealing • Stealing constitutes a serious invasion of privacy • The Domino argument https://skyvisionsolutions.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/domino-effect.jpg?w=300&h=227 http://media.nbcconnecticut.com/images/652*367/home-invasion-generic.jpg
Arguments Against Stealing • Stealing has destructive effects, both physical and psychological, upon victims http://www.easyvideopagesreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/safeIDTrust2.jpg
Arguments Against Stealing • Thieves themselves can be seriously affected through loss of integrity and through punishment if they are caught http://www.bathroomreader.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/ThiefApologizes1.jpg
Arguments Against Stealing • As with the other three issues, stealing also has a bad effect on society in general
Arguments For Stealing • We live in a corrupt economic system in which the rich get richer and the poor get poorer • Sometimes the only way to achieve some sort of balance between these inequities is to steal http://www.the666.com/fotos/Rich-dont-work.jpg
Arguments For Stealing Stealing should be allowed in crucial emergency situations, such as to prevent the starvation of children http://i4.walesonline.co.uk/news/article4382936.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/Child.jpg
Arguments For Stealing Stealing is a way out for those who crave a life of thrills, adventure, and excitement https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c2/06/b8/c206b8ba53aa73d813fe49b000d77ed7.jpg
Arguments For Stealing • It is allowable to steal from institutions and organizations because they can afford it and end up with most of our money anyway http://top-10-list.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/stealing.jpg
Arguments For Stealing • As with cheating, one ought to be allowed to steal as long as one doesn’t get caught https://i.ytimg.com/vi/l_Dz3TRNdbY/maxresdefault.jpg
Arguments For Stealing It can be condoned when it involves stealing government and military secrets from potential or real enemies so as to protect one’s own national security
Case Studies- Stealingp255-256 • Ethical egoism- self interest • Utilitarianism- bring best good consequences for all involved • Divine Command theory • Kant’s Duty ethics- categorical imperative • Ross’s Prima Facie Duties- p54 • Virtue Ethics- virtuous character